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Everything posted by Nebulous112

  1. I'm updating my own install of SR:LE - LotD...as I'm going through, I'm just fixing any typos or whatever that I find on the wiki. It's as much work to report it as fix it myself, so I figure I might as well save you a little work, lol. Just a heads-up. Also, CACO has an Inigo patch up as a separate file on the CACO page. Might be worth adding if you want (it would just end up merged anyway, so wouldn't cost a slot).
  2. I can't speak for Darth, Lexy and co., but I would assume it is because the changes are already included in the Conflict Resolution patch provided at the end of the guide.
  3. @memnochs and @LordOfLA: Please play nice, folks. Discussing issues like this is great (as it can teach everyone else about the subject matter), but lets not make it personal. Keep it technical and logical, and everyone will benefit.
  4. Actually I think in v19 they switched to 1k textures in the main file. The description for the 1k texture file on Nexus mentions that that is what's in the main file.
  5. Now fixed (for Windows 10) in the latest Windows Insider Flight build. Will be included in the Fall Creator's update for mainstream builds. It is doubtful the bug will ever be fixed for Win 8/8.1. Link to Reddit post by Microsoft Dev: https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/6k58mf/dx9_4gb_memory_issue_should_be_fixed_in_new/
  6. The guide is looking great, Diana. I am very much looking forward to trying this out when I get a chance. Thanks for all of your work on this! :-)
  7. Huh? Chesko and Elianora are leaving modding? Link?
  8. Badger, badger.. :-D
  9. Yeah, same deal with the GroundUp screenshot.
  10. Please do not make multiple topics on the same issue. Locking.
  11. I had the exact same issue. Double-checked my install to make sure everything was kosher...seemed fine. Had the issue appear again. Restarted a third time, didn't look around on the carriage ride and got lucky, no iron helm at character creation. That was the save I kept and played from there.
  12. I believe ceilingrat is referring to the link text (beside the "Core" tag). Looks like just copy and paste errors.
  13. I haven't had any issues with Merge Plugins crashing, but I have noticed a command prompt window that stays open for sometimes a good few seconds after Merge Plugins says the merge is done. I always have waited for it to close before touching anything else as I assumed code for the merge was still processing. Just posting for Mator's benefit in case this behavior is related to the issue above.
  14. Please mention if you can how you solved your issue for the next person who may come across the issue.
  15. Good stuff, thanks SRB. And thanks for reuploading, Tech!
  16. The conflicting files with WEBS Extended should probably be removed. See here: https://forum.step-project.com/topic/1430-intricate-spider-webs-by-isoku/?do=findComment&comment=202670 It is probably the old mod, Intricate Spider Webs which was in the Compilation from the last release.
  17. Wiseman's Critter Fixes needs the 101Bugs option removed as that mod was dropped.
  18. LMAO so true. And so much worse on other sites...*cough* LoversLab
  19. F&L has always been the best FNV guide available, IMO. Thank you very much for all work you have put into F&L over the years. It has helped a lot of folks put together a great FNV experience. Greatly appreciated.
  20. Double check the naming of the file. IIRC, this is one of the files that needed to be renamed for NSutR and it should be "statuessnow". I'm on mobile and this is from memory, so I could be wrong.
  21. The way I look at it, mods are user released, DLC is developer released (regardless of content type). As this Creation Club content is curated and released by Bethesda (but made by contractors), it is DLC in my opinion. As to whether outside development companies could release whole new games or full overhauls under this system...I doubt it. Content is first pitched to Bethesda from what I have read. I think they would shut that down. They want people to buy 10 pieces of DLC for a few bucks each instead of one piece at ten bucks.
  22. Nice! Thanks Nozzer. May I ask what the issue was out of curiosity?
  23. You need the 32 bit version. Should just need to run the installer from what I remember. 64 bit version won't help with MO, which is a 32-bit program. Edit: If you need help installing it send me a PM. I'll download it again myself and figure it out for you if it is tricky.
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