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Everything posted by Eliian

  1. Does using this make the Rudy HQ -Bthardamz mod redundant? According to mod organizer it is. All of the files are overwritten.
  2. Just needs instructions to install the optional esp file since we are using it
  3. Updated Yesterday removing Dyndolod options.
  4. I was able to recreate the same issue. W/out this mod > With
  5. Same for me with TCIY. He still yells about a job when I walk by without this MISC mod. Rumors about Jaree-Ra will no longer trigger the quest. As of version 1.4, when talking to Jaree-Ra, the dialogue option about turning him into the guards will now appear prior to the player accepting the quest. Not only does the dialogue make more sense this way, but it can now act as a proper refusal dialogue since the quest won't start if the player chooses this option. Actual options to accept or refuse the quest were also added. Could the extra dialogue option for refusing the quest be carried over from TCIY? MS07JRWhatIf0 "Setting up a wreck? I should turn you in to the guards." [DIAL:00025F53] EDIT: Never mind. Looking more closely I understand why we have to choose between the two. I would go with at your own pace-MISC even if I will miss the threat of turning him in.
  6. I would go with At Your Own Pace replacing the not so fast mods for the main quest and College of Winterhold. I think that using the companions' portion is worthwhile considering nothing in STEP improves the questline. For the Thieves guild I would go with Taking Care of Business. It already has built in compatibility with Thieves Guild Requirements and MCM options. For conflict resolutions there is not much. Nothing that would cause any issues. Mainly just text and quest log descriptions. At Your Own Pace - Companions.esp needs USSEP records forwarded. The better quest descriptions from BQO needs to be prioritized for the quest Take Up Arms and the Companion misc objectives At Your Own Pace - College of Winterhold.esp seems conflict free. The few it has with USSEP are intentional to do the changes the mod provides. At Your Own Pace - Main Quest.esp is also very conflict free. Extremely minor USSEP dialog text that just fixes grammar. A quest log text that is not forwarded. Thieves Guild Reformation.esp has no conflicts. I like the Misc file option for Jaree not harassing the PC every time they pass by lol. I also like the idea of the Riverwood Trader folks not being perpetually always in the same place when you don't go get the stolen claw. I need to test that though. I'm not familiar enough with the Bard's College quests/npcs for the changes there.
  7. Looking over the guide I cannot find any mods which still require FISS or have a FISS version. I say drop this if we are going to use MCM helper. There are a lot of additional mods that add MCM helper's functionality for various MCM menus.
  8. I also prefer this mod. This lavender blends in while still catching the eye from time to time. Hybrids is fine. Definitely an improvement over vanilla. I am never happy to approach a plant for harvesting. With this one it is pleasant.
  9. Thieves Guild Requirements now has an optional file that updates the mod Thieves Guild Alternate Routes - Taking Care of Business Mod at Skyrim Nexus - Mods and Community (nexusmods.com). Kryptopyr's updated version is listed as an optional file while being integrated into his MCM. The mod fixes/gives options for altering the radiant quest issues I described. Mainly > Focus the Thieves' Guild radiant jobs in a single city. The alternate options seem fine. Mainly it lets you be more of a benevolent thief type.
  10. I think this is a good idea. I understand that XP32/FISS/Nemesis was added to the guide since it is a common requirement for popular animation/gear mods. I have always found it weird that it was included. When I first started using the guide, I was confused why it was there. I checked the requirements and everything lol. I like to learn and figure out why something is being used. Nothing said why but I went along. I eventually dropped it due to not needing it for my personal mod list. So yeah, haha. Removing the extra steps for simplicity is great. Maybe keeping a separate page/resource with the instructions could be useful? A link within the guide for those who need help with the operation of Nemesis.
  11. Are you using Cutting Room Floor? Both Jk's Skyrim and CRF add the north gate as usable. Dyndolod could be creating files for both gates. I use the patch from JK's Skyrim page. If you are not using it try it out. Others have reported issues with the riften gates with both mods installed such as overlapping.
  12. I've also have had issues when trying to convert meshes with this mod. I have not tried newer versions though.
  13. Some conflicts: Companions- Conflict with the text in Better Quest Objectives for the quest "Take Up Arms" Main Quest- With Better Quest Objectives for "A Blade in the Dark". None with A Choice is Yours. Minor with USSEP College- No conflicts with A Choice is yours. Maybe 1/2 with CRF/USSEP.
  14. The Dark Brotherhood is well paced and does a pretty great job unaltered. There are not many mods I have seen for the questline for timing/delaying. It really does not need much improving. This same author has a mod that gives you more to do when the quest is done which is fun. I would have to try out the "lawful good" options added in. They seem kind of awkward/forced. The companions pacing is horrendous. The entire questline is silly quick as you do not need to do many side quests. Side quests are not well balanced either as you can get quests for hard enemies early on. I like the changes this mod makes there. 6 radiant quests between main quests are nice. Any improvements to the Companions are needed. I do agree that Thieves Guild Requirements is great. I would not consider it perfect. At Your Own Pace seems to go after the worst part of the questline for me. The tedious radiant quest system. With this mod you do not have to do continuous travel between cities due to the two jobs cap. I know there is fast travel, but I don't use it lol. Another great addition is removing the randomness of waiting for the right city job. Very good. I am also a fan of replacing the "not so fast" mods with this one. I would include the companions as well since nothing in STEP alters it.
  15. That is good to know. I have always enjoyed the visual changes and variation this mod brings. If anyone has any outfits, they do not like they can still configure to their liking which is great.
  16. Fair enough haha. Maybe in another 10 years it will be perfect. Bare another anniversary edition of course...
  17. I'll give it a go. I just learned that SPID conflicts can happen between mods that reference the same npc. Maybe that could be an issue. What exactly are you looking to test otherwise? Up to this point the toggle options were left at default and up to player choice, I think?
  18. I've missed this feature so much on my current playthrough. All for an alternative.
  19. The shader on this mod looks great. Adding minor mechanic complexity is good. It was a nice touch in oblivion.
  20. I had the same issue the first time I installed this mod. I could not find a reason. I uninstalled the mod and reinstalled it again. It is working as intended now. Maybe try reinstalling and see if it works for you?
  21. I agree with Tech after playing with it for some time. In many places this 3d version feels sparse or weird. The thistle from this mod sticks out instead of blending in.
  22. Added screenshots for the vanilla size version
  23. When I took the screens the Vanilla Size version was not up yet. So I am guessing the XL version. I can take some screenshots with the vanilla size and update the post.
  24. Yes, if you use HLT then you don't use Enhanced Vanilla Trees. I would recommend using this as well for lods with DYNDLOLD. Happy Little Trees Add-On - DynDOLOD 3 at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus - Mods and Community (nexusmods.com). You can still use Aspens Ablaze if you want.
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