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Everything posted by Mousetick

  1. Same question/comment as with Dragon Priest Masks: which guide are you following? This mod is not included in any of the current STEP guides, so whether the Wiki is accurate or the Nexus page is in good shape doesn't matter. It's indicated right there in this topic title: DROPPED , meaning it's no longer used. If you're just going through all the topics in this forum and in the Skyrim SE mods forum and downloading/installing them one by one willy-nilly, you're in for a lot of trouble and pain.
  2. Just wondering, which STEP guide are you following? This mod is neither in the Skyrim LE nor in the Skyrim SE STEP guide. So whether this mod is still available or not seems kind of moot. The current STEP guides use Dragon Masks Retextured.
  3. Not possible as far as I know. Are you saying the font in the Favorites Menu is bigger than in the Inventory for example? That sounds strange, normally the font in the Favorites Menu is 'small' with SkyUI no matter which item list font size is configured in the MCM. Check that you don't have another mod that modifies the UI fonts or the Favorites menu. You could try a mod that makes the Favorites Menu larger so more items can fit in it: SkyUI - Better Favorite Menu (I have no experience with this one) Favorite Things - Extended Favorites Menu for SkyUI (I use this one)
  4. Looking at the latest WIP guide I realize my suggestion wouldn't work anyway. To minimize the amount of hiding, I follow the order suggested by 'Mesh Patch for Various Mods' and I treat 'Skyrim: A Mountainous Experience' as a patch/update add-on to Majestic Mountains (the latter is a 'hard' requirement for the former) rather than a standalone mod: SMIM SRO MM (STEP puts it below mesh fixes) Skyrim - A Mountainous Experience (STEP puts it in M&T modgroup - no hiding necessary when placed here) Cathedral Landscapes (STEP puts it below mesh fixes) Blended Roads (STEP puts it in M&T modgroup - no hiding necessary when placed here) ELFX ELFX Fixes SMIM Quality Addon Skyrim Landscape and Water Fixes (STEP puts it in Fixes modgroup - almost no hiding necessary when placed here) Other mesh fixes and improvements + "cumulative patches" from 'Mesh Patch for Various Mods' As a rule of thumb, I find it easier to manage patches/fixes/updates when placed directly next to the mod(s) they're designed for, without regards for Nexus' categorization.
  5. If you're going to make a CR patch for this, you may want to patch the AMM misspelling of 'Shalndor's Maze' as well (see Z's previous screenshots, upper-right corner).
  6. Even though the MA claims these meshes can safely overwrite 'Unofficial Material Fixes', I found at least one mesh which doesn't have collision: /meshes/clutter/shrines/shrinemara.nif. Not a big deal I guess, just FYI.
  7. If you treat Blended Roads as a patch or update to Cathedral Landscapes rather than a standalone mod, and install it right after Cathedral Landscapes in Foundation, there is no need to hide Meshes\architecture\solitude\sbridge01.nif as that gets overwritten later by mesh fixes. IMHO such arrangement makes sense (Blended Roads being included in Cathedral Landscapes, it's essentially part of Foundation) and is simpler.
  8. It's fine, it's just a suggestion that can be useful to mod users in general. No hard feelings whether you want to adopt it or not - I have no stakes in this and I don't care either way. I'm glad you had the same idea though, that makes it more relevant and pertinent
  9. From the comments section, FWIW:
  10. I've been following the order suggested by this mod, and using its relevant 'patches', rather than the list Mercury linked to. The two don't quite agree. 'Landscape and Water Fixes' only conflicts with SMIM and Majestic Mountains, so it doesn't matter much where it is relative to the other mesh fix mods. 'Static Mesh Improvement Mod Improvement Mod' is the oddball out, not being addressed by either recommended orders. It conflicts mainly with 'Unofficial Material Fix', but its MA claims the former can safely overwrite the latter.
  11. I tentatively changed iNoteFontSize from 15 to 20 as notes have less text. And sBookStealTextColor from 0xFFFFFF to 0xFF0000 to display the 'Steal' action prompt in red. Everything else default.
  12. And who would these people be? I bet the large majority of users have no clue what the configuration changes mean and the guide doesn't explain anything anyway. It just instructs users to blindly go through the motions - verify this, edit that. And it's not like it would prevent more knowledgeable users from modifying the STEP configuration presets if they wanted to. In some cases, specific settings are required for the guide to function as expected. There is not much of a choice. That works too, same principle. But I'm lazy and forgetful I prefer having everything in one place, saves me from having to search the modlist to find the relevant mod.
  13. "Best Practice" is perhaps too pretentious, in any case, the goal is to make managing and maintaining mod configuration files more convenient, and resilient. The approach described here is probably old news to some. Create an empty mod in Mod Organizer. Let's call it 'Custom Configuration'. If a mod doesn't come with a default configuration file, but generates one dynamically at runtime the first time it's used: put this configuration file in its associated mod, then follow #3. If a mod comes with a default configuration file that you need to edit to change some settings: don't edit that configuration file directly, leave it as is, instead make a copy of it in the 'Custom Configuration' mod and edit that copy. Move the 'Custom Configuration' mod to the bottom of the mod list in the left pane of Mod Organizer, and keep it there at all times so it is always last and overrides everything. Pluses: Puts all modified configuration files in a single easy-to-find and to-access place for future reference and tweaking. Can tell at a glance if a mod configuration has been altered or was left at its defaults. If one doesn't remember which changes were made, a comparison can be made with the original default configuration which remains accessible. Can quickly revert to defaults for a specific mod for testing/troubleshooting by hiding the modified configuration file in 'Custom Configuration' mod. Configuration changes are not lost when updating or reinstalling a mod and choosing 'Merge' or 'Replace' options in Mod Organizer. Minuses: Need to keep the 'Custom Configuration' mod at the bottom of the mod list. Example to illustrate: In the context of a guide such as STEP, this approach could be leveraged to make installation easier and to ensure the configurations are correct: Package all STEP-required or STEP-recommended mod configuration changes into one 'STEP Configuration' mod. Skip/remove all instructions asking users to manually verify and/or edit specific mod configuration files. Instead ask users to download and install the 'STEP Configuration' mod, same as the STEP patches. Potential issues: Such a 'STEP Configuration' mod would typically be installed last along with the STEP patches. In case a user wished to test their modded game mid-way through following the guide, they would need to install the 'STEP Configuration' mod earlier. 'STEP Configuration' mod would need to be maintained as needed to keep up with relevant mod updates, same as STEP patches.
  14. Added comparison screenshots to OP.
  15. Yeah that's the idea. It's supposed to make the text slightly less sharp (akin to bleeding ink) and less super black. To be honest I haven't paid attention to this aspect and didn't really notice it. It doesn't change the font itself, or the paper textures.
  16. Discussion topic: Convenient Reading UI - SE by uranreactor Wiki Link Quality of life improvements for the book menu: Adjusted book position on the screen Faster book opening animation Faster page turn animations Configurable book/note font size Configurable bottom bar elements Compatible with any font replacer No more laser-printed book integrated Mod Accepted for 2.0.0 See this post and following posts. ESPFE plugin. Can be added/removed anytime. The main benefits for me are the configurable font size (smaller than vanilla by default, no more giant text intended for console users), the faster animations and the ability to hide the reading UI. NOTE: If used with STEP, the fBookOpenTime=500 setting in the 'Step Skyrim SE - CR Patch' INI should be removed so that users can adjust as desired in 'Convenient Reading' INI. Vanilla > STEP > STEP + Convenient Reading UI Suggested Convenient Reading INI edits: sBookStealTextColor=0xFF0000 to display 'Steal' in red Adjust iBookFontSize and iNoteFontSize according to taste/preferences Compatibility with Font Overhaul - Natural Typefaces for Skyrim (by mfcfbro): The 'Realistic Print' option of Font Overhaul conflicts with this mod, and the former wins over the latter when sorted alphabetically in the UI modgroup. If Convenient Reading is to be accepted in the STEP guide, I'd recommend not checking the 'Realistic Print' option in the FOMOD installation instructions of Font Overhaul, to avoid the conflict and have Convenient Reading work as intended. Following are some screenshots to illustrate the effects, from left to right: Standard STEP: Font Overhaul with 'Realistic Print' option installed, without Convenient Reading Same + Convenient Reading sorted before Font Overhaul Font Overhaul without 'Realistic Print' option installed, with Convenient Reading sorted before Font Overhaul
  17. Has been updated for both SE and AE. Note that some features have been "disabled" because they're buggy and/or can cause performance issues, but it's unclear from the changelog (and the outdated mod description) if they are still implemented and off by default, or entirely removed. Out of precaution I have set 'GetEquipped Fix' to false in the INI. Refer to changelog, bug reports and comments for more details.
  18. I've been using this too. It's great. I install all possible options and let it overwrite everything - like Flickering Mesh Fixes. It can overwrite everything because it incorporates the changes of the meshes it conflicts with (when FOMOD compatibility options are selected). FOMOD options: Modular Flora + Trees + Ice + Creatures Vanilla Flora + 3D Snowberries + 3D Junipers None Trees + Assorted Mesh Fixes + SMIM + Aspens Ablaze Autumn Arctic + Landscape and Water Fixes + Unofficial Material Fix Before: STEP Base (vanilla exterior lighting) + DVLaSS > After: STEP Base + DVLaSS + Fixed Mesh Lighting
  19. The guide instructs users to install SMIM Lanterns (option checked in FOMOD), and then later on the SMIM meshes are overwritten by this mod, effectively making the SMIM meshes and textures useless. So I'm confused about the real intent. Which lanterns are actually desired: the SMIM ones or the Ruins Clutter Improved ones? /meshes/clutter/common/candlelanternwithcandle01.nif from Vanilla > SMIM/ELFX > Ruins Clutter Improved:
  20. I wish I could tell you but I have no clue about LOD stuff in general and DynDOLOD in particular. The mountain cliffs in question are not in the distant terrain, they're right there in your face and form the boundaries of the Labyrinthian area, with the stone walls built into them. All I can tell you is what the MA did to enable exterior lighting and allow sun to shine through properly: Remove the 'Fixed Dimensions' flag and center field on the Shalidor's Maze worldspace record (that's this tiny edit which conflicts with Atlas Map Markers). Make mountain cliffs meshes bordering the area double-sided. Flag those same meshes so they cast shadows. Replace the vanilla meshes with the custom meshes via cell record edits, so the custom meshes are only used by this plugin and only in those cells. That's all there is to it. The remainder of the plugin relates to the layout & object placement fixes. Edit: The same MA have another mod No Sunlight Through Mountains in which they say: All the jargon reads like gobbledygook to me. Perhaps it all makes sense to DY?
  21. By the way I'd been meaning to follow up on that. The SMIM FOMOD options for 'Ropes - 3D Dungeons' are misleading: Dungeons 3D Ropes and Glorious Scaffolding Dungeons 3D Ropes If you select #2, you might think you only get 3D ropes. That's not true. It also installs all the scaffolding meshes - which is good! The only difference is that the "questionable" wood textures are not installed.
  22. I'm just going to hide the faulty Solitude mesh from Flickering Mesh Fixes for the time being, reverting to original SMIM. I don't want any sails on the windmills...
  23. Yeah but won't all windmills get sails then? Seems that would be a pretty drastic change.
  24. At the risk of sounding cynical, I suspect the switch to a newer toolset (Visual Studio) for AE was not borne out of a desire to improve anything, but was rather a requirement from Microsoft to release AE on the latest Xbox consoles. Let's not forget BGS is now part of MS. After all, all the CC content packaged with AE was already available for SE 1.5.x and was designed/supported for SE. Skyrim 1.6.x on PC is just a side-effect, and as usual PC users got the shorter end of the stick
  25. I think its Solitude Windmill mesh is bugged. It assumes the rotor has sails and it uses a non-existent texture. SMIM > Flickering Mesh Fix Anyone else can confirm?
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