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Everything posted by Mousetick

  1. I said "Use the -l option", as in -l:English. Why did you try -cp instead? These language settings (command line option or localization menu) determine in which language xEdit displays text strings used by the mod plugins. That's all there is to it. There is only a specific set of languages available. The game works the same way, based on the language setting in Skyrim.ini. No files are written or modified in any way by changing the language. It's a display setting.
  2. 'englýsh' is not a valid language and xEdit can't use that. Don't look at Skyrim_Default.ini. Look at Skyrim.ini in your 'Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition' folder. See also my post above about xEdit localization menu. See also xEdit Default Language. If all else fails, force the language on the xEdit command line: Command Line Switches. Use the -l option.
  3. This could be an xEdit-specific issue that has nothing to do with the game files or configuration. Click the hamburger menu in the top left corner:
  4. Something doesn't look right: SSEEdit 4.0.4 (103758D4) starting session 2022-01-24 14:33:53 Using language: englýsh Using general string encoding: 1252 (ANSI - Latin I) Using translatable string encoding: 65001 (UTF-8) Using VMAD string encoding: 65001 (UTF-8) 'englýsh' is not a valid language. Which probably leads to the error in exception log and xEdit not being able to load the strings. Check and/or post your Skyrim.ini. In the [General] section, there should be: [General] sLanguage=ENGLISH For testing, you don't need to load your entire mod list in xEdit. When you're prompted after launch to select the plugins to load in the 'Modules Selection' panel, right-click and pick 'Select None', then check 'USSEP'. That will make loading much quicker and enough to check the language & strings.
  5. Yes and No. The Strings folder is not visible in Windows Explorer. It's packed inside the 'Skyrim - Interface.bsa' and 'Skyrim - Patch.bsa' archives (similar to ZIP files). Check the xEdit log again, towards the beginning there should be these messages, assuming your game is configured for English language: Using language: English Using general string encoding: 1252 (ANSI - Latin I) Using translatable string encoding: 1252 (ANSI - Latin I) A bit further down there should be these messages: ... [00:02] Background Loader: [Skyrim_English.DLSTRINGS] Using encoding (from language): 1252 (ANSI - Latin I) [00:02] Background Loader: [Skyrim_English.ILSTRINGS] Using encoding (from language): 1252 (ANSI - Latin I) [00:02] Background Loader: [Skyrim_English.STRINGS] Using encoding (from language): 1252 (ANSI - Latin I) ... [00:07] Background Loader: [Update_English.DLSTRINGS] Using encoding (from language): 1252 (ANSI - Latin I) [00:07] Background Loader: [Update_English.ILSTRINGS] Using encoding (from language): 1252 (ANSI - Latin I) [00:08] Background Loader: [Update_English.STRINGS] Using encoding (from language): 1252 (ANSI - Latin I) ... [00:08] Background Loader: [Dawnguard_English.DLSTRINGS] Using encoding (from language): 1252 (ANSI - Latin I) [00:08] Background Loader: [Dawnguard_English.ILSTRINGS] Using encoding (from language): 1252 (ANSI - Latin I) [00:08] Background Loader: [Dawnguard_English.STRINGS] Using encoding (from language): 1252 (ANSI - Latin I) ... [00:08] Background Loader: [HearthFires_English.DLSTRINGS] Using encoding (from language): 1252 (ANSI - Latin I) [00:08] Background Loader: [HearthFires_English.ILSTRINGS] Using encoding (from language): 1252 (ANSI - Latin I) [00:08] Background Loader: [HearthFires_English.STRINGS] Using encoding (from language): 1252 (ANSI - Latin I) ... [00:09] Background Loader: [Dragonborn_English.DLSTRINGS] Using encoding (from language): 1252 (ANSI - Latin I) [00:09] Background Loader: [Dragonborn_English.ILSTRINGS] Using encoding (from language): 1252 (ANSI - Latin I) [00:09] Background Loader: [Dragonborn_English.STRINGS] Using encoding (from language): 1252 (ANSI - Latin I) ... Don't ever 'Verify integrity of game files' from Steam if you're using Skyrim 1.5.97 inside a folder named 'Skyrim Special Edition' inside your Steam library folder, as this will update the installation to 1.6.x. From the Steam client's point of view, you have the latest Skyrim 1.6.x installed in your library, it doesn't know anything about 1.5.97. When you used Depot Downloader to install 1.5.97, you did so "behind the Steam client's back" so to speak.
  6. What about the 'modules' subfolder? It contains add-on patchers you may have installed and used before. You may need to copy its contents over too. Other than that I have no ideas. I installed zEdit a while ago and only used it once, so I'm not really familiar with it.
  7. The new version of AA (2.33) incorporates the changes from Fixed Mesh Lighting. Nice.
  8. It looks like they might be in the 'profiles' subfolder within the folder where you had zEdit previously installed. I'd suggest you copy the contents of the 'profiles' subfolder over to the new location.
  9. That's right. Make sure to run LOOT again after disabling the mods, and check there are no errors.
  10. Search for '(TEMP) Terrain - xLODGen' in your mod list on the left panel (it's near the top, within the 'Resources' group) and disable it. This mod is not meant to be used for playing. You'll enable it (temporarily) during the next stage of the guide (Part 5). At any other time, it should remain disabled.
  11. Sounds good I meant a backup of the CRF mod. Make a backup of your CRF and USSEP .7z archives, both mods by the same author.
  12. The shared file you found on reddit is ok. It's just a copy of version 3.1.10 downloaded from Nexus, the last one officially supported for Skyrim 1.5.97 and USSEP 4.2.5, so guaranteed to work with them. Personally I've installed the latest version available on Nexus (3.1.11), and I'm using Skyrim 1.5.97 and USSEP 4.2.5b. The only difference with the previous CRF version are 2 bug fixes in College of Winterhold quests. I recommend you make a backup of whichever version you use. The mod author has a habit of updating his mods, removing older versions, or completely withdrawing his mods from Nexus without warning.
  13. There is a workaround which allows you to use the NGIO grass cache with SAE, if you have an existing one from SSE and your SAE load order is unchanged grass-wise compared to SSE. If you don't have an existing NGIO grass cache from SSE, you need to have access to SSE to generate it in the first place, then use the workaround to migrate it to SAE. See the below links for more info. Nexus: Grass Cache Fixes STEP: Grass Cache Fixes (by DoubleYouC)
  14. Survival Mode is vanilla in 1.6.x. Not in 1.5.97 which you went to the trouble of reinstalling Theoretically you can use the Survival Mode CC add-on with 1.5.97, but as mentioned before, this would be considered a custom addition to the guide. Please complete the guide first without it - and skip the related patches. If you're interested in using Survival Mode, consider integrating it later once you're done and familiar with the basics.
  15. You can search this sub-forum. Each topic in this sub-forum is about a specific mod, not necessarily used in the guide (for example: Mari's flora). If you find a matching topic for the mod you're considering, you can ask questions there or report about your experience integrating it or playing with it. If you can't find an existing topic for the mod you're looking to add, having trouble (or success) with, you can use this sub-forum: General Skyrim SE Discussion & Support. For any other question or feedback directly related to the guide, there is another sub-forum: Step Skyrim SE Guide. If in doubt, simply post in the general SSE sub-forum. Moderators will triage and move to a more appropriate location as needed.
  16. Nope. Complete the guide successfully first using only the provided list of mods. Don't add/remove/replace mods. If something doesn't work and you have a non-conforming mod list, we can't help you. Once you have completed the guide and have a working, stable setup, you may customize it. But you'll be on your own for resolving issues that may arise as a result.
  17. No it doesn't change. It's either clean or dirty all the time. In order to remain consistent with the guide's aesthetic choice (vanilla-like) you should select the 'Clean Face and Body Textures' option in the FOMOD installer. But you can select the dirty option of course if you prefer.
  18. It doesn't hurt to install it but it's completely fine without it too. I use it. If you do install it, merge it with the main file.
  19. No. It's not mentioned in the guide but it's actually optional, you can skip.
  20. No, you won't break anything. When you reinstall the mod, move it upward in the left pane if necessary so it shows in the correct position in the mod list.
  21. The instructions given are somewhat incorrect. Install the main file 'Mudcrab 4K FOMOD Installer' first which will give you 4K textures for creatures and 2K for clutter/ingredient. If you'd rather use 2K textures, merge/overwrite with the 'Mudcrab 2K2K - Creatures' optional file. You can also skip the main file, and only install the optional file if you don't care about the clutter/ingredient retexture. In any case the update file is not needed. It's intended for users of an older version of the main file.
  22. The instructions are (emphasis added): The Update File is "Steel Armor Fix". So, yes, you should install it.
  23. Once you have downloaded everything (all 3 Depot Downloader commands have completed successfully), follow these instructions. Basically you can keep 1.6.353 but you rename its folder to move it aside, then move the downloaded files into your Steam library folder, next to 1.6.353. You can have both installed at the same time, but only one 'active' at any time. The 'active' one is the folder named 'Skyrim Special Edition'. Not sure what you're referring to exactly. Skyrim doesn't store anything in there as far as I know. If you're talking about your mod manager settings and stuff, you should keep them. You can keep those if you want but I wouldn't recommend loading a 1.6.x save into 1.5.97. Would be best to move them into a separate folder to avoid confusion. You can pull them out as needed later if/when you return to 1.6.x.
  24. Yep, that's correct. Sounds like you're fine as it is, so no need to make exclusions. No problem, glad to help.
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