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I think the potential for conflict with other mods was another reason that Chimneys for Skyrim was placed in Extended rather than Core.  Even if it doesn't conflict with other mods in STEP Core, there's a pretty good chance that it could conflict with mods added by certain Packs.  This makes it more difficult for Packs to be built as direct extensions of Core.

I do agree, though, that this mod is a fix.

I honestly can't think of any mods it would conflict with off the top of my head; which would be mods that alter something on the side of the buildings. Possibly if a lantern were to be placed in the same location by another mod... I don't know of any mods that actually alter the buildings themselves which would cause clipping. I haven't loaded it up in TESedit to see want the mod actually includes though...wouldn't know what I'd be looking for anyway. :turned:


I honestly can't think of any mods it would conflict with off the top of my head; which would be mods that alter something on the side of the buildings. Possibly if a lantern were to be placed in the same location by another mod... I don't know of any mods that actually alter the buildings themselves which would cause clipping. I haven't loaded it up in TESedit to see want the mod actually includes though...wouldn't know what I'd be looking for anyway. :turned:


No conflicts with ELFX interiors or exteriors, RWT, Skyrim Improved Puddles. It didn't even conflict with that "No Snow Under the Roof" thing that edits the whole building.


It did have a large number of supporters in the Core Proposal: https://wiki.step-project.com/STEP:Core_Proposal#Chimneys_for_Skyrim

So it looks like Z's one down vote trumped all the up votes. Haha! I really see no reason for it to not be Core. Would need to see a report of its potential for conflicts before the final decision, tho. I don't know how to use TESedit to do this (really should learn).



Thanks Noobsayer


I honestly can't think of any mods it would conflict with off the top of my head; which would be mods that alter something on the side of the buildings. Possibly if a lantern were to be placed in the same location by another mod... I don't know of any mods that actually alter the buildings themselves which would cause clipping. I haven't loaded it up in TESedit to see want the mod actually includes though...wouldn't know what I'd be looking for anyway. :turned:

Expanded Towns and Cities, Towns and Villages Enhanced, and Immersive Settlements come to mind as conflicting mods, but other than that I don't see it conflicting with anything.


Are those known conflicts or just possible conflicts?



Nvm, Expanded Towns and Cities is moot since you've provided the author with a patch for that. Immersive Settlements seems to be moot too as from the author's description it's not conflicting but rather just doesn't include chimneys for building added by that mod. The author is also planning a patch for Immersive Settlements once it's a bit more complete.


This only leaves Towns and Villages Enhanced as a possible issue for conflicts.

  • 10 months later...

The wiki for RW2 has a loot rule:


Meta Rule Instructions

Load after:

  • HearthfireChimneys.esp
  • SDO Full-LOD - Waterfall Effects.esp

but "Hearthfire Chimneys" actually seems to be called Farmhouse Chimneys, and the esp is FarmhouseChimneys.esp



I can update the RW2 loot rule, but can somebody edit the STEP 2.2.9 page to reflect the correct name, or tell me I'm wrong?

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