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Everything posted by Eliian

  1. I feel the same way as Tech. It is not too big of a map to run everywhere in my opinion. The vanilla carriage/boat destinations are enough to get close and then walk. Another reason I do not like them is that with difficulty mods it really forces me to use them to avoid hard fights/areas of the map. This feels weird in practice. If/when I get tired of walking around skyrim I will probably stop playing/modding as that is one of the main reasons I still play haha.
  2. Running into this error: Here are the log files https://ufile.io/f/kbxq3
  3. Just noticed that this mod does not have the yellow vertical bar. RW2 is a master for the L&W patch.
  4. I thought it was weird too after realizing he made both. His reasoning is good, thanks for asking. I just remembered there is also Heljarchen Hall lol.
  5. Ah ok thanks for the explanation. I would assume that those clouds would use any modded cloud textures? With the colors/sunsets I wonder if the change would be noticeable.
  6. With cutting room floor installed the town around nightgate inn is called Helarchen creek. I think they intend it to be the helarchen from arena. So with this mod and CRF there are two Helarchen towns fairly close to each other. This has bothered me personally but could be justified lore wise for all I know.
  7. Here is another simple alternative that I am considering using for a knight type character. It has a hotkey and horse follow/wait which is what I want. Other minor features include giving your horse to a follower, make your horse protected, and saddlebags. Simplest Horses (and other mounts) https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/54225 -
  8. I have been using this version: Relationship Dialogue Overhaul Lite - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/42068 I do not like the added followers and this mod removes them. Another bonus aspect is that it cleans up the mod a bit. It removes aspects that do not line up with adding the relationship dialogue to the game.
  9. Is the esp file for this mod supposed to be hidden? The instructions for both of the other ELFX entries give instructions to hide the esp files. I know this mod's instructions are still in progress just making sure.
  10. I switched for the character I made last week and I agree it is nice. I does look funky in some areas I will admit.
  11. Etheral Clouds, Improved Clouds Mesh and Cathedral weathers do not seem to conflict with one another. They show no conflicts in mod organizer. This is because ethereal clouds only changes the vanilla textures and improved clouds mesh improves the mesh. Cathedral weather has new clouds that I think only show up in the new weathers and do not change the vanilla, constant ones. So each improves a different aspect. Improved Clouds mesh works with both mods too texture wise. I have yet to give a good visual look in game just cursory.
  12. Nice. I saw this conflict last night. I think one of the newer updates of Embers XD added oven fires so it makes sense.
  13. I replaced FNIS with this some time ago with no issues.
  14. This is a nice fix yeah. Great compatibility too as mentioned.
  15. This one just needs some install instructions once it is added to the guide.
  16. I have been using the Quality Addon one Tech mentioned. It is really nice for the environment maps. I personally use environment maps for armor so it fits in well.
  17. I wonder if wild horses works with Immersive Horses? It seems to be one of the more popular horse overhaul mods. I have not personally used it as I prefer running around.
  18. Ah, I was wondering about the less particles version. It seemed like a better fit but I was unsure.
  19. For load order going: -Inferno -Embers XD with the inferno version This fixes the purple textures. Here is a quick compareison. Top with inferno and new compatible embers xd version; bottom with just embers XD following current step install recommendations.
  20. The largest issue right now is the load order for compatibility with Inferno. In the current set up many fires end up with purple textures. Embers XD has a version for it now where embers has to overwrite inferno. With this set up the torches and fire magic addons cannot be used.
  21. LOL. It just updated again with some improvements to the giant fire. They are nice. I did not love the new look close up. Now I think it is an improvement close up and especially from a distance.
  22. Some compares of the giant fires. Current STEP (TOP) VS newest updated fires (BOTTOM)
  23. Updated again. 2.25 removed the ESL plugin version. The newest update adds the large giant fires.
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