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Everything posted by WilliamImm

  1. By now, this mod is practically accepted. Many people use it, no technical issues were reported, and everyone stated that it was a nigh-essential addition to the game. Techangel, would you do the honors?
  2. My only request for that mod was to have it be called "Blackreach EVOLVED" with the author being "Aiyen underground". But still, looks real good.
  3. Marked for Testing. Please upload compares of current STEP, STEP + new meshes, and both new meshes and textures.
  4. And I would likely stick with EVGA. Mainly because folding for them and getting discounts for that (potentionally massive ones, to boot) is nothing to pass over. For someone strapped for cash as I am, that is a real boon.
  5. Regarding the Explosive Bolts Visualized Path - both the author of this mod and the author of Explosive Bolts Visualized have given permission for someone to make a patch. I, however, am not a texture artist, so I can't really do this, but from what I see, it's really changing the color of the bolt feathers and adding in the salt texture and normal used in the mod. As for proof of the EotW author's approval...
  6. Welcome, Halk Hogan! Please PM z92 on the Nexus and ask for the shiny mod author badge.
  7. Two more mods I'd suggest adding to the Yuki gameplay mods section: Better Caravan game limit for merchantsOwnerless TrashBoth are what I'd consider great tweaks for the game. The Caravan game limit mod is for consitency with Yuki's other Caravan mod, which uses the fix for the added merchant, but not for the existing ones. And Ownerless Trash just makes sense - if it's trash, it's fair game. I'd also include Tuneable Radios, but I'd either want to make a CONELRAD patch first, or wait for Yuki to include support for that in the mod. EDIT: Also, really tempted to include Repair Metal Armor with Any Metal Misc Items in the list. And also include Old World Blues - Light Stealth Suit MK II, something which just makes sense to include as a fix.
  8. It's disappointing that the card has less VRAM that I original hoped. Well, at the very least, it does distributed computing tasks very well, so there's that. (Haven't tried modded Skyrim with it)
  9. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/61884/? Along the same lines as Realistic Wolf Sounds, but for the husky companions added by Dawnguard. Seen on the hot files, and looks to be quite interesting.
  10. It's best just to load it after Bellyache's mod.
  11. Launching Morrowind directly worked fine for me with Mash + Morrowind Overhaul.
  12. Necroing this post, but I'd have to say, this mod still looks interesting. I really do think the idea is sound. I'll look at the mod once I'm back on Skyrim again.
  13. Wrye Mash installs directly into the data folder. There really isn't a better modding solution avaliable for Morrowind at the moment. Mlox is Morrowind's equilivant to LOOT/BOSS, but it's closer to BOSS, and it literally redates plugins to sort. Tes3cmd I mainly use for the cleaning features, but it can do more. Wrye Mash Fork should be able to make use of it in a GUI interface. Tes3lint is a error checking application for Morrowind, though Mlox should already list info about the various plugins. Here's a good list of the modding tools avaliable for Morrowind.
  14. NMM is not the best choice for your mod manager. Your best choice is Wrye Mash, despite it's age. The latest ready-to-go version is in this forked version, though Sharlikran seems to be working on his own version. Might poke him about it. Best place to start is to install Morrowind Overhaul - there's info and updates about it there. The other mods listed in the Reddit thread are woth considering too. As far as tools go, get both Mlox and Tes3cmd, both of which are really useful. Yes, Morrowind Overhaul includes Mlox, but an older version. Also, this should help you with understanding Mash. It might not be a bad idea to make a guide for this. Would also be good for me, since I do kinda want to play Morrowind at some point. And yes, though not necessarcily Morrowind related, Wiwiland made easy-to-use installers for both Arena and Daggerfall, the latter of which got a lot of fixes and such. At least you now have modded versions of all five Elder Scrolls games if you so choose. EDIT: Oh, almost forgot one mod that is pretty much essential: Tamriel Rebuilt. Don't follow the ModDB link in the Reddit guide, the version there is outdated and not on a official download source. That really helps to expand the game a whole lot.
  15. I've tracked this mod ever since I've heard about it. This looks real good.
  16. I'm unlikely to add this patch. Examination of it yielded that it was incomplete, and missing quite a lot of weapons that needed patched meshes. I will make my own patch with permission from T3nd0.
  17. Origin is giving away Theme Hospital for free, which is a really, really fun game to play. It's best played with CorsixTH, which makes it easier to play on a modern system.
  18. So... why should I use this mod? Please add that info to the original post.
  19. I've asked Saerileth to contact raiserfx about bundling the RCI 2.7 dragonclaw textures within the mod because of this rather complicated workaround. Hopefully, raiserfx is willing to let his textures be used in this instance.
  20. Is there a specific reason why this user is not uploading to the Nexus or similar? Generally, we don't get mods from non-English language sites if we can help it.
  21. As suggested in the thread for Realistic HD Mushrooms, I'm marking this for testing. Marked for Testing.
  22. Odd, I checked the LOOT Masterlist and looked at the record for the YUP ESM, and I saw a record for 'Factions'. I have, however, made the other changes to the record for it in the LOOT masterlist based on the results on the script.
  23. Just make sure this mod is installed after any mod that changes the weapon meshes.
  24. No, you don't need the patch. You also don't need the patch if you use the Content Addon for Book of Silence.
  25. I'm planning on updating Even Better Quest Objectives anyway so that it doesn't have patches for any of kryptopyr's mods anymore (including The Choice is Yours). Mainly because she merged my changes to the quest objectives, removing the need for patches in question.
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