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I saw that last night and really liked it. I'll add that mod to my list. Tested Shiloh's before I ever even made the guide page public way, way back and just didn't like it. I'm not a fan of colored map markers, but they are plug and play so it's easy to add them if you like.


Vanilla tree LODs are being worked on. Check it out with vanilla.




Still got a little ways to go and need to do some stuff for other mods like SFO, but it's coming along. Just look at all those little bushes it added.

Posted (edited)

It depends on if it stay's buggy due to engine changes. I still think the tree LOD will stay bushes only. Most can handle the trees as full models with how sparse they are.

Edited by Adonis_VII
Posted (edited)

Thank you, EssArrBee, for a great guide.


I've watched hours of videos, and read all the info I can find, but I'm at a loss. I'm hoping someone who reads this may be able/willing to help me out.


I'm having a problem with glowing rocks. When I aim/zoom, regardless of equipped weapon, rocks glow just like "friendly" targets, in TAC. When I unshoulder the weapon, the green glow continues for about 5 seconds. (I don't know if this is relevant, the glowing is only visible in a roughly 40° arc from due East to South). This happens when; I use any Night Vision, (either Mk I, Mk II), or any Nightvision headgear equipped, with the Recon TAC. Gopher's entire Advanced Recon package was installed via the FLNV instructions, twice (thought maybe I'd messed up) Including, merging and extracting .bsa files.





I've Googled other glitches which manifest, in nearly the same manner, (only visible, within a certain arc), but they pertain to users of ENB's.


If I make available the un-merged files and move the merge to optional, it still happens.

If I move the DetectTraps.esm to the optional area, (not activated), the rocks glow.

I'm using the 3 texture packs; NMC's Medium, Poco Bueno and Textures Over Time. (In that order of prioritization.) If I disable any two and use the remaining texture pack... No glowing rocks.

I've been using different profiles to install similar groups of mods. For easier troubleshooting, if I messed up. (So much for that idea.)

If I use the previous profile, (profile #7 no texture packs), no green glow. However, if I reconstruct the profile which has the texture packs, (profile #8), to the exact same configuration as profile #7, I still get the green glow.

Disabling FlashlightNVSE makes no difference.



I'm also getting a clipping of the collar, from Gopher's Advanced Recon Black Ops Coat, partially coming into view, when I use zoom with no weapon equipped. Only that particular coat, no other... So far.




Thank you, in advance, to anyone who can help my frazzled mind.


[spoiler=My mod list]# This file was automatically generated by Mod Organizer.
+UIO - User Interface Organizer
+Clint Eastwood -Man With No Name- Pack
+The Pip-Boy 2500 - Handheld Pipboy
+Adv Recon Range Finder
+Ranger Helmet Neck Cover
+Adv Recon Riot Gear Helmets
+Adv Des Ranger Green Eyes
+Adv Des Ranger Helmet
+Adv Recon Stealth Armor - EASIER STEALTH
+Adv Recon Stealth Armor - Doc Mitchell
+Adv Recon Stealth Armor
+Ranger Recon Red Eyes
+Adv Recon Therm NV - Doc Mitchells
+Adv Recon Thermal Nightvision
+Adv Recon Trap Detection
+One HUD (Darnified Merge)
+Darnified UI v4
+The Weapon Mod Menu
+The Mod Configuration Menu (Darnified)
+Project Nevada - Extra Options
+Project Nevada
+New Vegas Stutter Remover
+NVAC - New Vegas Anti Crash
+New Vegas - Enhanced Camera
+Centered 3rd Person Camera
+Yukichigai Unofficial Patch - YUP
+Textures Over Time
+NMCs Texture Pack
+CASM with MCM
+Lutana's NVSE Plugin
*Unmanaged: CaravanPack
*Unmanaged: ClassicPack
*Unmanaged: DeadMoney
*Unmanaged: FalloutNV
*Unmanaged: GunRunnersArsenal
*Unmanaged: HonestHearts
*Unmanaged: LonesomeRoad
*Unmanaged: MercenaryPack
*Unmanaged: OldWorldBlues
*Unmanaged: TribalPack






Edit: I installed NV Interiors Project with, NMC's patch... The glowing rocks no longer glow. (Does that make any sense?)

The collar of the Advanced Recon Black Ops Coat still clips...


Edit #2: The glowing came back, after a few minutes, in-game...

Edited by Tralfaz
Posted (edited)
  On 4/9/2015 at 6:34 PM, Tralfaz said:

Thank you, EssArrBee, for a great guide.


I've watched hours of videos, and read all the info I can find, but I'm at a loss. I'm hoping someone who reads this may be able/willing to help me out.


I'm having a problem with glowing rocks. When I aim/zoom, regardless of equipped weapon, rocks glow just like "friendly" targets, in TAC. When I unshoulder the weapon, the green glow continues for about 5 seconds. (I don't know if this is relevant, the glowing is only visible in a roughly 40° arc from due East to South). This happens when; I use any Night Vision, (either Mk I, Mk II), or any Nightvision headgear equipped, with the Recon TAC. Gopher's entire Advanced Recon package was installed via the FLNV instructions, twice (thought maybe I'd messed up) Including, merging and extracting .bsa files.





I've Googled other glitches which manifest, in nearly the same manner, (only visible, within a certain arc), but they pertain to users of ENB's.


If I make available the un-merged files and move the merge to optional, it still happens.

If I move the DetectTraps.esm to the optional area, (not activated), the rocks glow.

I'm using the 3 texture packs; NMC's Medium, Poco Bueno and Textures Over Time. (In that order of prioritization.) If I disable any two and use the remaining texture pack... No glowing rocks.

I've been using different profiles to install similar groups of mods. For easier troubleshooting, if I messed up. (So much for that idea.)

If I use the previous profile, (profile #7 no texture packs), no green glow. However, if I reconstruct the profile which has the texture packs, (profile #8), to the exact same configuration as profile #7, I still get the green glow.

Disabling FlashlightNVSE makes no difference.



I'm also getting a clipping of the collar, from Gopher's Advanced Recon Black Ops Coat, partially coming into view, when I use zoom with no weapon equipped. Only that particular coat, no other... So far.




Thank you, in advance, to anyone who can help my frazzled mind.


[spoiler=My mod list]# This file was automatically generated by Mod Organizer.

+UIO - User Interface Organizer


+Clint Eastwood -Man With No Name- Pack

+The Pip-Boy 2500 - Handheld Pipboy

+Adv Recon Range Finder

+Ranger Helmet Neck Cover

+Adv Recon Riot Gear Helmets

+Adv Des Ranger Green Eyes

+Adv Des Ranger Helmet

+Adv Recon Stealth Armor - EASIER STEALTH

+Adv Recon Stealth Armor - Doc Mitchell

+Adv Recon Stealth Armor

+Ranger Recon Red Eyes

+Adv Recon Therm NV - Doc Mitchells

+Adv Recon Thermal Nightvision

+Adv Recon Trap Detection

+One HUD (Darnified Merge)

+Darnified UI v4

+The Weapon Mod Menu

+The Mod Configuration Menu (Darnified)

+Project Nevada - Extra Options

+Project Nevada

+New Vegas Stutter Remover

+NVAC - New Vegas Anti Crash

+New Vegas - Enhanced Camera

+Centered 3rd Person Camera

+Yukichigai Unofficial Patch - YUP

+Textures Over Time


+NMCs Texture Pack

+CASM with MCM

+Lutana's NVSE Plugin

*Unmanaged: CaravanPack

*Unmanaged: ClassicPack

*Unmanaged: DeadMoney

*Unmanaged: FalloutNV

*Unmanaged: GunRunnersArsenal

*Unmanaged: HonestHearts

*Unmanaged: LonesomeRoad

*Unmanaged: MercenaryPack

*Unmanaged: OldWorldBlues

*Unmanaged: TribalPack







Edit: I installed NV Interiors Project with, NMC's patch... The glowing rocks no longer glow. (Does that make any sense?)

The collar of the Advanced Recon Black Ops Coat still clips...


Edit #2: The glowing came back, after a few minutes, in-game...


Known issue with the TAC and hollowed out rocks, instead of just lighting up the rock it lights up all connected rocks too. If you find and empty out the hidden rock it removes the visual bug from the area where the rock is.
Edited by BurritoJustice

Thank you, so much, for the reply BurritoJustice. I had no idea. I must have been using bad search terms, when looking on forums and Google. I was about to give up and start over completely, from a bare install of FNV. (The rocks on Primm Pass still glow, when the Hollowed-out Rock is empty).


I didn't have the problem until I installed texture packs so I assumed I'd messed something up. I see now that I must have reverted to an earlier save, (before I looted the rocks), when the problem "came back".


Got an easy explanation for the clipping of the Advanced Recon Black OPS Coat, per chance?


Thanks again. Now to tackle installing and merging NV Uncut...


Anyone have an ideas why skin presets available in the character creator would be missing (bright pink textures)? Also, some eye choices look weird like they've got an hourglass shaped pupil rather than, y'know, normal eyes.

Posted (edited)

Fair enough. Any thoughts on what I should do to resolve the eyes being weird?


E: OK, it looks like going in Wrye Flash and tagging FCOMaster.esm with "Eyes" will help fix the issue. Also need to edit the path for the blue/ghoul eye preset in FNVEdit to be character/eyes instead of character/eye.


E2: And, well, neither of those seem to have helped. This stupid double-eye bug is annoying.

Edited by dragonshardz

The double-iris is caused by FCO clashing with NVR3. With NVR3 overriding some but not all of FCO's eyes. The way to fix this is to open up NVR3 in MO and go to the conflicts tab. In the top panel, right-click and hide every file that overrides FCO. This will make sure that FCO is the only one changing the eyes. This is what I did and it worked fine for me... though I don't use NVR3 anymore. The amount of issues it causes with other mods is too much. 

  • +1 2
  On 4/12/2015 at 5:45 AM, Audley said:

The double-iris is caused by FCO clashing with NVR3. With NVR3 overriding some but not all of FCO's eyes. The way to fix this is to open up NVR3 in MO and go to the conflicts tab. In the top panel, right-click and hide every file that overrides FCO. This will make sure that FCO is the only one changing the eyes. This is what I did and it worked fine for me... though I don't use NVR3 anymore. The amount of issues it causes with other mods is too much. 

Thank you SO MUCH.

  On 4/12/2015 at 5:45 AM, Audley said:

The double-iris is caused by FCO clashing with NVR3. With NVR3 overriding some but not all of FCO's eyes. The way to fix this is to open up NVR3 in MO and go to the conflicts tab. In the top panel, right-click and hide every file that overrides FCO. This will make sure that FCO is the only one changing the eyes. This is what I did and it worked fine for me... though I don't use NVR3 anymore. The amount of issues it causes with other mods is too much. 

Yeah, I'm still using it myself, but it has a pretty tremendous amount of dirty edits. Even the author of Spice of Life was surprised lol. Also for some reason or another, he designed the characters to look best when the pipboy light is enabled. Or is that an issue with the vanilla game as well?

  • +1 1

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