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Everything posted by WilliamImm

  1. I'll actually go ahead and update the BOSS masterlist with the unreconized plugins. As for LOOT, I may do some work there too, but most of it will be to try and go through the backlog of BOSS commits I've done earlier for the list, and picking out which ones are valid to convert over (usually the ones that involve explicit "load after/before" conditions, or new Bash Tags).
  2. I'm going to point this out, again: Most of the changes made by me for the FNV BOSS masterlist have NOT been ported over to the LOOT masterlist, including most of the bash tag changes made. I will likely open a ticket for said masterlist to convert the edits over, but you shouldn't be suprised about the missing bash tags when using LOOT. EDIT: Ticket opened.
  3. I'd say for the next edition of STEP, this (and the texture workshop) are shoe-ins for mod testing. When the current tesing for 2.2.9 is done, these two mods will be the first to get added.
  4. TBH, the directory name your Skyrim is installed in seems like a pirated version, considering that Steam versions (outside of Steam Mover) would end up under either "Steam/SteamApps/common" or "SteamLibrary/common", and even if you use Steam Mover, it would be outside of Program Files and be named "skyrim".
  5. Looking at the Bash installer for the mod, I really think it can be improved (no disrespect to z92 or TheChosenone). There's a lot of duplication in the installer, it doesn't have the same flow as the FOMOD installer (including the fact that the STEP options force a default plugin to be installed, which doesn't happen in the FOMOD installer), and the explanations could be massivly improved. I'm working on a major revision of that installer, and I will upload it here as soon as it's ready.
  6. I really don't think this is a STEP mod at all. And, regarding MM's shrines being kept in STEP, I wasn't the one who decided that, since I was actually advocating (and still am advocating) that Ren's HD Shrines belongs in Core.
  7. @lazygecko: Please PM z92 on the Nexus to get a shiny mod author's badge.
  8. I'll note one thing about LOOT: The massive masterlist updates I did for BOSS? Not converted over to LOOT yet. I'd imagine that someone should pay attention to the BOSS repo, as I'm way too busy really to convert the updates over for LOOT.
  9. And yes, another welcome here. I especially enjoyed your Project Parallax pack when I've used it. As others said, PM z92 on the Nexus to get your mod author's badge. Another note: In a earlier post, it looks like you assumed the individual titles for phryxolydian and Octopuss were "Thane" and "Jarl" respectively. I'd admit, they do kinda look like usernames at first glance, but people might not know at first it you refer to them on this site using one of the pre-baked titles. Their usernames are actually right above their posts.
  10. Myself, I use Bellyache's dragon replacer. That one actually makes Alduin looks black and obsidian, and Bellyache's version of him is my favorite for all Alduin retextures.
  11. Since we've got more active mod testers now, does anyone want to go and sieve through this mod, picking out the textures that work for STEP? That, and the Dwemer Metal Retexture. It's been updated since we last seriously looked at it, and this may also help with Skyrim Revisited.
  12. Please put the author of the mod in the title next time, to make things easier for the STEP team.
  13. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/54473/? Not at all a mod meant for STEP, but something really fun anyway. InsanitySorrow made a spirtual conversion of everyone's favorite talkative sword from Baldur's Gate 2, Lilacor. Complete with his own voice acted lines.
  14. This has been in testing for quite a few months, along with the Vivid Landscapes mod that covers the same imperial forts. Any comments on this one?
  15. This has been in testing for several months. By now, the author released a compilation version of his Vivid Landscapes mods. I'd like for this to get out of testing somehow before the 2.2.9 release. Any comments?
  16. Actually looks more like a Core canidate to me - the vanilla item's look really does not fit with it's supposed lore and placement.
  17. BCS should be added as an acronym, since it's used fairly often to reffer to "Book Covers Skyrim".
  18. Isoku implemented nearly all (if not outright all) of the static holidays from those that were already mentioned in series lore or events (see the UESP for proof). The few dynamic holidays - well, eveyone does have a birthday, and considering how massivly signifigant both stopping Alduin and ending the Skyrim civil war are, it makes sense to have holidays relating to both for those who have enough post-game content to keep them busy. EDIT: Also, there's even a adaptation of Dicken's Christmas Carol in there, reworked approiatly for the Elder Scrolls setting, and distributed in the form of books (with the look based of the BCS books, even). So that's a neat little extra. OT to this particlar testing: Anyone ran this with REGS?
  19. Works for me. Marked for Testing.
  20. We've accepted Gemling Queen Jewlery over this, and that serves as an effective replacement and refinement of this mod. Unmarked for Testing.
  21. This has been in testing for a long, long time. Has anyone used this mod in an actual game, and if so, what are your thoughts on it?
  22. So, should we plop this into testing? I agree, it looks really nice, and this might be a case of vanilla being so awful, that anything that dramatically replaces it and fits otherwise with the mandate is Core. Only reason why I'm holding back is because the others are trying to thin out the other currently "marked as testing" mods, and I'm a little worried about adding any more mods to that list (even ones that are fairly simple to test).
  23. Marked for Testing. This mod would be really simple to test out in-game - find a enchanting table, and make comparison shots of it with a regular STEP installation, and a STEP installation + this mod. Optionally, compares with vanilla textures can be done.
  24. Locked and marked for deletion. A thread exists for this mod already. Additionally, do not copy the description verbativm from the mod, because it just looks sloppy if you do so. IDZeroNo, you have done this before with several other mods. Make sure you a) search the forums to see if the mod has a thread already and b) if you create a thread for the mod, do not copy the description verbativim from the Nexus or wherever the mod is hosted. And please, make sure that you provide a URL to the mod, as it would save us from having to search it out ourselves.
  25. That was added because the dragon had special subtitles, but used generic dragon roaring instead of the proper voice - USKP just adds proper voice to that, and (IMHO) in quite a convincing and seamless fashion. Through, then again, I never play without the USKP anyway, and I actually seriously thought Mirmulnir was voiced in the vanilla game.
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