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A Real Explorer's Guide to Skyrim

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  On 7/25/2015 at 4:35 AM, Muladhara86 said:


EDIT:  Never mind.  I read that the patch is unnecessary with




Which patch is unnecessary? And where have you read it? :unworthy:



How difficult would it be for me to do something like remove the bits of Nernie's mod that conflict with some housing mods I enjoy or want to try?  I was wanting to try out Routa by Elianora and it is in the same location as The Elk's Head in Nernies.  Also a part of Dawnstar added by Nernies conflicts with Morskom Estate (There is a patch for ETAC and I confirmed the place was added by Nernies in the toolset).  Is this a 'just suck it up and either choose one over the other' issue?  


I know it includes a player house, but you might seriously consider adding Legacy of the Dragonborn by IceCreamAssassin to REGS.  It has a massive questline, a huge museum that auto displays all kinds of items from the game, support for other very popular mods and displays for them, has completely integrated other mods like Book Covers Skyrim, Lost Library, Moonpaths to Elsewyr, and many others.  ICA has just finished a very intensive debugging session and has posted the final version, which should only need minor bug fixes from now on.  I have it and REGS installed and have found no conflicts at all, but it adds sooo much to my gameplay enjoyment.  Now there's a reason to go do every miscellanious quest out there, cause it has a display! 


I agree with this - I've held off on doing anything with Skyrim waiting on this final update of Legacy, because it was the 'centerpiece' mod. Very nice to hear that it is behaving well with REGS (I tried with earlier versions and had no apparent issues then either, but I didn't go very far as I wanted this 'safe to update' version...)


Housing is always very tricky to incorporate because so much of it is up to taste. I personally don't enjoy the housing mods with tons of mannequins, displays and the sort, as it makes me feel like I'm living in a museum. I haven't touched upon REGS in a long time, so I can't say why exactly they've avoided including housing, but I would think that's part of the reason.

@Pheanox: Unless you have any experience with the Creation Kit I think it would be a rather daunting task, sadly. I'm not 100% qualified to speak on this, however, so I might be wrong.

  On 8/2/2015 at 4:30 AM, triptonite said:

Have we seen these DLC sized mods yet:


Summerset Isle  

RGX - The Redguard Expansion - Exotic DLC

I just came here to bring those to everyone's attention as well. I haven't played them yet, but those look like some pretty major additions.


Is it alright to swap out JK's Skyrim for Dawn of Skyrim mid playthrough? I ask because right now I really want to use Immersive Citizens but there are obviously many bugs between it and ETaC/JK's Skyrim. So what I was thinking was just using Dawn of Skyrim and the ETaC modules that don't conflict with Immersive Citizens until a compatibility patch comes along for JK/ETaC, and then switching back. Would this require a new game? 

  On 7/23/2015 at 6:19 PM, kranazoli said:


I haven't used REGS yet. Now, I would like it read the guide and installed mods. "All of them". I use STEP Extended as a baseline. I have some question in connection with Dawn Of Skyrim mod. I compared the JK version and that one. In my opinion Dawn of Whiterun is more lore friendly. I agree that JK one has more performance "issue" even if you a have a very good rig. Dawn of Whiterun runs more fluid and it looks also great enough.


So, if I want to change REGS to use Dawn Of Skyrim instead of JK one am I right that I should change some mods. And above them, I have other question:


1. Dawn Of Skyrim instead of --> JK

You can but I dont think you can use some patches that are offered and if you want a patch then you'll have to make your own.


3. Better Docks - REGS Compatible (all-in-one version without Dawnstar)


Why do we use without Dawnstar? I have no idea. I guess maybe some kind of isseu, but I do not know that mod.

Could anyone help me why the all docks version not good?

ETaC Dawnstar


4. Nernie's Replacer - Nernies City and Village Expansion - REGS Version


The same as above. I don't mind just haven't found any description about that as well.

I think CJ removes some of the major towns or some smaller towns that ETaC covers.



  On 8/1/2015 at 5:39 PM, MonoAccipiter said:

Housing is always very tricky to incorporate because so much of it is up to taste. I personally don't enjoy the housing mods with tons of mannequins, displays and the sort, as it makes me feel like I'm living in a museum.

Ah, but see, this is what makes Legacy so cool. It _is_ a museum! I can certainly see why it would be a taste thing. I get a kick out of the whole relic-hunter alternate start. Very Indiana Jones/Librarian/Warehouse 13-ish. In fact, when I first installed it to play around I'm pretty positive I named my guy Pete "Indiana" Flynn or somesuch.

  On 3/10/2015 at 1:21 AM, keithinhanoi said:

I saw JoopvanDie's request for help in merging the plugins of his Nyhus and the Border of Cyrodill and Talos Safe Haven mods.


Both of them need TES5Edit cleaning, as I've discovered, and Nyhus has 7 deleted NavMesh records (6 from Skyrim, 1 from Dragonborn).


I've fixed all that in preparation for the merge, but the user Astakos has pointed out there also seem to be possible unintentional vanilla record edits (aka., "wild" edits) in the plugin for Nyhus.


The merge will be a challenge if there are any conflicting FormIDs between the two mods, because there are script fragments, and even the latest 1.8.19 beta of Matortheeternal's script does not yet handle renaming script fragment files to match FormID renumbering, like it does with facegendata files.


Despite all this, JoopvanDie seems very interested in cleaning up / polishing his mods, so I am keeping a close eye one them, if not getting involved in helping him out.

Keith, Are you using these mods from JoopvanDie?

  On 8/4/2015 at 7:00 PM, darkside said:

Keith, Are you using these mods from JoopvanDie?

I'm sorry to say I am not. I did help him with some issues and to merge two of his mods a while back, but I've just been to busy lately to play any Skyrim at all.


I do know he could use help with creating landscape / tree LOD for the areas of his mods that lie outside the game's border.

  On 8/4/2015 at 1:03 AM, hishutup said:


  On 7/23/2015 at 6:19 PM, kranazoli said:


I haven't used REGS yet. Now, I would like it read the guide and installed mods. "All of them". I use STEP Extended as a baseline. I have some question in connection with Dawn Of Skyrim mod. I compared the JK version and that one. In my opinion Dawn of Whiterun is more lore friendly. I agree that JK one has more performance "issue" even if you a have a very good rig. Dawn of Whiterun runs more fluid and it looks also great enough.


So, if I want to change REGS to use Dawn Of Skyrim instead of JK one am I right that I should change some mods. And above them, I have other question:


1. Dawn Of Skyrim instead of --> JK

You can but I dont think you can use some patches that are offered and if you want a patch then you'll have to make your own.


3. Better Docks - REGS Compatible (all-in-one version without Dawnstar)


Why do we use without Dawnstar? I have no idea. I guess maybe some kind of isseu, but I do not know that mod.

Could anyone help me why the all docks version not good?

ETaC Dawnstar


4. Nernie's Replacer - Nernies City and Village Expansion - REGS Version


The same as above. I don't mind just haven't found any description about that as well.

I think CJ removes some of the major towns or some smaller towns that ETaC covers.




Hey hishutup,


Thank you for the answer.


3.) Better Docks - REGS Compatible


Ok, I see.


But I have another question about Better Docks:


There is something I do not really understand:


Can I use these two optional together? ( I use REGS)


Better Docks - REGS Compatible Version

This version of Better Docks is tailored for use with the pack called "A Real Explorer's Guide to Skyrim" but can also be used standalone as an all-in-one version without Dawnstar.


Dawnguard and Dragonborn DLC - Compatible Version


Use this only if you have both DG and DB DLC Installed while using Better Docks modular (you dont need the original WindhelmBetterDocks.esp if using the Modular version). Note: If you only have Dawnguard installed you dont need any patch because Better Docks is compatible with it.


Ok, so I use REGS, I use Better Dock REGS version. That's clear.

But also I have both DG+DB but do not use the manual version of Better Docks?


Do I need these second optional? Can I use it? (together)


"1. Dawn Of Skyrim instead of --> JK

You can but I dont think you can use some patches that are offered and if you want a patch then you'll have to make your own."


What do you mean exactly? Which patch? What kind of patch?

Cloud you give some more infos?




REGS version of Better Docks is already compatible with DG+DB and includes the additions to Raven Rock. You don't need any other files apart from the REGS version.


At the end of the guide there's a link to patch compilation (4.3 REGS Custom Patches) It includes a patch fo fix navmesh issues that occur if using JK's Skyrim alongside Interesting NPC's. This one won't work with Dawn of Skyrim.

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