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Everything posted by Mousetick

  1. Less than 5 minutes, with a 300 Mb/s internet connection, writing to a spinning HD. Make sure you don't have any anti-virus or security software that might be blocking, and make sure the destination folder is not inside any Steam folder or library. You may be experiencing some network traffic jam. But I don't understand why you're only at 12,84% for Meshes1.bsa, that doesn't make sense, compared to the progress shown in my previous post.
  2. It's been a while since I reinstalled SSE with this procedure so I don't remember. I tried the first command: There are some pauses during the download while the temporary files are decompressed. Be patient and let it finish.
  3. Which tool are you using, Depot Downloader or Unofficial Skyrim Downloader?
  4. You could use a firewall to block all outgoing network connections for the app and only allow IP addresses and domain names that connect to Steam servers directly or to CDNs (Content Delivery Network) used by Steam. Needless to say, that's not a piece of cake.
  5. I found a few more: WhiterunJail02 FortNeugrad02 DragonBridgeFarm I've been visiting quite a few locations modified by RLS and looking at the changes in xEdit. Based on my observations I've decided to drop this mod from my load order. So the good news is I won't pester you with bug reports anymore Thanks and good luck with the maintenance.
  6. You're not the only one apparently. You can try some of the workarounds discussed in the Downgrade Patcher comments section. If you can't find a solution, throw the Downgrade Patcher away and follow the procedure described in the OP, using Depot Downloader to download a fresh copy of SSE 1.5.97 from Steam. Or use Unofficial Skyrim Downloader which does the same thing with a user-friendly UI.
  7. Ok that sounds great but that flew right over my head... What is the desired effect by adding the shadow light here? For the display case to cast a shadow? Anyhow, for the time being, I just patched it out (disabled the ref) and it looks like this: Good enough
  8. Sorry for the many posts, I forgot something else. In that same cell, there is shadow added by the mod at the window with the display case on the right past the headquarters entrance. I'm not sure what the intent is, but it doesn't look quite right to me. Vanilla > Vanilla + Relighting Skyrim (v1.3) > Same with darker interior, easier to see The shadow in question is Cell \ Block 2 \ Sub-Block 4 \ 00071FFE <SolitudeJusticiarsHeadquarters> \ Temporary \ xx087207.
  9. @TechAngel85 There is a bug in Cell 00071FFE <SolitudeJusticiarsHeadquarters> where the mod repositions a light bulb and wall sconce on the opposite wall, but the sconce position is incorrect and it's not visible: Vanilla > Vanilla + Relighting Skyrim (v1.3) The misplaced sconce is Cell \ Block 2 \ Sub-Block 4 \ 00071FFE <SolitudeJusticiarsHeadquarters> \ Temporary \ 000E64BF. You'll need to figure out the correct coordinates as I try to keep my hands off CK as much as possible. Thanks.
  10. You're right, 'correct' was a bad choice of word on my part, 'accurate' would be more appropriate. I'm no aspen or tree expert, quite the opposite in fact, but I agree the tree style in your mod does look more like stereotypical North-American aspens. This is a shot of Pando (Fish Lake National Forest in Utah) Holy cow... Another shot that looks very much like the trees in your mod: Whether this style looks good in-game or better than the vanilla style, using the vanilla density and placement, is another matter
  11. Aspens come in various shapes and forms. A straight trunk can be as valid and correct accurate a representation of aspen as a bent or split trunk, depending on where you live, or which kind of aspen you're looking at. Some pictures of North-American aspens (aka aspen, quaking aspen or trembling aspen): https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Populus_tremuloides Some pictures of Eurasian aspens (aka aspen , quaking aspen or common aspen): https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Populus_tremula The Bethesda artists may have used different sources of inspiration for the vanilla aspens. Perhaps they made a cross between aspen and birch trees, as they somewhat look alike and are easy to confuse. You may find this comment on the UESP amusing like I did: https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim_talk:The_Rift.
  12. @TechAngel85 I came across this mod a while ago: Orphaned Light fixes. I'm using it in my load order but I haven't delved into the details to verify the actual issues without it, or the fixes with it. It just adds a lantern or two in a couple of interior cells. I'm mentioning it in case these issues really exist, in which case you might want to address them directly.
  13. Interesting discovery that I didn't know about. Looking very good. Nice work, Z. I like the broken branches marks on the trunk, nice touch. This style of younger, skinny tree would benefit from a denser tree population. I believe that the shape of the tree is naturally influenced by how close it is to other vegetation and how much light it can receive. When sparsely placed, it can look a little incongruous IMHO.
  14. I added/replaced some screenshots with better lighting in OP. I'm not familiar at all with Immersive Citizens so can't confirm, but several comments in this mod's comments section seem to indicate that it does fill the gap between ICAIO and AI Overhaul. The AI Overhaul plugin doesn't touch carriage drivers or ferrymen at all for sure. This mod is intended to provide similar immersion for carriage drivers as ICAIO in as a lightweight and compatible manner as possible, without the "bloat" and incompatibilities that ICAIO seems to be known for. Good point that I hadn't thought about, thanks. I looked at this mod's and Hearthfire Extended's plugins, there are no direct conflicts per se on the carriage driver NPCs, which HE doesn't modify. HE adds hirable servants and guards, with AI packages to sleep inside. Like you say, there aren't enough beds for everyone even in vanilla, so I don't think there would be a new issue with this mod. There'll just be a lot more competition for beds between vanilla NPCs, HE-added NPCs and this mod's enhanced carriage drivers. This mod uses 2 AI packages for Hearthfire drivers: one to sleep inside, and another one to sandbox outside if some conditions for sleeping inside are not satisfied. I'm unable to decipher the conditions just by reading the records in xEdit. I may try to take a closer look at all this in-game if I can manage to cheat my way into building a Hearthfire home. True, but vanilla carriage drivers are basically like statues: they "live" outside and remain seated on their carriage for the entire game, day and night, rain or shine. That's specially noticeable if you don't fast-travel, as you encounter them in their frozen state every time you approach a city. Well what did you expect? That's the whole point of such mod, innit?
  15. Discussion topic: Carriage Drivers Are Alive SE by ToosTruus, CosmicSloth0, WiZKiD34 Wiki Link Introduces AI, sandboxing, and campsites for the vanilla carriage and ferry systems with compatibility in mind. Why are the Skyrim carriage drivers and ferries just idled to a Velcro seat? No backstory, nowhere to sleep, nothing to eat. Shame. Apparently Bethesda forgot about them. Well, not anymore. Now all vanilla carriage and ferry drivers have their own AI along with a spot to rest, sleep, and eat. TL;DR: This mod is aimed for people who want to use vanilla travel system (or none at all) and simply want to see carriage driver NPC's living in Skyrim. The results of this make the mod highly compatible with your load order. ESPFE plugin(s). No scripts, uses vanilla objects (i.e. compatible with any vanilla mesh or texture replacer). Terrain changes and object placement based on SLaWF & LFfGM, compatible with CRF where applicable. Sorted by LOOT correctly below all of them. Optional add-on plugin for ferrymen. Doesn't modify the travel system. It's just for show, to make the scenery more believable. Comments from the peanut gallery: This addresses a shortcoming of AI Overhaul where carriage drivers and ferrymen are left with vanilla AI: static drones sitting on their driver's seat 24/7/365, waiting... I don't use fast-travel during normal gameplay, and I seldom use carriages for travel, but these drivers sitting still all the time, while the rest of the world tries to look "alive", really bothers me. The Whiterun driver has a small camp, nested between Skulvar's Farm and Maiden-Loom Manor, seen here while cooking: The Windhelm driver has a small camp, nested between the stables and the Khajit caravan camp, seen here while cooking: The Markath driver has a small camp next to his carriage, seen here while sitting on a bench and eating (sorry it's pretty dark): The Riften driver has a small camp behind the Khajit caravan camp. During the day he sandboxes near the stables: The Solitude driver is seen sitting on a wall. He sleeps in the tower behind: Looking at the plugin in xEdit, the Hearthfire carriage drivers are given new AI packages for their routine, and are supposed to sleep in the house if there's a bed available. I don't know how to test or demonstrate this in-game as I don't currently have any HF player home. The ferrymen (with the add-on) don't have camps and don't do much, they mostly sandbox near their boat, sometimes eating or drinking. Here in Dawnstar:
  16. I had a chance to redo DynDOLOD so I tested patch option #2 for the missing meshes. It works as expected. That is, it suppresses DynDOLOD warnings. No one will notice the dummy vanilla mesh replacement unless they travel to the hidden CACO test cell. While Kryptopyr may no longer be active, there must be some maintainer(s) behind the scenes to update CACO's SKSE plugin (as recently as Jan. 8), and compatibility patches (last December for the AE CC content). As a matter of fact, I believe Tech and Z were recently in touch with them... So fixing both the bogus test cell and the bogus ironwood texture normal could be in the realm of possibilities if requested.
  17. FYI: The wiki instructions for this mod still haven't been updated. The Odin option is still checked in the FOMOD installer. It should NOT be ticked. Please refer to the discussion in the few posts above this one for context. Thanks.
  18. Mutagen is an object-oriented framework for parsing and generating Bethesda game plugins. Synthesis patchers are programs built on top of the Mutagen framework for a specific purpose. Both are written in the C# language. Similarly to zEdit or xEdit patcher scripts, they allow for analyzing an entire load order worth of plugins and producing a specific patch algorithmically. Synthesis patchers come in 2 forms: standalone .exe executable, or source code. I first tried one of the standalone patchers distributed on Nexus but it auto-detects the game Data folder location based on the Windows registry setting, while my modded SSE installation is stored in a separate folder in a non-standard location not managed by Steam. The patcher auto-detected and ran on my unmodded SAE installation. So that experiment didn't go very far and I can't speak of its results, which were nil. When run from MO, the standalone patcher runs quickly in a console window that closes immediately upon completion, making it difficult to see what went on. Using a standalone patcher may be fine if a single one is needed, however using the hub GUI should be preferable for combining multiple patchers, reducing the number of plugins generated and benefitting from the "pipelining" mechanism. I then switched to the hub GUI. It requires the .NET 6 SDK in order to compile source code patchers into executable form. The SDK needs to be downloaded and installed separately, as it's a developer tool not built into Windows. The UI is pretty nice and fairly easy to use, at least compared to other modding tools. It suffers from "kool flat UI" syndrome: one has to hover everything in order to find out if it's a button or not. Different game profiles (e.g. Skyrim SE, Enderal SE, Fallout 4) can be created and activated, including ones in custom folder locations. The list of available patchers is pulled from a central registry on GitHub. Each individual patcher is downloaded in source code form from its own GitHub repository. There are quite a few patchers, but not many. I expected there'd be more of them given there are thousands of Skyrim SE mods. Most patchers are very "niche" being specialized for one specific mod, or one specific type of change. Multiple patchers can be run in a "pipeline" feeding from one to the next and producing one final combined patch plugin. Some patchers are configurable, either via a settings panel integrated in the hub GUI, or via a configuration file to be edited in a text editor. I tried a few patchers, some that were relevant to my modlist, others simply out of curiosity: AI-Overhaul-Patcher*: Forwards NPC changes from AIO and merges them with NPC changes from other mods. As LOOT sorts AIO pretty high in the load order, its NPC changes are likely lost by other mods loaded after it. The patcher seems to work well enough as designed, but I don't agree or don't understand why it doesn't forward some AIO edits. Overall I can do the same or better job manually in xEdit. Admittedly there are only a handful NPCs in STEP that need patching (because of Simple Children and CRF) so it's easy to do manually. The automated patcher may be more useful to players who for example use mods changing the appearance of lots of NPCs. AOSISCSoundPatcher: Supposed to add sound effects to all weapons & armor of mods in the load order, consistent with the changes in Audio Overhaul Skyrim or Immersive Sound Compendium. This produces absolutely nothing for me, even after disabling all my AOS compatibility patches. I don't really know what to expect - this is one of those patchers with zero documentation. BreakdownRecipeGenerator: Generate breakdown recipes for all craftable items in a load order. Also provides the option of creating custom breakdown recipes for miscellaneous items, weapons and armors. This seems to work quite well, it generated breakdown recipes for seemingly every object. The only problem is I have no idea why I would need them or what I would do with them. enblightpatcher: Tweak all light sources for ENB Light compatibility. This is a pretty extensive patcher that modifies the lighting properties of certain cells and of all light sources, of all mods in the load order, making them less bright. It's useless to me as I don't use ENB, but it's a good example of what can be done efficiently and reliably. It beats having to edit every single candle or torch in the game manually in xEdit. ExperienceMutagenPatcher: Generates an Experience XP configuration file for killing races or NPCs added by mods in the load order. Appears to be functional. I intend to use the other patcher described further down rather than this one. facefixer: Supposed to patch NPCs to fix the 'black face' bug. It definitely does something, but in the STEP modlist, the only mod that changes NPC appearance is Simple Children and there is no black face issue, so patching is unnecessary. Probably useful to players using a lot of NPC beautification mods. leveledlistresolver: Merges levelled lists, like Wrye Bash, without relying on Bash tags. Appears to work quite well and to be pretty smart. I have to manually merge levelled lists in xEdit because Wry Bash produces a complete mess whenever I use it. I was quite happy to see this patcher produced results identical to mine, even better, it caught a list I missed. Realistic-Water-Two-Patcher: Forwards changes from RWT so they don't get overwritten by other mods. Similar to AI-Overhaul-Patcher above, except this one is dumb and rewrites all RWT-modified records, whether they are overwritten or not, producing a huge patch. Requiem-Experience: Generates an Experience XP configuration file and patch plugin, to be used along with Requiem - or any other overhaul which makes Skyrim world to be un-levelled. This is a more feature-rich patcher than the ExperienceMutagenPatcher above. Good documentation and customization options. I only used a subset of its options with a simple vanilla-like setup (no Requiem, no unlevelling overhaul), but it produced useful results. As with any automated tool like Mator Smash or Wrye Bash, it's a good idea to review the generated patches in xEdit, at least cursorily, to verify the results look ok. Overall, I'm not too impressed but there's definitely some potential and I found some useful patchers on offer, which I'm going to rely on in the future. Quality appears to vary greatly, the most disappointing aspect for me being the total lack of documentation for many patchers. It's all open-source, so sure, it's possible to read the source code to figure out how a given patcher works, but not everyone can read and reverse-engineer C#, or spend the time to do it. On the plus side, the patching process is pretty easy to set up. Once set up, the whole patching pipeline can be run again from MO whenever a mod is added or removed, and it's quite fast (compared to manual editing in xEdit). In theory it can support huge load orders. On the minus side, the fact that patchers are actual programs, written C#, represents a high obstacle to making a patcher. The Mutagen/Synthesis toolset could be quite useful to automatically generate configuration files for SPID, Base Object Swapper, Keyword Item Distributor, and similar framework mods, based on all mods in a given load order. (*) Before actually trying out the AI Overhaul patcher, I wildly imagined that it would be capable of applying AIO changes to new NPCs from other mods. I was completely wrong and in retrospect, I realize this would be impossible. How could a particular NPC behavior be assigned to an unknown NPC from an unknown mod? Perhaps via the use of specific keywords to 'tag' mod-added NPCs. That might work. In any case, the AIO patcher doesn't work like that at all, it only deals with NPCs that AIO supports 'out-of-the-box' in its plugin.
  19. The new look much better aesthetically to me but the old are easier to see at a glance. Does it really matter? I have no idea... Actual usage will tell I guess.
  20. I didn't make the distinction to mess with you It seemed important to clarify and document the rationale of why this patch may be or should be included in the guide. If the guide didn't include a mod that scales magic effects based on skill (namely Vokrii, but it could have been another one), the patch would be useless - worse, it would remove a useful vanilla alchemy feature by replacing it with something comparatively useless. I suggested that the bogus STAT records be patched in the STEP CR Patch rather than asking users to manually edit them in xEdit. There are at least 2 options for the patch: Duplicate the STAT records in the patch, mark them as Deleted, then duplicate and disable all their references. Duplicate the STAT records in the patch, and edit their mesh path to point to some vanilla mesh that is guaranteed to exist. Arguably easiest and safest. Hope this helps.
  21. Regarding 'True Fortify Effects for Magic Skills', I believe you're right, it would make sense to use it. But not because of Odin, which doesn't change magic scaling from vanilla. It's Vokrii which scales spells based on skill level. At least if I'm reading the mod's descriptions correctly. For instance (emphasis added): This would also work well with Fizzle to temporarily bump the magic skill level in order to increase the chances of successfully casting a spell if one is not skilled enough. I inferred the same the first time I encountered these warnings. Must be used for development/testing. These faulty STAT records could be patched out or fixed in the STEP CR Patch if desired.
  22. This topic might quickly degenerate into tech support for switching back and forth between SE and AE runtimes and for installing appropriate engine extensions Kezyma's Root Builder for Mod Organizer could prove useful for this, although it's not really newbie-friendly either.
  23. xEdit Check for errors [03:12] Checking for Errors in [19] RelightingSkyrim_SSE.esp [03:14] [REFR:020190ED] (places TrapLinker "Trap Linker" [ACTI:00079986] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of DLC1Bthalft01 "Aetherium Forge" [CELL:02005734]) [03:14] REFR \ Linked References \ XLKR - Linked Reference \ Ref -> [19025B2D] < Error: Could not be resolved > [03:14] [REFR:020190E8] (places TrapLinker "Trap Linker" [ACTI:00079986] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of DLC1Bthalft01 "Aetherium Forge" [CELL:02005734]) [03:14] REFR \ Linked References \ XLKR - Linked Reference \ Ref -> [19025B2E] < Error: Could not be resolved > with 1.2.2. Don't know if this is new or was there before. I removed those REFR records, as they don't change anything from Dawnguard.esm, aside from linking to inexistent references.
  24. You probably installed 'True 3D Sound for Headphones' (or a similar audio "enhancer" mod) at some point in the past, then removed it but forgot to clean up afterwards. MO doesn't manage files directly within the top game folder, it only manages stuff within the Data folder. This .dll is normally part of DirectX which is buried somewhere inside your Windows system folder. Some mods put "fake" DirectX .dll files inside the top game folder so they can hook deep into the game at a low level. For example, the "Preloader" component of SSE Engine Fixes puts a fake d3dx9_42.dll there (which is normally a DirectX 9 component). If the 3rd-party .dll is buggy it can crash the game.
  25. The crash occurs inside a DirectX audio component. Does the game work correctly without any mod or extender? Suggestions for troubleshooting: Isolate Create a new MO profile as a copy of your STEP profile, then disable all mods (right click left pane, select All Mods > Disable All). Enable SKSE, NetScriptFramework and all its requirements. Enable AOS and test a new game: go through the vanilla intro sequence, character creation and initial quest, at least until you enter Helgen Keep. Does the game crash? Run DxDiag and check the Notes section on the Sound tab(s) Check there is no X3DAudio1_7.dll file inside the Skyrim game folder (i.e. alongside SkyrimSE.exe) Check your audio drivers are up to date ASLAL does support 1.5.97.
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