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I don't think MO supports SkyrimCustom.ini


If Skyrim.ini doesn't exist in the initial location, spINI should give you a window to Select Skyrim.ini, which sets the correct path.


The check is to ensure that Skyrim.ini.spINIbackup is created. If it is not able to create that file, it exits, giving the warning you describe. It effectually means that spINI does not have write access, since it cannot copy the Skyrim.ini file into the same directory and name it Skyrim.ini.spINIbackup.


The warning, however, always says My Games\Documents\Skyrim. That is something I should fix. However, I really do believe you do not have write access, as I cannot replicate your issue in the manner you describe.


If Skyrim.ini doesn't exist in the initial location, spINI should give you a window to Select Skyrim.ini, which sets the correct path.

I never got this message. By initial location do you mean Documents\My Games\Skyrim? Or does it automatically recognize MO's custom path?




The check is to ensure that Skyrim.ini.spINIbackup is created. If it is not able to create that file, it exits, giving the warning you describe. It effectually means that spINI does not have write access, since it cannot copy the Skyrim.ini file into the same directory and name it Skyrim.ini.spINIbackup.


I really do believe you do not have write access, as I cannot replicate your issue in the manner you describe.


As I said on the previous post, version 2.4 did apply the changes made from the app, even though I got the message saying I didn't have writing access and even though I didn't manually change the path to MO's custom folder.


As thing are right now, I'd better stick to 2.4, which seems to be working fine except for the duplicate entries thing.


hi DoubleYou I dont kow if this is a bug or something I did but but i thorught i was mention it. When looking at the skyrim.ini file after using SPini I noticed



sResourceArchiveList=Skyrim - Misc.bsa, Skyrim - Shaders.bsa, Skyrim - Textures.bsa, Skyrim - Interface.bsa, Skyrim - Animations.bsa, Skyrim - Meshes.bsa, Skyrim - Sounds.bsa

sResourceArchiveList2=Skyrim - Voices.bsa, Skyrim - VoicesExtra.bsa




was in the ini file like 3 times once in the middle under [GeneralWarnings] and twice gain at the bottom of the file

Posted (edited)
  On 12/16/2015 at 7:17 PM, DoubleYou said:

Did you run spINI through MO? Cause you shouldn't anymore.

Actually yes I did I take we're not supposed to?


in that case i will delete all my created ini files and start again.

Edited by Darth_mathias

Oh, running outside MO did it. No duplicate entries and everything neatly organized in alphabetical order.


I'd rather run it from MO just to keep all my Skyrim apps in one place, but having to run it from outside is a small price to pay for such a convenient tool.


Thanks for the help!

  On 12/16/2015 at 8:05 PM, Darth_mathias said:

Actually yes I did I take we're not supposed to?


in that case i will delete all my created ini files and start again.

No need. That's what the Default button is for.


I just downloaded and ran the newest version today and it works so much better, however I have a few concerns that I would appreciate alleviated.


  1. When using uGrids 5 and standing on the docks of Solitude looking towards the city, the outcropping on which the castle stands and half of the land are not rendered into view, whereas before with the settings from the earlier version they were and there is no frame rate drop between either version

    ENB turned on
    ENB turned off

    Ignore the washed out graphics of enb, It honestly was not like that before trying this new program today, I cannot figure out what has happened to cause this. also the links are not mixed up, that really is what my game looks like without an ENB, any help would be greatly appreciated at this point in time, everything else is perfect it's just the distance rendering that is stopping me from proceeding with my mod install and gameplay.


  2. I run Claralux and in the ini tweaks it mentions to run with fFlickeringLightDistance=4096 under [Display] but your program places fFlickeringLightDistance=8192 under [General] should I need the tweak from the claralux mod or will the one in [General] do the same job as the one suggested to be placed in [Display] ?

  3. In your guide you mention that


    all need to be set to around 16896 if running uGrids 5, however the gamerpoets video suggests setting these to 10000000, is this just down to personal preference or does it really tie in with the uGrids value ?

  4. Also in relation to Claralux, there is a few more edits that are advised (perhaps not mandatory though), namely these

    In SKYRIM.INI [DISPLAY] add/adjust:


    In SKYrIMPREFS.INI [DISPLAY] add/adjust:


    your guide states that some of these may be useless and not used, what are the recommendations regarding this.

Anymore information I can offer just ask and I will do my best to provide :)



1. Disable Terrain Fade-in

2. The fFlickeringLightDistance setting must be under General, or else it will not work.

3. I set 16896 as being approximately the maximum value for this using uGrids 5. Setting it higher will not do anything unless using higher ugrids. I do not know if there is a performance difference, but there is no visual difference.

4a. I currently do not think that the specular settings work, but I may be wrong. I tried finding a difference with them around shiny objects, but could never find a difference.

4b. Instead of using those light values, use the Light Fade slider. Set it around 20000 or so.


I probably will integrate fFlickeringLightDistance with the light fade slider in the future.


Thank you, I was going insane trying to figure that out, I now have fully rendered LOD again!


I made the changes you recommended and even with full Noble Skyrim 2K and it's smim patch, with a reflect map on water of 2048 I'm still getting a minimum of 30fps, as long as it stays at that minimum and no lower I will be a happy man, I will be testing more mods out here shortly so I can play around with the specular settings and see what I can come up with, if I remember rightly I think aMidianborn's armor mods include a specular map so I might install these and test.


A few rambling notes after running spINI on a new STEP setup:


spINI added iAdapter=1 (in Display in Skyrim.ini) causing Skyrim to run on the secondary monitor. I manually changed this to iAdpater=0 so Skyrim runs on the primary monitor. This may have been due to a bug in the Skyrim Launcher because the launcher created iAdapter=0 in SkyrimPrefs.ini instead of Skyrim.ini.


The default fMouseHeadingSensitivity=0.0500 (Controls in SkyrimPrefs.ini) seems to be a bit too sensitive. With this setting I can spin full circle with a quick jerk of the mouse, and it makes it difficult to center the mouse on small objects. I reverted this back to fMouseHeadingSensitivity=0.0125.

  On 9/28/2015 at 4:24 AM, Spock said:

Looking through your ENB Must-have tweaks, I would add bDoDepthOfField=1 because it is required for some under water effects to work.


I have no blurring while underwater , where do you add this , where is it

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