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Everything posted by Mercury71

  1. Yes, the one for NPC's and Player. No special changes in .ini done.
  2. Your toughts about the more "advanced" encounters are very valid and you have a very good point hereb Tech. This is relly a "good to have mod" and i dont think it goes against the Step mandate. That said... i see the realism problem with knowing to much about a foe after just one initial encounter.
  3. Can report it felt very nice being able to read about what i had just killed (a deer) while testing NPCs Leran To Aim (with character function activated in Fomod). I think this is a nice addition to Step.
  4. Tested a bit out on the windy tundra plains. My char is L1 and my Archery is 16. Hitting a deer is not as easy as in Vanilla and i think it makes sense since max Archery is 100. I like how annoying it feels missing when you think you aim so straight, just like in real life. As i looted the poor deer a wolf sneaked up on me so i had to shoot him from up close and i ofc hit him with no problem. Very good. For me this is a keeper.
  5. Maby it is a good idea to have a "Step Guide IED Preset" on the Step patch page on Nexus at some point? (unequip quiver will be redundant)
  6. Version 1.1.0 released Changelog Fixed broken quests and crash with Extended Grass Distance and Only-load set to false. Strongly recommended to always use Extended Grass Distance with Only-load set to true. Fixed Crashing with Raycasting when Cache is disabled. Added option to disable freeze check during crashing for anyone that has an issue with false positives from the check. You will need to add the line Freeze-check-enabled = false. Fixed missing log info regarding INI settings. Should help debug issues.
  7. I am sure this has to do with "the extra mods" you have added. Your load order is very different from Step so i doubt you have actually installed 2.2.0 as it is supposed to. Why have you made a Bashed Patch? What patches did you check in it?
  8. The public beta for v4.3.2 has been released and that means that a new version is not that far away. Why do i report this? Well, in 4.3.2 the name of the .esp will be with only lower case letters to work better with game versions for Linux and Steam Deck that unlike Windoes is case sensitive. Arthmoor writes over on AFK: What would be greatly appreciated is if folks who are setting USSEP as a master could set that up with an all lowercase filename to point to as this will make things a lot easier in the long run. It's a big ask, but I'm sure players on those platforms would greatly appreciate the effort Changelog for upcomming 4.3.2 for those interested HERE
  9. Done some first testing. Used the Campsite alternate start to get a bow and tested against the little bandit camp near the standing stones, there is ona archer there. The bandit-archer really struggles to hit me unless i stand still and very close. I like it but need to be tested more, it might make the NPCs to bad at aiming.
  10. Maby they keep em under Misc just so people that wants them can have them but that they dont maintain them anymore and therefore dont want them in the Fomod?
  11. Agree. But good to have our comments about it here since Step Guide users might ask about it. I think it has always been a strange name since so many people use the mod without using ENB.
  12. The mod is renamed to jsut "Particle Patch"
  13. Would this go in 03 - Resources?
  14. Adding to what z say above... 1. After you have installed the Step Guide copy that profile and name the new profile Step Guide+ or something. This way you will always have a clean Step Guide profile. 2. I have a separator in MO2 after alll the ones in Step called "My Additions" wherer i put my extras, and in the case it is a mod that needs to be in the proper Step part i make a notation in the "Notes" for tha mod that it is a Non Step Mod so i can find them fast (mostly texture, meshes mods). 3. When choising additional mods try to think where Step would place it in the guide and read up on the mods in that category. For exampla... you want to add a cool alchemy mod... will it go well with CACO, yes or no. Is there existing patches on Nexus? Also read the comment section for the mods on Nexus. maby someone else is using the same combo you want. 4. LOTD is a very large mod so it will probably need patches. HERE is an outdated patch between Step and LOTD that might be worth looking at. 5. Step improves vanilla without adding to much new, so i think it is rather easy to add mods. That said... in Step part 4 you can read about installing the guide without CACO, CCOR and TCIY, this setup might be more compatible. But i always use the full Step build. 6. If adding the mods changing exterior stuff out in the world... dont forget to revisit Step 5, Level of Detail part of the guide. 7. Animations. The animation part of Step is atm rather small and basic so adding some cool animations and DAR/OAR is not a problem. I like EVG Conditional idles for example. Some small mods i almost always add to my Step Guide as examples: Improved Camera SE, Bogmort, Dot Crosshair, Experience, Immersiv College NPCs, Winterhold Gate SE, Riverwood Bridge Reborn,
  15. I also vote to drop for the same reason z above.
  16. Ny summer vacation starts tomorrow so unless the weather is sunny i will have some time to test this and other mods marked Testing.
  17. Discussion topic: The Dragonborn's Bestiary by JPSteel2 Wiki Link Collect information about the creatures you encounter, learn their strengths and weaknesses, and keep track of your feats with kill, summon and transformation counters. Adds a new custom menu to the game. SKSE plugin. Requires SPID and KID. Patch for CACO on CACO mod page.
  18. This mod might be needed if you have a scandinavian keyboard (mine is Swedish) to work properly. For instance the sound volume control. I put it here to be found for those who need it.
  19. Anyone tested Community Shaders lately?
  20. Good. I am already using this.
  21. I have only tested Splashes of Storms before and i liked it. So i favor what z writes and trust that Shooting Stars and Rainbows are god.
  22. I second a vote to accept. Once you have IED in your load order it is hard to play without. Really makes the game feel more modern.
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