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Everything posted by Nebulous112

  1. Always use the latest Legacy Unofficial Patch. Bolded statement should have "or newer" added to the end.
  2. UFO4P just updated to v2.0.1, FYI.
  3. Occasionally the wiki acts up. Should clear up shortly...then will act up later. You just have to try and catch it at a good time. STEP is working on server upgrades, but it will take a while.
  4. Right now, Last Seed is not even compatible with CACO. One of the main things he is working on. And I have to agree...I would much rather have a few people full of life than a bunch of mindless robots. ICAIO is worth more than Populated, IMO. But I do see where Paul is coming from. If you just keep moving on and don't talk to people, I could see it maybe being worthwhile.
  5. I've edited the OP to add a link to the mod in the post and the author's name in the title.
  6. BethINI is completely safe. It backs up your settings before you use it, so you can always go back. If you are worried about it (which there is no need to be, IMO), just back up your INI's prior to using BethINI. The reason it is not in the Guide is simply that when the guide was released, the tool was still in development. Now it is mature, and will very likely replace the custom INI tweaks for next release. As to your other issues: I really don't know much about multi-GPU setups, so I will leave that alone. Best of luck, and hopefully someone else knows a bit about the subject.
  7. I would suggest FAR - Forgotten Argonian Roots. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/42043/?
  8. Man, I give up. :-/ Apparently posting a simple link is beyond me, lol. Link fixed.
  9. Weird, I guess it only worked on mobile. SP is correct, this is the link to the subreddit I was talking about. https://www.reddit.com/r/GameDeals/ Check the sidebar for the filter by site list. Also, Origin has a new free game available "On The House". Varies by region, but for me it was Dead in Bermuda. In the EU I believe it is Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault. https://www.origin.com/can/en-us/store/free-games/on-the-house Edit: Fixed link
  10. Also may want to have another look at Thane Weapons Reborn. An update with all new textures arrived.
  11. I've got them all. I'll touch base with Neo and see if he is cool with me redistributing.
  12. Just to be certain...you are using MO1, right? MO2 is not recommended for 32-bit Skyrim.
  13. It affects all DX9 games. I think Microsoft just doesn't care, because in their opinion too few people still play DX9 games for it to matter. And most / all DX9 vanilla games don't require more than 4GB of VRAM. It really only is a problem with heavily modded games, and that userbase is faaaaar too small for Micro$oft to spend resources on fixing the issue.
  14. I haven't used them before. Sounds slightly shady, but who knows. I personally only trust the websites listed on the GameDeals subreddit (as they have been vetted by many people). Check out the "filter by site" list. https://www.reddit.com/r/gamedeals/about
  15. Yes, the LotD DSR patch is in the guide.
  16. Merge Plugins is the only game in town. Try posting on the Mator's Utilities support forum here on STEP, and see if Mator can help you.
  17. Dungeons 2 is free on the Humble Store for a short time. https://www.humblebundle.com/store/dungeons-2 Eador: Genesis is also free on GOG for a short time: https://www.gog.com/game/eador_genesis
  18. For Real Roads: The linked mesh fix has been uploaded to a proper Nexus page with MrTroubleMaker's permission (instead of the original MediaFire page MrTroubleMaker uploaded it to). This new Nexus page with the mesh fix is linked to by the Real Roads author in the posts section of Real Roads. It might be worth updating the guide to reflect the new link (and "mod"). Real Roads Mesh Fix
  19. Weird. I confirmed this, and fixed the links for all affected Nexus mods in the guide (oddly enough, only in Skin and Body section). I also noticed a couple other typos and stuff in mod notes and fixed those while I was at it.
  20. PMed link. Now only Galactic Civilizations I: Ultimate Edition is available.
  21. Anyone want a free copy of Undertale or Galactic Civilizations I: Ultimate Edition? I have copies of Steam Keys for both (I already own the games). Edit: Undertale given out.
  22. Yes. The whole guide (except for a couple mods with specific instructions) is to be installed for STEP Extended. For STEP Core, install only the mods with the green vertical bar on the left side by the mod name. Most people who run STEP use a full Extended or Core loadout. It makes it much easier, as the STEP patch installed near the end requires many of the mods, and everything has been exhaustively tested to work well together with no issues.
  23. Download the optimized vanilla textures file, not the main file. Check the files tab.
  24. Open the overwrite folder within MO and drag and drop the folders / files.
  25. Not permitted on the STEP forums, unless there is clear permission from the author(s).
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