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Everything posted by Mousetick

  1. Try AH Hotkeys - Skyrim Hotkey Manager. Edit: corrected brain fart and suggested a proper LE mod.
  2. Epic Games Store is giving away a different game every day, until Jan. 6. Requires an EGS account.
  3. Another option is to make friendly fire harmless: Simple Offence Suppression MCM - Block Friendly Fire.
  4. Not that I'm aware of. I don't know what you mean by 'causing trouble'. You can skip it if you want. You'll need to download the latest version of the Step CR Patch from Nexus, and re-install it. Choose not to install the Oakwood patch when prompted by the mod installer.
  5. I didn't mean enabling all 272 mods one by one. Only the Extenders, i.e. the mods in the 02-Extenders section of the guide. Beside SKSE, there are 6 of them. SSE Engine Fixes: make sure you install both parts, Part 1 and Part 2. For Part 1, make sure you pick the right version to download from Nexus. There are '(Part 1) SSE Engine Fixes for 1.5.39 - 1.5.97' and '(Part 1) SSE Engine Fixes for 1.6.xxx'. Pick the first one (for 1.5.97). Edit: SSE Engine Fixes depends on 'Address Library for SKSE Plugins', so you need to enable that too (from the 03-Resources section).
  6. It's 2048x2048 square. A DDS file can contain compressed or uncompressed textures. Indeed it's unusual to provide uncompressed textures, but it's a valid DDS configuration. This one is using A8R8G8B8 + mipmaps format, and that is uncompressed. This can be seen here in Paint.net for example, when saving a blank 2K x 2K square: Linear > Compressed Edit: Maybe it was a conscious choice from the 'MA' to provide it uncompressed, rather than an oversight. If I'm not mistaken, DDS compression is lossy? Since the 'MA' didn't have the original material, uncompressing the SRO texture and then recompressing it may produce undesirable results (artifacts or significant loss of detail).
  7. It's located inside the .NET Script Framework mod, although if there are files in it, they'd probably end up in MO's 'overwrite' folder. There is also a log file in there, which I forgot about previously, that you can check. See screenshot. In your OP you said you were about to enjoy the game after completing the guide. Had you ever tried to start the game after completing the guide, with 1.5.97, before the 1.6 AE update and the downgrading back to 1.5.97? And if so, was it working then? I'm trying to understand if the "breakage" already existed prior to the downgrade, or may be a consequence of the downgrade. If you don't find anything interesting in the logs, I'd suggest you create a new MO profile, and only enable the Extenders, one by one, testing after each one. There are only a few of them, so shouldn't be too time-consuming. As it looks like the game is crashing early, I suspect there may be something wrong in your installation of the extenders.
  8. I stumbled upon this by accident: Shiny Surface Fix for Skyrim Realistic Overhaul. The good: it works. It's the SRO normal with alpha added, like Tech did previously. The bad: it's not compressed. 21.3 MB for a single 2K texture... SRO normal > Vanilla normal > Shiny Surface Fix
  9. Not to worry, it was not taken as an insult or an offense It's not as much the term 'peoples' itself that's grating, as the way it's used in a direct call: it comes off as a little "blunt". This is detrimental if you're seeking information or help, rather than just complaining loudly about something. Simply saying "Hi people, ..." for example would be more friendly and less intimidating. As far as I know, 'folks' is about as common in British English as in American English.
  10. As you have just discovered: FNIS and Nemesis are mutually exclusive. Don't try to mix the 1.0 and 2.0 guides into your own "1.5". Pick one and stick to it. They are each a complete and cohesive set, they're not meant to be mixed and matched. Also: please try and stop addressing your readers as "peoples" in all your posts on this forum. It's about as annoying as being called "dudes". Perhaps English is not your first language. If you must use a name to call your readers, consider using the term "folks", which is friendlier. Thanks.
  11. Funny anecdote. If you look at this MA's list of mods, including this one, you may notice a pattern in their name. It's a running joke by the MA to name as many mods as possible so that they can be abbreviated by the TLA 'SoS', which is more commonly used to refer to the Schlongs of Skyrim mod (NSFW).
  12. Will need to update the Font Overhaul installation instructions (for STEP 2.0) as well, to omit the 'Realistic Print' option.
  13. Right. This patch is not used by the guide, but may have been partially included in the Step CR Patch, I don't know. I noticed the Step CR Patch makes a few edits to RDO dialog text for compatibility with USSEP's capitalization (e.g. Jarl > jarl) and punctuation changes (e.g. "me too" > "me, too"). These edits are incomplete - there remain dialog lines in RDO that don't match USSEP's (arbitrary and bothersome, IMHO) writing style changes. I'd suggest Either complete the edits in the Step CR Patch to cover all discrepancies with USSEP - good luck with that. Or remove the edits from the Step CR Patch, and remove RDO as a master - which would be a plus in my view. Yeah. Missing script: it is missing and appears to be referenced by quests in the plugin. Whether that's causing actual breakage in-game, I can't tell. At best, it may just cause spam in the Papyrus log. Dirty edits: there are deleted references in the plugin. Should not cause any issue unless another mod uses them (unlikely, as they are unique to RDO). Can be safely cleaned with xEdit I think. Follower 'Wait here' bug: no clue. That superficially doesn't look too good. Right. Assuming this mod is deemed worth including in the guide. But the UPC CRF-RDO patch can be omitted whether this mod is used or not, to avoid the crashing bug in RDO: loading CRF after RDO as LOOT does, "overrides" the bug, while using the patch puts it back. It looks like this MA may be juggling too many mods (156 SSE mods) at once and can't keep up with everything. Case in point: this is the same MA for both this mod and UPC. And yet he says in a sticky post while providing a CRF-RDO patch in his Useless Patch Collection
  14. Without further details about your particular setup, it's hard to tell. Check the logs (in ../Documents/My Games/Skyrim Special Edition/SKSE and ../NetScriptFramework/Crash) for possible clues. Use MO's Default Profile (or create a new profile with all mods disabled except SKSE) and try to launch SSE from there. Usually if it works as Admin but not otherwise, it's indicative of a file/folder permission issue or an interference by security software (antivirus and the like).
  15. This mod fixes a crashing bug in RDO with the Traveling Noble encounter quest by reverting the RDO changes to vanilla. It's recommended not to use the RDO - CRF patch from Useless Patches Collection because the forwards it makes from RDO re-introduce this bug. The remainder of that patch is not necessary when CRF loads after RDO, which is the case when using LOOT. I'd suggest removing that patch from the FOMOD selection. There is an optional file 'Relationship Dialogue Overhaul - UHDAP Patch' in this mod which can be installed to 'upgrade' some of the RDO voice lines to UHDAP quality, similar to Guard Dialogue Overhaul - UHDAP Patch with GDO.
  16. Thanks for your input. I think you must be right, but there are no polygons in the gap where texture UV would be applied. There is a "void" between the steps and the floor (screenshots showing vanilla meshes): Also isn't NifSkope supposed to be WYSIWYG? What is seen in-game matches what is shown in NifSkope with the mod meshes, but not with the vanilla meshes. Yep, using vanilla textures with identical pathnames from Skyrim's BSA(s). I also tried with a 4K texture replacer, vanilla meshes > mod's meshes: If you look at the 2 screenshots above, you can see the gap on the right one, with the bottom of the pillar and the snow on the "ground" showing through. I think I'm going to ask about this issue on Nexus, but I'd like to make sure I'm not missing anything stupidly obvious beforehand.
  17. Sorry to be that pain-in-the-rear guy, but here are some niggles: FOMOD title reads "Flickering Meshes Fix". Using check boxes for radio buttons. Layout is a bit confusing, not reflective of the actual separation and nesting of option panels. See https://stepmodifications.org/wiki/SkyrimSE:LeanWolfs_Better-Shaped_Weapons_SE/2.0.0 for an example that doesn't have those issues. Other than that I believe the selection of options is correct.
  18. I'm pulling my hair over a weird issue with one of the meshes: /meshes/architecture/highhrothgar/highhrothgarfloor01.nif. NifSkope Vanilla mesh + textures > this mod's mesh + vanilla textures Notice the gap between the top stair and the floor in both screenshots above (you can also see some of the fixes this mod's mesh applies compared to vanilla, but that's not the point). In-game Vanilla mesh + textures > this mod's mesh + vanilla textures With vanilla mesh, the gap at the seam doesn't show in-game. With this mod's mesh, the gap is still visible (e.g. at the cursor). This is using a plain vanilla game, no mods other than SkyUI and ASLAL. I don't understand. Any idea why the textures with the vanilla mesh join at the gap, while they don't in NifSkope?
  19. This mod here (SPID for Footprints) eliminates all that MQ101 nonsense. Read the scripts I posted if you want proof.
  20. I don't know what was decided in the end, but as I'm writing this, the SMIM and Flickering Mesh Fixes installation instructions still don't agree either way. This is a friendly reminder you may want to address the discrepancy. A. Wind Sails everywhere: SMIM FOMOD: select DynDOLOD/SkyMills Compatibility Sails for Windmills Flickering Mesh Fixes FOMOD: no change B. Wind Sails nowhere: SMIM FOMOD: no change Flickering Mesh Fixes FOMOD: don't tick SMIM[*] for Compatibility choices, or hide /meshes/architecture/solitude/swindmill.nif [*] This option installs that one mesh only.
  21. Discussion topic: SPID for Footprints by reza9892 Wiki Link Uses SPID to distribute the footprints spells from the footprints mod, instead of the cloak spell of the original mod. This replaces the plugin and most of the scripts of the original Footprints mod, and adds a footprint spell distribution configuration for SPID. I've been using it for a while and only noticed now that it had already been suggested by @Mercury71 so I'm posting this to potentially gather more attention and feedback. Dependencies/Requirements: The original Footprints mod. MCM Helper (an SKSE plugin + ESPFE plugin), used for the MCM UI. SPID. Installation: after the original Footprints mod, so that this mod overwrites the Footprints.esp plugin and scripts. Pluses: Greatly simplified scripts compared to original. Doesn't require the starting quest (MQ101 aka Unbound) to have reached a certain stage to start working. So it can be installed mid-game, and should be compatible with other alternate start mods than ASLAL. Minuses: There are a few reports in the comments section of player footprints not working after a while. I haven't encountered this issue myself in the few hours that I've been using this mod. Comparison of a couple of scripts between original mod and SPID for Footprints:
  22. It's a known issue with Flickering Meshes Fix. Either hide the faulty mesh in Flickering Meshes Fix in MO, or reinstall Flickering Mesh Fix and don't select the SMIM compatibility option. The issue has nothing to do with DynDOLOD. When you run DynDOLOD to generate the LODs, it will helpfully warn you about the missing texture(s).
  23. If you're using Skyrim SE 1.5.97 and following the current STEP guide, skip and ignore any patch mod with (CC) in its name (e.g. skip Fishing (CC) __ CACO). Install all the others in the list. The instructions are mixed up with Skyrim AE 1.6.x. @z929669 It looks like the instructions in the Wiki need to be split based on guide version.
  24. Got it. It's a coincidence in these cases, as Z noted, and I was mistaken. I've since looked at the flowchart. You probably already know this, but a mod can be quickly moved "over a large distance" without fumbling by using MO's "Send to Separator" or "Send to First Conflict" feature. Then MO shows where the mod went by highlighting it and expanding the containing modgroup if necessary. The problem I have with hidden files/folders is that they are, well, hidden, and they are "frozen" in that state. There is no easy way in MO to keep track of them, so I have to write them down in the mod's Notes tab, along with the reason why they're hidden. Contrast this with the Conflicts tab which shows very clearly what is overwriting what, dynamically as the mods moves relative to the others, or as mods are added/removed. The Conflicts tab is self-documenting: it's obvious what's going on at any time, and it's straightforward to try different combinations of mods in different orders. Hidden files? Not at all. Let's take an example: Can you tell which files and folders are hidden in Ruins Clutter Improved, and precisely why they are hidden, just by looking at the information available in MO? And if you managed to find out, how easy was it? Now let's say that a mod that is conflicting with RCI is removed from the guide, for whatever reason, and has no replacement. How would you know that you need to, or you can, unhide the corresponding files and folders from RCI?
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