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Everything posted by Sakr3d

  1. Sigh..... Looks like Enhanced Lighting for ENB (ELE) - Special Edition and Relighting Skyrim are both hidden.
  2. Are there alternatives for the Thieves Guild Armour?
  3. There's now an esp as well as many other options with this mod. Instructions will need some updating. Then again, i don't think the new options have been vetted for inclusion in STEP. https://wiki.step-project.com/Embers_HD
  4. It's under moderation on Nexus is all I see.
  5. Looking at the NIF, it wasn't changed with the new update. I wish he'd increment the version number so that mod managers would detect an update.
  6. Just a heads up that Boris released ENBoost 6.0 anticrash on the Nexus that added two new lines to the enblocal.ini: DataSyncMode have the range of 0..2 at this moment, this is not boolean variable. Value=0 disables patch PriorityMode have the range of 0..4 at this moment, this is not boolean variable. Value=0 disables patch Now I've read the description several times. I'm still not sure I get exactly what this is doing.
  7. Looks like this is going to be the best of all worlds. I am so much looking forward to this release. Mangaclub's work is always top notch.
  8. MysteryModder's Ultra HD pack contained it when it existed on Nexus.
  9. Thirds.
  10. There's a few new options in the fomod with version 5.2. Dark Brotherhood Mask Fix and Better Fitting Glass Helmet Meshes
  11. Also, in the OP it states the following regarding mod testing: Disable Ragdoll Paralysis (this mod replaces it)Disable 101BugsHD (this mod replaces it)Disable Claims Drop Pearls (this mod replaces it) I really wish there was a list like this on the mods main page as CACO also replaces Harvest Overhaul.
  12. I've been using this for some time. It's a definite improvement compared to whatever Bethesda was trying to do.
  13. Version 2 of this just came out. The install instructions don't need to be updated other than the following: "Download and install the SSIRT v1.3 main file." SSIRT v2.0 is the new main file. https://wiki.step-project.com/Skyrim_Skill_Interface_Re-Texture#Recommendations
  14. I always download manually, but I have been unable to check for updates on any of my installed mods. I wonder if this has anything to do with Nexus adding a new game. Edit: It is now working for me.
  15. Greg, Enemy AI OverHaul---Revenge Of the Enemies >>> https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/40491/? pretty much resolves that issue. HP nearly doubled, magika increased, more perks and spells on them. I could not play this game with out this mod.
  16. I love the look of these. I vote for these to be included even with my low post count.
  17. I love this so much. I also I love the spINI Tweaks mate. Figuring this all out, I added the other suggested STEP INI changes so I have a one stop shop in my MO for all of the tweaks. I added SRLE's FOV and papyrus load time tweaks as well as STEPs light pop in tweak, sun shadow transition tweak, and the arrow and bolt aiming tweaks. Oh and I also created a new ini for Grass - Optimized grass (enhanced landscapes).ini. I love this so much! Thank you.
  18. The populated series really hasn't been updated since they all got moved to Erkeil's site. There was an update to PLRP after making it to the site which was version 1.27. I've used Populated Cities Towns Villages, Populated Dungeons Caves Ruins, Populated Forts Towers Places, and Populated Lands Roads Paths from the beginning when they were on Nexus. They are must have in my load order. I always install the (no script versions) also. Regarding civil war, I prefer Immersive Patrols over Populated Civil War. Populated Civil War with all those NPCs will crunch your machine. I cannot speak on how they work with mods that increase spawns or mods like Genesis / Sands of Time, OBIS, ASIS. On a side note, if you use Ethereal Elven Overhaul I'd recommend grabbing the EEO patched for the populated series here -> https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/46067/?
  19. MO crashes 100% of the time when I do the following: Highlight two mods > right click > click Replace Categories > choose category = crash Edit: While testing, i discovered this only happens using the Replace Categories option. If I do the following, it works as intended: Highlight two mods > right click > click Add/Remove Categories > choose category = Success!!
  20. Thank you EssArrBee and DoubleYou for the information and links.
  21. Is it possible to create an ini file for any mod that suggests editing the skyrim / skyrim prefs ini file? In this example, can I simply create an Unbelievable Grass Two.ini file with the bellow information in the same directory as the Unbelievable Grass Two.esp with UGT's recommendations so I don't have to edit my skyrim / skyrim prefs ini files when switching between SFO, Grass on Steroids, Verdant, UGT? [Grass] bAllowCreateGrass=1 bAllowLoadGrass=0 iMaxGrassTypesPerTexure=10 iMinGrassSize=50
  22. I haven't seen the redundant flag since I upgraded to MO 1.3.x
  23. As DoubleYou said, it doesn't matter at all. Vilja is also safe to install at anytime. I always install the Falskaar and Wyrmstooth options for RWT and Skyfalls during their installs and then install Falskaar and Wyrmstooth later. If you happen to use RS Children or Ethereal Elven Overhaul there are FS and WT patches for those as well. EEO Patches - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/46067/? RS Children Patches - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/55668/?
  24. ramccoid, I've lurked this forum for years admiring the attitudes that exist here. This forum is exactly what the community can be. I've loved and used almost all of your work for years. Thank you for your efforts. I feel the silent majority feel similar.
  25. ramccoid's mods are visible again. I love these guys and gals and have been very saddened to see all the hate.
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