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Everything posted by Eliian

  1. Has anyone tried the unofficial update? I am assuming this update veers off somewhat from being a vanilla enhancement?
  2. If you are looking for something in the meantime The Midnight Ride is pretty good. Fairly minimalist too. https://themidnightride.github.io/intro.html
  3. It has been awhile since I used frostfall. I think all three are fairly standalone. They mostly add in stuff and so should be fine. I would say see if loot recommends any patches to start. Otherwise go here. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/19518?tab=files. Use the campfire patch for Complete Crafting Overhaul Remastered
  4. It is nothing too complicated. Make sure you get any patches for relevant STEP mods. Use loot to sort for the load order. I never had any issues. I would look into The Frozen North. It is much less tiring and intrusive than frostfall. Make sure to use the Cold Standalone version for compatibility with CACO and such.
  5. You can skip it. It is not required by any of the patches.
  6. Seems fair enough then. I did not take any screens, but I vastly prefer this mod while playing over the last week or so. I will be keeping it in favor or 1st person candlelight fix.
  7. I would also be in favor of not cleaning the vanilla files. I have done it both ways with no issues. It is one of the more complex concepts for new modders to understand. It is much easier now with autoclean. Removing the process is less step to mess up or worry about.
  8. Yeah the mod is the only difference. I think it is the aura. It is very overwhelming at times. I can try out a few more places when I have the time. Out in the wild at night for instance.
  9. I enjoy the light being out of my face when in first person. The amount of light seems better. Less glaring, but still useful.
  10. Here is a comparison in Blackreach. STEP Battle-Ready
  11. I agree with DoubleYou. The vanilla one looks more like an actual sculpture that is meant to be displayed.
  12. I'll have to give it a try in game. From the screenshots I prefer the look of the 3d ones. The bright colored trunk jumping out currently has always bothered me.
  13. Agreed. Actually decent looking foliage is nice.
  14. I don't think this is true. A patch is needed for Immersive Citizens and maybe other mods that operate the same way. According to the description on the mod page "Fully Compatible with: Fully compatible with AI Overhaul SSE or any AI Overhaul Mod that doesn't include any AI Package added by "Quest Alias".
  15. I have been using it for a few months. I say it is a keeper. I love the fixes for oversights on Bethesda's part. Such as apiaries, brewing alcohol, and that milk and butter are available for harvest. I agree that the mod requires planning due to the lack of an undo feature. Maybe there can be a note that says the mod is best used for those already familiar with hearthfire?.
  16. I agree. Without exporting FaceGen the black face bug tends to crop up. This is especially true for npcs in places like oakwood.
  17. I have been using a mod that only changes the first person height. I almost feel the same that it is not really noticeable after the initial newness. At least it has not caused me any issues.
  18. Even though this mod has already been accepted... I will just chime in that I have have had no issues through multiple playthroughs. Nice little immersion fix.
  19. Completely agree. I don't mind the mugs but it is a deviation that is not necessary.
  20. Reminds me of closing time, which the mod author mentions. I am totally up for a more updated and better working version.
  21. Funny, I was just about to bring up the same typo. It was a little confusing for me too. I figured it out, but maybe just remove the line about ticking an option that is not available.
  22. Yeah, the ones that are not chosen are taken care of by something else. For example, the Chicken is re textured from Bellyache's animals and creatures. It is not chosen here to avoid overwriting. The other options that we do not choose are taken care of by Rustic Cooking.
  23. I have used it and enjoyed the mod for awhile. I have run into some annoying bugs that need to be considered. One includes an imperial patrol killing everything in its path including the stormclock prisoner being escorted by other imperials. The battles can be awkward. I often run into them after they finished so it is just a group of whoever won being hostile and just standing around. If they left the bodies there and kept moving that would be fine. What I am trying to say is that the logic breaks fairly often. I think it has something to do with the patrols being part of a separate faction which causes weird interactions at times. The nice thing is you can use the version without larger battles for those with performance issues.
  24. I for one dislike DOF so turn it down fairly low. It is a good option for those who want more/improved over vanilla.
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