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Everything posted by Mercury71

  1. Almost 100 in fps in Skyrim is rather good i think. Why would something be wrong with your set up? I dont know anything about CS, i use "Step ENB Heavy" and i get about 90 fps idle with my RTX 2080Ti.
  2. Weird. I have not yet tested Seasons of Skyrim (i will at some point), so i will unfortunately be to no further help here.
  3. Just to be sure... did you check the box for Seasons in DynDOLOD? https://dyndolod.info/Help/Seasons
  4. My feedback on 2.3... looks amazing!
  5. Maybe a better alternative HERE
  6. Discussion topic: Local Map Upgrade by alexsylex Wiki Link Overhauls the local maps with color and some other features. - Similar to Local Map Color but does a bit more - Mod author recomend using it alongside HD Local Map that are already in Step Guide
  7. Run SSEditQuickAutoClean and clean SmoothShores.esp. You dont have to bother about the rest of the Loot-messages. The Step patches takes care of that. Read "Final sorting and Cleaning" section at the end of Step 6.
  8. Ohh, i forgot about the NPCs. Not skilled enough in IED to know. Hope someone else knows.
  9. I just avoid favorite the darn pole.
  10. For the last maby 5-6 years i almost never get further than maby L20 ingame before i rebuild my load order. I play MO2 more than Skyrim. THIS is a good place to put additional guides (addons) for Step Guide. To have different animation/combat directly within the guide will be to messy i think. People already confused by the different Step Patches and the different Post Processing options. But if we do add more animations in the Step Guide, it would be convenient to be very clear what mods adds new animations, and what mods just fixes vanilla.
  11. Perfect for Step or as an addition Step. I have tried Haugbui and other overhauls before but they always need patching.
  12. Discussion topic: Local Map Color by Luckycheech Wiki Link Adds some color to the local maps.
  13. This looks interesting. TateTaylor is a very good mod author. You encounter Draugr in every dungeon and after a while it gets a bit boring with the same old enemies over and over again.
  14. Mod updated Version 1.8.6 Main: Added Hold Tray Package to Hreinn Added Hold Tray Package to Talen-Jei Updated Una Combat Overrides Fixed CTD in Arcadias Culdron Fixed oversight for Braiths packages Fixed Orthus Endario dialogue outside of warehouse Lite: Fixed Markarth Opening Scene
  15. Animations is a rabbit hole and very much up to personal preferences. There are discussions here on the forum about updating/modernizing the animation part of the guide. But since it is so personal (many today want "Elden Ring combat") i think that the guide should stick to basic improvements for vanilla animations and fixes. That way it is very easy to add your personal favorites. i have tested numerous different animations on top of Step guide and it normaly works just fine. Use DAR/OAR-mods and run Nemesis and test ingame. I usualy end up just adding some immersive idle animations since i like the more slow paced and "realistic" combat of Skyrim rather than modern fast paced acrobatic high fantasy combat. EVG is a good one i like. UI mods are a bit more tricky since Step Guide changes/fixes various parts of UI/HUD. Adding upon that normaly do not cause crashes but your UI/HUD might act or look weird. Luckily animations and UI/HUD mods normaly is ok to uninstall without ruining your save.
  16. Hi. I dont think those will cause any trouble. Place True directional movemnet in 05-Animations Place TreHUD in 16-Interface Rerun Nemesis Test ingame
  17. To add... this question arises from time to time. Maby we need further clarification in the guide? For me the Cleaned Vanilla master has position 81
  18. Quality should be as in the screenshots (0, 4, 6, 0) I
  19. No such files in my SKSE Scripts folder. Looks like you have three full mods in there. How did you get MO2 to install three mods into that folder? - "Skyrim Sewers" - The icepenguine has to do with "A Quality World Map" - Granit Hill mod
  20. 1. SKSE64 is installed under "02-Extenders" and has a dropdown that explains how to install (the same you refer to so no need to backtrack). I think it is very clear. In Step 7 there is explanaition to create mods for the other tools. 2. Cleaning vanilla masters is due to DynDOLOD needing it as i understand. I think it is very clear how to do it in the guide. 3. In MO2 settings there is a tab called "Nexus". There you can set MO2 to automatic recognize Nexus links and automatic install mods. MO2 ssetup for Step Guide 2.3 is HERE . Did you follow it?
  21. Hey D! See that you released separators for your list. How does that work on a current Step install? Will they end up after Step separators or replase them?
  22. Discussion topic: Asset Doctor by Monitor221hz Wiki Link SKSE plugin that automatically scens and finds missing textures and meshes. Result directly on screen. Good for mod developers and guide developers. Very cool!
  23. Using this since TIE have so many MCM tabs/settings (the only settings loader i use).
  24. This is dependent of this: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/105492
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