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Everything posted by Mousetick

  1. A few remarks and clarifications: In the screenshots above, 'Before' is STEP without the mod, 'After' is STEP with the mod. It's not possible to hide 2sided_mountaincliff*.nif. As I said, these are unique meshes used exclusively by the plugin, they don't overwrite anything. If you hide them, they disappear from the landscape and all that remains are the walls. Without the mod, the mountain cliffs meshes used are from 'Majestic Mountains' and 'Skyrim Landscape and Water Fixes'. With the mod, the 2sided_mountaincliff*.nif meshes appear to be tweaked versions of vanilla meshes. According to the MA, the custom 2sided meshes are necessary "so that the sun doesn't shine through the backside of mountains." The mod has no dependency on any specific lighting setup. It simply enables exterior lighting, it doesn't matter which is used. The screenshot showing sunlight and shadows above was taken using vanilla exterior lighting.
  2. Yes. Original GDO is A and UHDAP patch is B. The lower volume in B seems to be consistent with the voice volume in UHDAP. Voice line A has more hiss and other noise than B, but it's pretty subtle.
  3. I don't know how I'd be able to test them in-game because these specific GDO voice lines are heard only under specific circumstances and the trigger logic is in GDO. I converted them to WAV and I can hear a difference in quality when played on a music player with headphones. Whether it's worth installing yet another (incomplete) patch mod for that, I don't know. You folks can decide. I've attached one sample for A/B testing. Can you tell which is which? voice line A.wav voice line B.wav
  4. Discussion topic: Word Wall Transparency Fix for ENB by wSkeever Wiki Link I've had this in my modlist for a while and I don't even use ENB so I have no idea if it's effective or not. I'm posting this in case it helps with the ENB setup STEP is using. It's reportedly similar to the ENB transparency patch for Footprints. Should be easy to test: they are just mesh replacements. They don't even overlap with any other mesh fix mods - and I've got a crapton of them! Just plug and play. Refer to the Nexus page for pictures and more info. Compares: STEP --> This mod
  5. Discussion topic: Guard Dialogue Overhaul - UHDAP Patch by mnikjom Eckss sharrken Wiki Link Guard Dialogue Overhaul - UHDAP Patch (by mnikjom) restores the "HD" voices from the Unofficial High Definition Audio Project for use by GDO (which comes with its own voice files). Not all of them, mind, but a large portion of them. Not sure why, the patch MA only says "Not everything is covered yet. I wasn't able to find some voice lines." There is no plugin. Can be installed anywhere/anytime, the loose files from the patch will override GDO's BSA.
  6. The mod uses custom meshes for some mountain cliffs apparently in order to prevent issues when exterior lighting is enabled. Upon closer inspection, these meshes look inferior in quality than without: Before > After Caveat emptor. Edit: For clarity's sake, I should mention that these custom mountain cliff meshes are used exclusively by this mod's plugin, and as such, the visual degradation (depending on taste) is limited to Shalinor's Maze cell(s). They have no impact on the rest of the world.
  7. Discussion topic: Labyrinthian Shalidor's Maze Fixes by wSkeever Wiki Link This fixes a bunch of small layout glitches by repositioning objects and replacing meshes in the Shalidor's Maze area, and it adds sunlight. Install: if used with Assorted Mesh Fixes, they should overwrite it. There is an ESL plugin, which must be enabled. Conflicts: there is a minor conflict with Atlas Map Markers, which AMM wins using LOOT. It must be patched if sunlight is desired (see below). Otherwise no conflict with the current WIP STEP setup as far as I can tell. Before > After of one of the more noticeable fixes: Before > After of sunlight and shadows - only works if conflict with AMM is resolved: See Nexus page for more comparison screenshots.
  8. I did search the forum to see if it wasn't already there, but I only searched for topic titles, rather than titles and posts, so I missed it. Sorry. Yeah it's definitely not a panacea. It would have been easier if the FOMOD MA had packaged it as a ZIP file (like FAR's) instead of a RAR. With Windows Explorer native integration, ZIP files can be opened and manipulated like regular folders. Combining the FOMOD and FAR archives would have been a simple matter of dragging and dropping one folder into another.
  9. If you followed the STEP System Setup Guide correctly, and I'm assuming you did, your modding folder is stored separately from the Skyrim Special Edition installation folder, which is inside your Steam library folder. The downgrade patcher only operates within the Skyrim Special Edition installation folder, it will not "touch" anything inside your modding folder. You can backup your modding folder, including Mod Organizer, the other tools and your mods, if you want - it's always good to have backups. But in this case it's not necessary before using the downgrade patcher. I suggested you may need to reinstall SKSE64 and SSE Engine Fixes, because unlike all the other mods, some of the files (files with .dll or .exe extension) in these 2 mods need to be manually copied to the Skyrim Special Edition installation folder, which contents are modified by the downgrade patcher. It's unlikely they will be affected by the downgrade patcher, but I mentioned it just in case out of precaution. Hope this clarifies and I didn't add too much confusion.
  10. Discussion topic: Forgotten Argonian Roots - FOMOD by foreverphoenix Wiki Link I'm not a big fan of the current installation instructions in the guide for FAR. This mod attempts to remediate the complications. This mod doesn't contain any asset, so you still need the original FAR mod and combine the two into a new mod archive. But IMHO it's a simpler and less error-prone operation for users. The FOMOD automatically skips the installation of the broken specular maps, so that's one less thing to worry about. The FOMOD menu selections that I believe correspond to STEP installation and that I've been using are: Menu 1: Males + Females > Menu 2: Vanilla Body > Menu 3: Vanilla Body > Menu 4: None It's not a complete download-and-install solution, but I'm mentioning its existence in case STEP might consider it an improvement. As a side note, this mod was created for use with another modding guide, The Phoenix Flavour.
  11. Ok, found it - Thanks. The mod doesn't appear to be maintained. In case STEP wants to patch it, it's in FormID 080F434E.
  12. Do you know from where this mod takes the names of the extra locations that are displayed on the map and on the HUD? In my setup, Shalidor's Maze is misspelled "Shalndor's Maze" and I'm trying to track down the bugger. This location is not marked in vanilla.
  13. Just use the patcher and be done. Download and use the full patcher (3 GB) from Nexus, rather than the 'BestOfBothWorlds' patcher (140 MB) in order to ensure maximum compatibility with the STEP guide. Here is a tutorial video for using the patcher: How to Downgrade Skyrim SE to Fix SKSE64 & Mods (2021) - Skyrim AE Update 1.6 (YouTube). Edit: I didn't see that you already completed the guide. It should be fine. But if for some reason the patcher removes some files from the Skyrim Special Edition folder, you may need to reinstall SKSE64 and SSE Engine Fixes.
  14. Discussion topic: Blackreach Tentacle Mesh Fix by wSkeever Wiki Link Do you like tentacles and/or mesh fixes? Personally, the more mesh fixes, the better, except when it comes to sorting them all out when they overlap. I'll admit this one is kinda "niche". Refer to the Nexus page for screenshots. Or you can go to the entrance of the Derelict Pumphouse in Blackreach to see for yourself. Install: wherever and whenever, it's just meshes. Pros: doesn't overwrite anything else in the STEP guide. Cons: a bit pointless and unnecessary perhaps. Compares: Current STEP --> This mod
  15. I've been using it along with Quality Addon. I like the round Whiterun braziers and Riften Temple of Mara bowls from this mod, a definite improvement over vanilla IMHO.
  16. Discussion topic: Oxygen Meter by powerofthree Wiki Link This mod is currently Accepted; however, marked for Testing again due to: Does what it says on the tin. Nothing more, nothing less. Install: wherever and whenever - it's a SKSE plugin.
  17. From the mod page: From the comments section: As for compatibility with 'Smooth Shores' or 'Landscape Fixes for Grass Mods', that's a good question. There are no plugin conflicts per se. There could be glitches caused by terrain changes, but the changes those mods make are small. The occlusion planes of this mod are placed inside big objects like buildings, walls and mountains. As long as the landscape mods don't move or remove those big objects, there should be no issue.
  18. The mod I mentioned doesn't create new barrels, it reuses a different variant of the SMIM barrels and makes it work as Riekling barrels. Nah, that's fine. I suspect it likely will be rejected. I'd rather not waste time. Yep, neat-o. I already made use of it a couple of times. Thanks.
  19. I just tried it and it works great. Nice find. Now you just have to hope that the MA won't release a new version of the mod and remove the hotfix!
  20. This is the best solution as it fixes the root cause of the issue. Hiding the MM meshes was merely a band-aid. It allows for keeping the MM meshes, which are nice, and using them throughout all locations. Visually inspecting the rockpiles in Whiterun was not foolproof anyway, depending on time of day, weather and exterior lighting, they could more or less shine. This is the texture set that is used to apply the Whiterun grass texture to landscape objects in Whiterun: These are all the objects to which it's applied: So in theory and unless I'm mistaken any or all of these meshes could potentially exhibit the issue in Whiterun: RockPileM01, RockPileM02, RockPileL02, RockPileL03, RockPileL04, RockPileS01, and RockCliff07. All of them would need to be hidden.
  21. Riekling barrels are supposed to look identical to regular container barrels, and they do in vanilla. SMIM's 'Modified Vanilla Barrels' (STEP guide selection) only modify the regular container barrels, and while they look quite similar to vanilla barrels, they're not identical. A careful or trained eye can then tell them apart from Riekling barrels fairly easily, at which point they're no longer a trap. If you're like me and highly value gameplay and visual consistency, this is an issue. Solution 1: copy meshes/clutter/barrel01.nif from SMIM to meshes/dlc02/clutter/misc/rieklingbarreldest01.nif. Before > After (Riekling barrel is on the right) Solution 2: use this mod Riekling Barrels SMIM (by wSkeever). However it's designed to work with SMIM's 'Brumbek's New High-Res' variant of barrels rather than 'Modified Vanilla', and this variant may or may not violate the STEP mandate.
  22. Discussion topic: eFPS - Exterior FPS boost by Firegtx, nicola89b Wiki Link This mod is the exteriors counterpart to Skyrim Project Optimization. It places occlusion panes in the world that tell the engine to skip rendering certain elements that are not visible to the player (an example of this would be the landscape behind a building or a wall). I've had it in my modlist for a while along with Skyrim Project Optimization and I've not encountered any catastrophic issue, nor have I noticed visual glitches. I can't tell if it really improves performance though because I haven't performed with/without benchmark tests. Install: wherever you like, it's just a plugin. LOOT sorts it very high, so it gets overridden by pretty much everything else. Compatibility: The mod contains a lot of vanilla cell records. It doesn't modify them. In case of conflict, the other plugins (e.g. RW2) win so a patch should not be necessary for cells. May not be compatible with any mod that moves/removes entities in exterior cells, depending on the changes and how they may conflict. Would require manual patching if necessary. Compatibility patches are provided for a bunch of popular location mods. As far as I can tell, all location mods currently in the STEP guide are either compatible without patch or covered by a patch.
  23. Discussion topic: ELFX Dwemer Floor Footsteps Fix by Spongeman131 Wiki Link STEP guide installs EFLX meshes. A couple of EFLX meshes for Dwemer dungeons floor are missing physics material information. This mod fixes them. Pretty straightforward, nothing more to it. Install: after ELFX. Test: go to Silver Blood Inn (Markath) and walk around the bar on the outer perimeter floor tiles. Before fix: no footsteps sound. After fix: hear footsteps. You may need to adjust your audio settings to suppress chatter and other noise. This fix is missing from ELFX Fixes. Nor is there an equivalent fix in Unofficial Material Fix so I'm assuming the vanilla meshes are fine. An alternative to this mod would then be to hide the faulty ELFX meshes, but it would mean losing whatever improvement they're supposed to bring (prevent light flickering?).
  24. There are several options depending on what you want to do, and how comfortable you are with tweaking configuration settings in various pieces of software. Below is one option. Not necessarily the most convenient, but arguably the easiest: I'm assuming your regular installation of Skyrim SE has been updated by Steam to 1.6.x (aka Anniversary Edition). If that's not the case, keep your side copy of Skyrim SE 1.5.97 where it is for the time being, and download/install/update the latest Skyrim AE version using the Steam client normally. At this point, your Steam installation of Skyrim SE/AE is up to date (1.6.323). Rename the up-to-date Skyrim AE folder within your Steam library folder: 'Skyrim Special Edition' to 'Skyrim Anniversary Edition'. Copy (preferably, so you always have a backup) or move your side installation of Skyrim SE 1.5.97 to your Steam library folder and name the folder 'Skyrim Special Edition'. At this point you have 2 Skyrim folders sitting side-by-side within your Steam library folder: 'Skyrim Special Edition' containing Skyrim SE 1.5.97, and 'Skyrim Anniversary Edition' containing Skyrim SE/AE 1.6.323. Now you should be able to launch the (old 1.5.97) Skyrim SE game from anywhere (e.g. from Steam client, Windows Explorer, Mod Organizer...) and not be prompted by Steam. Keep automatic updates disabled from Steam. If you want to launch the (new 1.6.x) Skyrim AE game, you'll need to do the game folder switcheroo in reverse within your Steam library folder. I.E. rename 'Skyrim Special Edition' to 'Skyrim SE Backup' and rename 'Skyrim Anniversary Edition' to 'Skyrim Special Edition'. But be careful to keep track of which folder actually contains what. Other options are discussed in another topic, starting here. You can read that if you want. Feel free to ask if anything is unclear.
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