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Everything posted by WilliamImm

  1. You can freely switch to different textures even if you are in the middle of the game, unless the mod comes with plugins (and even then, if they aren't scripted, you could possibly switch those out without harm).
  2. I can't help but feel that these textures look off and don't fit within the style of the game, though I'd need compares to make sure.
  3. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/59174/? Shares an author with HD Werewolves, and it also looks to be a quite nice replacer for the wolves in Skyrim. Also comes with an optional companion wolf if you want. (though that part of the mod is really outside of STEP)
  4. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/60804/? Recently released retexture of the werewolves in Skyrim. Though mainly made for users of either Moonlight Tales or Automatic Variants, replacer versions are there too. Textures look to be of good qualility, though that's only judging by the screenshots.
  5. Keithinhanoi, assuming I have a processor that has 6 or 8 physical cores, what HWThread settings should I use in my INI? (Not that I actually have a 6 or 8 core processor, just asking for the sake of interest)
  6. Shame. Ask if he is willing to let the STEP team mantain the mod.
  7. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/60663/? From the author of several other retextures we've been seeing recently. Looks like a few of the things it covers are also covered by other texture mods in STEP. Comparisions warrented. Testing:Provide comparision shots between Vanilla, STEP, and this mod for all modified textures.
  8. Tracking. I love the look of this mod.
  9. Conflict between Improved Closefaced Helmets and some other mod. Make a patch with TES5Edit that carries over the changes made by ICH and the other mod(s).
  10. My intention was not to start a witch hunt. My intention was to point out that the author of the mod you are suggesting is ridiculously checkered, and still is. That alone is enough for me to avoid his mods at all costs, but I really don't want the people here to provoke Giskard because of this. Additionally, including his mods in a guide on this site, and suggesting they should be cleaned (because odds are, they need to be) or in some cases even suggesting using BOSS along with the use of his mods may cause him to provoke a massive flame war on this site. So, really, knowing his history and attitude towards some things STEP and STEP-like guides recommend, it's best to avoid stirring this up by adding any of his mods.
  11. I'm going to be perfectly honest, even if this mod supposedly made the game so much better, I'm still not going to download it, or any of Giskard's other mods. He has lost so much trust with the modding community with his past and present actions. This tells you what you need to know about his history. And yes, regarding his current actions here are some threads where both Giskard and I ended up posting.
  12. Finally! Of course, I wouldn't post a link to a scam site. See for youself where it leads to. It goes without saying, but if you see someone attempt this or any other similiar scams, you should block, report, and unfriend.
  13. The actual uploader, skunky123, has also removed all of the Mystery Modder files.
  14. I better start messing with the scammers if I ever get targeted again on Steam...
  15. If you see someone try and add you to your Steam friend list without warning, and the user posts messages like this, block all communications, report the user, and unfriend. Apparently, this has happened since late August to various users, if this is anything to go by.
  16. New version, 1.0. Of major note is that the mesh issues that caused normal maps to not apply properly on helmets is fixed. Additionally, vanilla dragonpriest masks are included (including one that fits beast races better), and also removes the cloth around neck for the Imperial helmet. Haven't checked to confirm if the new masks have mesh issues or not. I hope not, for the Divne's sake.
  17. "MMM" is a bit ambigous, as it could mean either Martigen's mod for Oblivion, or his Fallout 3 mod. Maybe a better acronym would be "Martigen's Monster/Mutant Mod".
  18. I have messaged the author again - including the possibility of having the STEP team (and/or myself) take over mantaince of this mod.
  19. Oh... uh, see who has the NVR3 assets file, and upload that somewhere safe. And try to mediate a truce between Drumber and Dracomies, since (apparently) the latter ended up using assets from FCO without asking permission.
  20. Weirdly enough, I don't seem to have Animated Fan downloaded or installed in my previous FNV setup. Ah well - someone else may have downloaded it already. EDIT: Oh, and regarding the Plasma Caster - WMX's EVE patch (and presumably main WMX) have modded versions of the Plasma Caster - without the fix as well. Examining the meshes for the fixed version, it turns out that it's as simple as setting the R-rotation of ##ProjectileNode (under ##GatlingLaserGun) to -90.00. I'll likely make a fixed version of the WMX-EVE Plasma Caster meshes and upload them on the Nexus (if possible).
  21. BTW: SRB, the "What the guide is still lacking" section still lists "Switch to LOOT from BOSS", even through the switchover happened some time go. Might want to remove that part, it's furfilled.
  22. Anyway, SRB, have you considered the two mods I mentioned? Didn't see a response for that...
  23. BTW, some suggestions from me (I told you about them on Steam earlier, but since they may be forgotten): [*]Yuki's REPCONN Test Site Fixes - v9.0 of his unofficial patch does not include this mod. When YUP gets updated, you can likely remove this, but until then, should be considered for the guide. [*]EVEs Plasma Caster 3rd Person Firing Fix - Despite the fact that this was uploaded before the lastest version of EVE, it does not appear to use this fix. The Plasma Caster in vanilla (and EVE) fires very improperly while in third person, this patch fixes it. Oh, and there's an easier method for installing Interior Lighting Overhaul than listed in the guide. Instead of extracting manually, use the Interior Lighting Overhaul installer, but don't tick Nevada Skies while installing. Then, download and install the Nevada Skies patch from the mod page.
  24. BTW: SRB, you really should look at this thread. It's Sharlikran's thread for integrating full Fallout support in mainline Wrye Bash - if you found anything that the patch doesn't merge, but should merge (or improperly does), you should post here.
  25. You would also need to remove the Worldspace record placing the container in the plugin too. I think you can just remove the whole block, since I think there's nothing else the patch puts in the worldspace (or cells).
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