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Everything posted by Mousetick

  1. I thought I'd try that. Big can of worms. The issue is all the stone-bordered platforms in Whiterun, typically surrounding the houses. Their models use a texture wrstonebase01 that has both grass and stone for the top edge of the platform. So if you just replace wrfieldgrass01 you end up with this: You then need to replace wrstonebase01 too, but that covers only the top edge. For the side you also need to replace wrstonebase02 otherwise you get 2 kinds of stone. In the end the whole platform needs to be replaced in addition to the basic grass. Vanilla >> SRO >> Skyland Whiterun 2K The grass of Skyland is nice and pretty close to Vanilla, it works well with MM rock pile meshes IMHO. But its stone platforms are quite different from vanilla. I also tried just the grass from Noble, which the MM's MA referred to. While it works quite well with MM rock piles, its grass is vastly different.
  2. Thanks. If you have 2 minutes to spare, could you take a look at rockpilem01.nif? I think it exhibits the same problem, to a lesser degree, and depending on lighting. It's a bit further along the same path towards the canal, on the other side of the path. There is another one at the foot of Gildergreen. Edit: I think I roughly figured out the stuff below - no need to bother you with that ↓ I looked at the bug report you submitted on the Nexus. How did the MA know the texture used was wrfieldgrass01? When I look at the rockpilem02 mesh for example in NifSkope, the assigned texture is dirt02. Is the texture overridden in ESP record that can be looked at in xEdit? Or is there a way to find out in-game via the console which texture is being actually used?
  3. Need correction on installation instructions: The 3rd mesh should be \meshes\Landscape\rocks\rockpilem02.nif with an m not an s, as found and originally reported by DY.
  4. I did provide in-game screenshots based on a STEP installation in my OP. They were taken in Embershard Mine. As I mentioned, SMIM textures on the left, replaced textures on the right. Let's try this again with a cave this time: Lost Knife Hideout. In order from left to right: "Vanilla": no SRO, no SMIM at all. SRO: SMIM meshes without "Glorious Scaffolding" + SRO textures. SMIM: SMIM meshes with "Glorious Scaffolding" + SMIM textures. This is the current STEP guide setup. Clevercharff: SMIM meshes with "Glorious Scaffolding" + Clevercharff's textures. The SMIM textures don't look good to me. They don't look like wood, more like slabs of concrete. And the dark stains don't look like anything. I get Tech's point. In that case, it seems that SMIM without Glorious Scaffolding, using SRO textures would be the best choice.
  5. Verify that the path to the Skyrim SE installation folder is correct in the Windows registry, and update it if not. The registry key is: \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Bethesda Softworks\Skyrim Special Edition\installed path OR manually specify the path to the data folder with a DynDOLOD command-line option (making sure to put a \ at the end), in MO's Executables configuration panel: -D:"C:\path\to\Skyrim Special Edition\Data\" You don't need to use a tool such as Steam Mover to move your games. This functionality is now built into the Steam client. Steam > Settings > Downloads > Steam Library Folders button. From there you can create additional library folders on different disk drives, and move games between them.
  6. I'm not quite following. Which algae are you talking about? If you're talking about the greenish stains, they're on the SMIM textures! Hence my desire to swap them for something better-looking. In my screenshots, SMIM textures are on the left, and Clevercharff's textures are on the right.
  7. SMIM uses its own separate set of meshes and associated textures for wood in mines, not overwriting the vanilla ones. This makes using vanilla texture replacers a bit more difficult. IMHO the SMIM textures don't look good. What are all these stains supposed to represent? Mold? They're not consistent with the other wooden objects and structures present in mines. I found a texture replacer that works with SMIM meshes and looks better: CleverCharff's Mines (by CleverCharff). Below are some comparison screenshots, using the 2K version of CleverCharff's Mines: Notice the jarring inconsistency below between the SMIM planks and the wooden drawbridge. The CleverCharff textures blend better: To install with STEP: Download 1K/2K/4K version as desired. Install with MO. Put anywhere in the '06-Models & Textures' modgroup. Hide the textures/dungeons folder within the mod. There is an alternative approach, but it's not as good I think: SMIM - Noble Skyrim Patch. It edits the SMIM meshes to use a mishmash of vanilla textures from various wooden objects, which can then be replaced by vanilla texture replacers. If used with STEP, textures from SRO will be used.
  8. Version 2.0 of this mod's SE variant has the wrong metadata: it uses the LE variant's Nexus mod ID and URL in its info.xml. Should be 26992 instead of 31202. Makes MO somewhat unhappy. A harmless glitch, but I point it out just so you know.
  9. Sorry for necro'ing but FYI the issue discussed above is still not fully addressed as of yet, and I got confused by the installation instructions (emphasis added in the quote): Only one Miscellaneous file should be downloaded and installed for No 21-Post-Processing: that one which is not "Windhelm ONLY".
  10. The vanilla shrine meshes are bugged as they lack collision. This is fixed in USSEP. Most of this mod's own meshes are bugged again, missing collision/material attributes. There is patch available as part of Unofficial Material Fix in its Optional Files section: 'Unofficial Material Fix - Rens HD Shrines patch'. You can read the full story starting here if you want. Install after Ren's HD Shrines. Coincidentally this patch also corrected an issue for me where some shrines were obscured, not reflecting light. I'm using a different interior lighting mod than Luminosity and I'm not using ENB. I don't know how they look like with Luminosity or ENB, but you could give this patch a try, might be worth a shot.
  11. You may want to update the installation instructions on the Wiki and remove step #2 "Download and merge the Update File". As of version 1.1 of this mod, it's no longer needed.
  12. Nope. It's gone. I just have the undo/redo buttons on the leftmost side. Weird, huh?
  13. Edit: Never mind. I didn't have Realistic Water Two in my load order. Please ignore. I don't know about you but for me LOOT sorts ASLAL after ELFX Fixes Ragged Flagon Fix, and ASLAL basically reverts all the changes to vanilla values. So if you really wanted the tweaked cube map you'd have to put it in the CR patch I guess.
  14. Sure. But I can't seem to be able to. When I go to create a new topic with the HTML boilerplate, I don't have the "Source" button in the editor, for pasting the boilerplate. It's supposed to be on left of the toolbar if I'm remembering correctly. Probably a permission issue? Also, in case it's necessary to create the corresponding Wiki page, I'm not allowed to do that:
  15. Since the guide installs ELFX for its meshes, and if you like mesh fixes, may I interest you in this mod: ELFX Dwemer Floor Footsteps Fix (by spongeman131) These fixes are not covered by any other ELFX or mesh improvement/fix mod, as far as I can tell.
  16. 1. Which version of the STEP guide are you following? This topic is about version 0.3.0b which is obsolete. The current guide is version 1.0.0: https://stepmodifications.org/wiki/SkyrimSE:1.0.0. 2. Which version of Skyrim SE are you using in Steam? Skyrim SE was recently updated from version 1.5.97 to 1.6.x by Bethesda for the release of "Skyrim Anniversary Edition". The STEP guide can't be used with this new version due to mod incompatibilities. See the big WARNING at the top of the guide. 3. To check whether you have the new version in Steam, go to 'The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition' > Properties... > Updates in the Steam client, and check the Build ID, as shown in this screenshot: If the Build ID is either 7692914, 7694678 or 7736861, you have the new version. In that case you can't follow the STEP guide. You'll need to downgrade Skyrim SE to the older version (1.5.97) for which the guide was designed. 4. When cleaning master files, follow the procedure exactly as described in the guide, checking the results at every step rather than at the very end. You should have had a backup of Update.esm after cleaning it first. If you don't see it something went wrong. 5. Do yourself a favor, make your life easier and skip the whole master cleaning procedure. It's very complicated, error-prone and most of all, not necessary. Your STEP-modded game will be quite stable and run just fine without it.
  17. You may be interested in checking out this new-ish mod which does to exteriors what 'Skyrim Project Optimization' did with interiors, using the same technique. It's by the same folks who are doing Lightened Skyrim (which you have currently in TESTING). eFPS - Exterior FPS boost (by nicola89b & Firegtx) There are compatibility patches available. At first glance all location add-ons and modifications included in the STEP guide are covered.
  18. I tried the updated textures and I couldn't see any difference on Frodnar or Dorthe's faces. If you look at the textures in MO2 and compare update vs. original, the faces are identical and the main differences are on the hands and bodies. I can't tell the difference on Frodnar's hands in-game: Also the mod's author had this comment on the update: -- There is a patch for the missing USSEP reference in FaceGenForKids.esp, to avoid diving into SSEdit to clean it up: Simple Children - USSEP Aventus Aretino Patch (Nexus). It simply forwards the original USSEP record. However LOOT is not aware of this fix and still complains about the bug in FaceGenForKids.esp.
  19. Has been updated for SkyrimSE.exe 1.6.x, which the mod's author is referring to as "Anniversary Edition". I don't know if this was intentional or not, but it's bound to annoy Arthmoor even more
  20. Test results of uLockedObjectMapLOD=32 +--------------+--------------+ | DynDOLOD | Without | | Plugins | DynDOLOD | | Enabled | Plugins | +------------------------------+--------------+--------------+ | With LOD32 files (Level32=1) | OK | OK (1) | +------------------------------+--------------+--------------+ | Without LOD32 files (2) | Borked (3) | Borked (1,3) | +------------------------------+--------------+--------------+ | Without any LOD files (4) | N/A | Borked | +------------------------------+--------------+--------------+ Borked = stuck LODs in the world Notes: Basically using only static LODs. Didn't think it would make any difference but tested just in case. I didn't want to re-generate all the LODs again with DynDOLOD set to Level32=0 because it's time-consuming, so I hid all the Tamriel.32.*.bto files within \meshes\Terrain\Tamriel\Objects in MO2. I think this accomplishes the same thing. Stuck LODs occurred much less often and much more subtly (only small bits of architecture in some locations) except in Solitude and Dragonsreach where they were much more pronounced. I didn't visit every location in Tamriel... This is the scenario I was in initially and the basis for my initial report/questions. For generating the LOD files with DynDOLOD, including LOD32, I simply followed the instructions given on ACMoS' Nexus page.
  21. Thank you all for your responses. I'm going to generate the LODs with, and out of curiosity without, Level32=1. Will let you know the outcome, but based on your answers, I'm confident DynDOLOD + Level32=1 will solve the stuck LODs. May not be a good idea to PUT MORE ALL CAPS AS TOO MUCH ALL CAPS WOULD DIMINISH ITS IMPACT The 'No DynDOLOD LOD32' option is the default choice, not optimal but it has no dependencies and it's safe, especially for dumb users like me who don't know what they're doing. It doesn't really need a warning, something like: "Installs INI file with object LOD pointing toward LOD16. Pick this option if you don't know what the other means." The 'With DynDOLOD LOD32' option is for advanced users, it has a dependency on DynDOLOD and it requires special care, so it could afford a warning, something like: "Installs INI file with object LOD pointing toward LOD32. This is for users who use DynDOLOD Level32=1. DO NOT PICK THIS OPTION IF YOU'RE NOT USING OR ARE NOT PLANNING TO USE DynDOLOD Level32=1." To be extra-safe, you could add a dependency condition on DynDOLOD's ESP in the FOMOD and disable the LOD32 option if it's not satisfied, but that may be overbearing. And on the Nexus page, you may want to put more emphasis on those 2 installations options in the 'General Installation Instructions and Compatibility Notes' section, with a warning that using the LOD32 option without actually having any LOD32 files can have unintended undesirable side-effects. That's just my very biased 2 cents, take them for what they're worth. I don't want to make a mountain out of a molehill, but I was really thrown off by the fact a seemingly innocuous map-specific configuration setting in a map mod can have such an effect on the overworld, which made it quite difficult to pinpoint. Without the LOD32 files, I had the fair expectation that the map would be "broken/incomplete", but I wasn't expecting at all the overworld to be broken in such a way.
  22. Doh! I'm really stupid. You see, I started a new modlist from scratch and I had installed 'A Clear Map of Skyrim' early as one of the first mods along with other UI and QoL mods. I wasn't intending to generate LODs and activate DynDOLOD until much later. A hundred mods or so later, I didn't remember that it installed as a FOMOD and I had chosen the DynDOLOD LOD32 option. Even though I added 'DynDOLOD LOD32' to the mod name in MO2, I couldn't remember why I put it there since there is only 1 variant of the mod to download on Nexus. I went to read and re-read the mod instructions on the Nexus mod page, and didn't find any directly pertinent information. Now I understand why uLockedObjectMapLOD=32. I just need confirmation that using DynDOLOD with Level32=1 will effectively eliminate the nasty engine side-effects in the world. Meanwhile I can just set uLockedObjectMapLOD=16 until I generate the appropriate LODs and activate DynDOLOD. And if I may offer some suggestions, you may want to clarify, on the Nexus mod page, the importance of making the right choice during installation and the importance of actually using DynDOLOD LOD32 if that option was chosen during installation. Also you may want to add a warning in the FOMOD for the option 'With DynDOLOD LOD32'. And last, the warning in the FOMOD for the option 'No DynDOLOD LOD32' is a bit confusing: 'IF YOU DO NOT USE DYNDOLOD YOU MUST USE THIS FILE.' - what if I do use DynDOLOD, but without Level32=1, which option should be chosen?
  23. Forgive me for the stupid question: is this mod supposed to work correctly out of the box, without generating LOD Level 32 or using DynDOLOD, notwithstanding the complete lack of detail on the map? I've been pulling my hair out trying to figure out the cause of a weird bug where low level LODs are superimposed with high level ones, resulting in a blurry flickering mess - in the world, not on the map (see screenshot below for an example). I never thought this mod could have anything to do with it, so I finally disabled it very late! After much troubleshooting and googling, I finally found the issue: uLockedObjectMapLOD=32 in 'A Clear Map of Skyrim.ini'. Apparently there is a bug in the Skyrim engine that causes LODs not to be loaded/unloaded properly in the world when uLockedObjectMapLOD=32? As weird as it seems, this supposedly map-specific setting has nasty side-effects. It's hard to find good information about it, I found these 2 reports which match exactly my experience: Having trouble tracking down the cause of some overlapping models Found a fix for LODs failing to unload I can reproduce it in vanilla Skyrim 1.5.97 by simply adding [MapMenu] uLockedObjectMapLOD=32 to Skyrim.ini. It seems to happen more or less randomly after fast-travelling, using 'coc' in the console, and I think I encountered it too while travelling by foot or horse, but I may be misremembering. Setting uLockedObjectMapLOD to 16 (which is the default I think), or removing it from Skyrim.ini (in vanilla without the mod) or 'A Clear Map of Skyrim.ini' (with the mod) gets rid of the issue. So my questions are: Are you aware of this issue caused by uLockedObjectMapLOD=32? Would generating LOD Level 32 and using DynDOLOD solve it? By the way, there is a small typo on the description page on Nexus: uLockedObjectLOD should be uLockedObjectMapLOD. Also not sure why you're suggesting setting it to 4, wouldn't 16 work better? It works fine with 16 and adds quite a bit of detail in my experience. Other than that, it's a great mod. Nice work Thanks.
  24. Correction: according to Skyrim Landscape and Water Fixes, the 'Faction Stealing' tweak breaks its crops harvesting permission mechanic (FavorJobsGatherWheat quest).
  25. I've had it in my modlist (previous 1.3.3 version) for a while without noticeable issues. IMHO all the Fixes (enabled by default in the INI optional file) are desirable, while the Tweaks (disabled by default) are not so much, except 'Faction Stealing' and perhaps 'Load Door Activate Prompt'. I've enabled 'Faction Stealing', based on a recommendation found somewhere else, and it seems to work as intended, though I can't say if it doesn't break something else. I haven't tried 'Load Door Activate Prompt'.
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