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Everything posted by Eliian

  1. I used Gohper's videos not too long ago and didn't have too much of a problem. No crashes or anything like that. Just used some discretion and was really careful with how I set everything up. Project Nevada is pretty great. I really enjoyed that when I used it. Great quest mod and it's counter part are New Vegas Boutnties.
  2. I found no major conflicts between baseline STEP and your mod. There is a small one with the Unofficial Skyrim Patch. Â Â
  3. I believe I may have found a redundant mod if you are using SkyRe. Due to this mod using "Sneak Tools" the Dynamic fires mod would not be needed (except for maybe using torches to light fires). I'm not sure if anyone can confirm this. From what I've read in the Skyre guide and here https://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/19447 it seems to be true. Either way there seems to be no issue with using the two together *shrug*
  4. I've been using this and have had no issues (w RN & D). Really like it compared to the rather sad vanilla descriptions =)
  5. Just adjusting it using the console isn't so bad if you don't feel like messing around in the ini files. It usually stays the same unless I start a new game. Plus, it isn't that inconvenient for me to just type fov *whatever your preference is* in the console. I personally use 75/76 using my 16:9 monitor. Agree with rootstrat that that is about perfect.
  6. Those are some of the problems I've heard about too. Hopefully a patch wouldn't be too hard to do.
  7. I don't believe you need the ESP if you extract the textures.Thanks for the reply. I actually asked on Nexus (on optimized texture page) and got an answer. You are correct that you disable the ESP files. They are just an activator for the BSAs. You also don't need the BSAs since 1024 takes the place of the DLC in essence. For people who can't handle it, or just want better performance. Like me =)
  8. I agree with you two completely. Vastly superior. Maybe the STEP guys will take it into consideration. If not then that's alright. Just thought i'd share!
  9. Thanks for the advice. May not have been aimed towards me, but i'll take it into consideration. When you talk about eliminating 8k textures and such are you also talking about doing so to the vanilla textures? Follow the DDSopt guide essentially?
  10. Discussion thread: Diverse Priests by Captain Lhurgoyf Wiki Link This mod seems very along the lines of a few mods already in STEP. In this way I thought I might bring it to attention. The mod is known as : Diverse Priests. In the similar way that Consistent Older people, or appropriately attired Yarls works this seems to aim to do the same. In the game many of the priests show no diversity to what they are wearing in regards to their respective god. This mod takes the different colored robes in the creation kit and puts them to use. It may not be much of an issue, but it adds a nice little bit of change in my opinion. Thought i'd see the opinion of this =) Accepted for STEP v2.2.5 --Thanks to WiliamImm for creating the mod page, Eliian for posting the initial screens, and Kelmych for the detailed analysis. Dropped in STEP 2.2.9
  11. If you use the full 1024 textures from Hi-Res DLC Optimized is there any need to run the ESP for this mod? Would you still use it in my case?
  12. Hello.......I'm curious. What do you all think about this mod? It seems well thought out and lore friendly. My concern is with how it starts your character out from a new game. I didn't really see any information on that. (I guess I could try it out and see :P) https://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/29476#
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