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Just watched a Gopher video about a fix for stutters that he was having and the fix for it.


Amazingly Gopher was having stutters and the cause was the... New Vegas Stutter Remover. More precisely the specific setting called:

bHookLightCriticalSections = 1

Changing that to 0, or off, fixed his stutters.


Now on my lower end system, and with my rather non-critical eye for detail, I can't say whether I've noticed any issues with this setting being on, but I have just now changed it to off and am about to play a session to see if even I can see any change.




Just registered to say thank you for putting together a great resource for getting up and running with New Vegas. I haven't played for quite a while and this really made the daunting task of picking and choosing worthwhile mods less of a scavenger hunt through the Nexus. Everything worked for the most part, however I'm not entirely sure that the Gun Runners Arsenal GRA - The Right to Bear Arms mod is stable or compatible enough to include at this time. It has huge issues with Fallout Character Overhaul, and completely removes a number of leveled items throughout the Mojave. Almost every guard-type NPC is spawning without armor of any kind. Perhaps more testing to see if a merge or bash patch could be made with FCO to lessen the impact. As it is, I've just been console killing/resurrecting any that I see, but after a while it just becomes tedious.


Anyway, thanks again for compiling this list!


Let us know whether the Fallout DDSopt guide was sufficiently clear about the steps and if there were problems, or if you have questions. It's hard to know how much detail to include in guides like this. 

Posted (edited)

I wish I had decided to do this before I was half way through the guide... but I started making a list of errors I found to help out.  A lot of work has been put into this guide, so the least I can do is log small errors as I find them.


The following are packaged incorrectly, and you have to manually select the data directory, but the guide does not mention this.

  • ALR - Aptoms Legion Retextured
  • Ditto for Distributed Necklaces and Chains Neck Seam Concealer
  • The Legacy of X13 - An Armor Overhaul
  • holster - thigh and cowboy 1_2
  • NCR Trooper Overhaul - Distributed
  • Omnis Hi-Res Pip-Boy 3000
  • Retextured FALLOUT Ordnance - RFO
  • Weapon Retexture Project - WRP (just the main file, the two optional files are fine)


  • The installation notes for says "1hpunequip.hk" where it should say "1hpunequip.kf"
  • Loot DOES correctly sort ADAM, so this installation step can be removed.  Although double check to make sure, but the metadata was already correct when I went to edit it.
  • TrooperOverhaul-Dragbody.esp is reported by loot as having 4 ITM records.  There's no mention of this in the guide.  Should they be removed or left alone?
  • ILO - NVInteriors Project.esp is reported as having 7 ITM records, there's also no mention of this in the guide.  Same question.
  • ILO - New Vegas Bounties.esp and NewVegasBountiesII.esp have 1 ITM and 2 deleted navmeshes respectively.  Again no mention, and again same question.
Edited by Gnrl_Kitty

Also to add, when you need to delete the NPC records from FCOMaster.esm that all start with "00", there are 1520 total to remove. That way you know if you got them all or took out to many.

Posted (edited)

Does anyone know what might be the problem with the Laser Rifle's Iron Sight? So far, it's the only weapon that I have this problem with.




Also I have random flashes from the light sources, which, I'm pretty sure, are related to Electro-City. If anyone knows how to fix them, that would be much appreciated.

And another thing: how do you fix the skin tone mismatch?



Some textures are missing entirely:


Edited by 13xforever
Posted (edited)


And another thing: how do you fix the skin tone mismatch?


You need to set the below in both fallout.ini and falloutprefs.ini

bLoadFaceGenHeadEGTFiles = 1
Edited by steveley
  • +1 1

If i wated to use the ragdoll mod , where should it be placed in the modlist ?


I loved this mod  before it was removed .

I placed it towards the end of my mod list, after the mods included in the guide.


thanks ! 


Also i found my favorite ENB to go along with Fear and loathing .


Overgrowth ENB



I also decided to replace my Pipboy with The Readius one  and change the default  darnified hud  with CelHud 

I really would have liked to try Overgrowth ENB with F&L but I saw no mention of it having nightvision support so I never tested it out. Do you know if it has nightvision support? Or have you not gotten that far yet?

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