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Everything posted by Nebulous112

  1. Try installing Win32 OpenSSL v1.1.0f Light from here: https://slproweb.com/products/Win32OpenSSL.html Another program may be interfering with the SSL from MO, and this should fix it. Not sure if that would cause crashes, though.
  2. Are you sure you used the BethINI high preset and not the vanilla high preset? Different options in BethINI.
  3. Honestly I don't think it is that bad from what I remember. On mobile right now, but I don't think the patching was that bad. A lot of patches are already provided by the author. I do love this mod. Have used it since it came out and would recommend it for Extended.
  4. I think I already voted on this, but I would recommend for STEP Core.
  5. I haven't had a chance to check it out either.
  6. True, few mods support it, but it is a godsend for the ones that do. At least for those with restart-itis like me. :-P A lot of Kryptopyr's mods natively support it, and as mentioned earlier in the thread, Grimy made some FISS addons for SkyUI, MoreHud and iHud (all STEP mods now). These just add FISS functionality, nothing more. Available from the SkyTweak page here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/33395/? If we add FISS I think it is worth adding those addons as well.
  7. I let AOS win conflicts. My thought is Lucidity is just better vanilla sound. We can let any other sound mods we want to keep override it.
  8. I think this is an easy add to Core. All benefit and no downside.
  9. My opinion is the same. Great mod and I feel it should be in STEP, I've used it in every one of my active profiles for a while.
  10. I have been using this for a while, and I vote yes for extended.
  11. I vote yes for extended. Like Greg, I have used this mod extensively and believe it would be an amazing addition to STEP. It just fits.
  12. I have used this for a bit with an SRLE profile. I quite like it. Note that some of the specular maps are messed up. Neo always had a note to remove those files, we may want to do the same. I vote yes.
  13. Makes sense, Tech. I vote extended whether it is this release or next.
  14. Regarding enchantments...that has always bothered me as well, but I roleplay that this knowledge is unknown to the mages of Skyrim. Whether because of Skyrim's relative isolation and the populace's distrust of magic leading to the great mages of the world avoiding Skyrim, or another reason. Maybe it is the same reason why we can't craft unique spells. ;-) If you are looking for a decent enchantment mod, I would suggest looking to EnaiSaion's mods. I'm a big fan of almost everything he makes, and Wintermyst or the newer Summermyst are great options to add some variety. Pick one - don't use both. For shouts, Enai's Thunderchild is great. And of course, you already know about Apocalypse for spells.
  15. Not to worry, mentaltyranny! You certainly didn't offend anyone, at least not me. Re-reading my post, I came across as a bit harsh, but that really wasn't my intention. I just wanted to clarify the matter, as you seemed to have misunderstood that the v2.10.0 was the under-development version. I can definitely see how the new version number could be confusing if you weren't aware of it. Tech would be able to tell you more about the change in version scheme. By the way, the link in your last post comes up with an error for me.
  16. The next STEP version is 2.10.0. It is not a past version, it is the under-development version. TechAngel is the most active STEP admin and the release coordinator. He is basically running the show as the other admins aren't very active anymore. So your questions were answered from the best possible source. ;-) And EBT includes the brawl bugs patch. The brawl bugs patch is an open resource and many mods included it. However, it has been superceded by the Modern Brawl Bugs Fix, which likely will be in v2.10.0. Many mods now include it instead...I can't remember whether EBT updated to include it or not. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/77465/?
  17. Have you guys tried the latest version of Wrye Bash from the second post in the development thread? Quite a few bugs were fixed since the latest Nexus beta release. If the issues are still present, maybe post in the thread. Maybe they can get fixed before the full release of 307. There is also a semi-official Wrye Bash thread on AFKMods (since Bethesda.net forums are god awful). https://bethesda.net/community/topic/38798/relz-wrye-bash-oblivion-skyrim-skyrim-se-fallout-4 https://www.afkmods.com/index.php?/topic/4966-wrye-bash-all-games/
  18. Update mentions it is fixed in dev branch. Assuming no issues, it may be available in an insider flight in 1-2 months. So extrapolating: mainstream...maybe 3-6 months? Edit: Actually I have no idea how long it takes for a Windows insider flight build to go mainstream. Maybe sooner? Hopefully sooner.
  19. Credit to this Reddit thread for the news. See here: https://enbseries.enbdev.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=5493
  20. Actually, I believe Xenius' mods had open permissions as long as he was credited. I can't be certain as the pages are removed, but I have heard a few people claim that on different forums. As well, there are listed credits and distribution permissions on the compilation page. Might be worth investigating if there is an archived copy of the original Nexus pages somewhere to verify permissions. I heard Xenius took all his mods down because he was tired of modding and didn't want to deal with people. Regardless, this should be a legal download unless I am totally off-base. I really find it hard to believe that the compilation has stayed up so long with so many endorsements if it was illegal. How it will work with STEP is another story...I haven't looked at the compilation myself, so I can't comment on that.
  21. Yeah, the Legacy Unofficial Patch went from 1.0 through 1.9, then 1.10 through current (1.14.5).
  22. When you create a bashed patch, it will automatically disable plugins it merges.
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