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Posted (edited)

Do the Book of Flesh and Book of Steel downloads get installed into the same mod?  They both list the same mod name at different times which makes me feel like they would, but in that case it feels weird that they'd be installed at different times.


Edit: Also, "bLoadFaceGenHeadEGTFiles=1" only worked once it was in my fallout.ini file and not my falloutprefs.ini file.  I don't know if that is specific to me or if the guide just missed it.

Edited by Natorius

I'm a little confused of the UI load order in the lefthand bracket in MO. Specifically "Darnified UI", "Project Nevada + more options", "The Mod Configuration Menu", "The Weapon Mod Menu", "One HUD", "Flashlight NVSE" and "UIO". How should they be placed to each other?


I'm sorry if this was pointed before on this thread but there are 3 errors on the merged version of ADAM you guys have on the guide. There three Worldspace edits adding Jackals with "Error: Could not be resolved" on a field each.

  On 6/29/2015 at 5:34 AM, Tabris said:

I'm sorry if this was pointed before on this thread but there are 3 errors on the merged version of ADAM you guys have on the guide. There three Worldspace edits adding Jackals with "Error: Could not be resolved" on a field each.

Thanks for the report I'll look into it.
  On 6/28/2015 at 5:35 PM, EssArrBee said:

Anyways, back to your freezing issue. Do you use ENB/ENBoost? The one about it is that you gain better protection against memory related issues (ILS, memory crashes/freezes) at the expense of performance. Just ENBoost can cost 5-6 FPS on great systems. Other than that, remember Freeside and the Strip are terribly optimized parts of the game and modding them can add to that. You might try turning down some stuff like AA to see if you get a performance boost and ultimately don't crash in that area. It may just be too much going on for that part of the game.


I did set up ENB Boost as in your guide and it seems to work. I found that mod, Better Game Performance v5 that claims to save 5 fps and prevent some crashes, do you think it would be compatible with F&L ?


It should be compatible. Just make sure you take care that your esp list is not approaching too close to the cap, and as recommended on the BGP mod page, put it near the top of your load order (I'd personally put it straight after the cleaned official ESM's). The good thing about the way BGP works, is that if something tries to call a reference that it has disabled, the game will just re-enable the reference, instead of crashing.


That being said, the fact that the mod 'publisher' is unable to give a list of the references that are disabled to me is concerning. Sure, he didn't make the mod and is just 'publishing' it on behalf of the author, but still... if you're gonna be providing support for the mod, you should probably know what it does. In more details than "It gives better FPS by disabling 'unused' references."


So I was working through the installation instructions for Fear and Loathing and doing well. I had just finished the section "Clothing is Not Optional" of "The Most Dangerous Game" and started on "Weapons of the New Millenia", the first mod under  "Do You Feel Lucky?". For some reason, despite having installed the file (I believe) properly, the mod "Weapons of the New Millenia" would not appear in the left pane and "Weapons.of.the.New.Millenia.esm" was was not present in the right pane and when I looked for it with FNVEdit (as it needed to be cleaned) I could not find it there either. After attempting the installation multiple times, including re-downloading the files, I installed CaliberX. It was at this point that I noticed that the priority count in Mod Organizer was thus 



NCR Trooper Overhaul - Distributed                  119

Omnis Hi-Res Pip-Boy 300                               120

Spice of Life - Variety Armor and Clothing         122

CaliberX                                                        125(possibly 124)


I then noticed that "Pip-Boy Light Colours" was missing between "Omnis Hi-Res Pip-Boy 300" and "Spice of Life - Variety Armor and Clothing" despite it existing in \Fallout New Vegas\Mod Organizer\mods 


After fiddling around with things I have found that "Omnis Hi-Res Pip-Boy 300" is active ingame and the flashlight part of "Pip-Boy Light Colours" was active despite not being visible or ticked in the left or right pane of Mod Organizer. Additionally, the mod (if I understand its description correctly) is also supposed to change the Pip-Boy 3000's user interface to the same color as the light (blue in this case), it did not do so. The Pip-Boy's menu color remained the vanilla amber color despite emitting a blue light when not in the menu.


I removed the CaliberX and the SoL mods and the files from the \Fallout New Vegas\Mod Organizer\mods of those mods that I could not see in Mod Organizer ("Pip-Boy Light Colours" and "Weapons of the New Millenia") and restarted my computer. I then re-downloaded "Pip-Boy Light Colours," selected my options and installed it. It still did not show up in either the left or right panes of Mod Organizer. The following is the log of everything I did after restarting. 




02:21:25 [D] Working directory: S:\NAME\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout New Vegas\Mod Organizer
02:21:25 [D] MO at: S:\NAME\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout New Vegas\Mod Organizer
02:21:25 [D] removing obsolete files
02:21:25 [D] initializing core
02:21:25 [D] initialize plugins
02:21:25 [D] looking for plugins in S:\NAME\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout New Vegas\Mod Organizer\plugins
02:21:25 [D] loaded plugin "bsaExtractor.dll"
02:21:25 [D] loaded plugin "checkFNIS.dll"
02:21:25 [D] loaded plugin "diagnoseBasic.dll"
02:21:25 [D] loaded plugin "gameFallout3.dll"
02:21:25 [D] loaded plugin "gameFalloutNV.dll"
02:21:25 [D] loaded plugin "gameOblivion.dll"
02:21:25 [D] loaded plugin "gameSkyrim.dll"
02:21:25 [D] loaded plugin "iniEditor.dll"
02:21:25 [D] loaded plugin "installerBAIN.dll"
02:21:25 [D] loaded plugin "installerBundle.dll"
02:21:25 [D] loaded plugin "installerFomod.dll"
02:21:25 [D] loaded plugin "installerManual.dll"
02:21:25 [D] loaded plugin "installerNCC.dll"
02:21:25 [D] loaded plugin "installerQuick.dll"
02:21:25 [D] loaded plugin "NMMImport.dll"
02:21:25 [D] loaded plugin "previewBase.dll"
02:21:26 [D] loaded plugin "pyCfg.py"
02:21:26 [D] loaded plugin "proxyPython.dll"
02:21:26 [D] downloads after refresh: 137
02:21:26 [D] game path: S:\NAME\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout New Vegas
02:21:26 [D] managing game at S:\NAME\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout New Vegas
02:21:26 [D] setting up configured executables
02:21:26 [D] configured profile: Fear and Loathing
02:21:26 [D] mod "Pip-Boy Light Colours" (profile "S:/NAME/Program Files/Steam/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/Mod Organizer/profiles/Fear and Loathing") not found
02:21:26 [D] S:\NAME\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout New Vegas\Mod Organizer\profiles\Fear and Loathing\modlist.txt saved
02:21:26 [D] initializing tutorials
02:21:27 [D] loaded language en-US
02:21:27 [D] interface Local Area Connection 2 seems to be up (address: fe80::2015:236b:2429:8224%16)
02:21:38 [D] displaying main window
02:21:39 [W] QObject::connect: No such signal QtGroupingProxy::aboutToChangeData()
02:21:39 [W] QObject::connect: No such signal QtGroupingProxy::postDataChanged()
02:24:55 [D] Download started
02:24:55 [D] download requested: nxm://FalloutNV/mods/56523/files/1000021852
02:24:55 [D] add nxm download: nxm://FalloutNV/mods/56523/files/1000021852
02:24:57 [D] selected download url: https://filedelivery.nexusmods.com/130/1000021852/Pip-Boy Light Colours-56523-1-3.7z?ttl=1435658099&ri=8192&rs=8192&setec=9e80f045d1c6ea9ae582bd0e18395139
02:24:57 [D] 1 orphaned meta files will be deleted
02:25:04 [D] nexus category id 71 not mapped
02:25:04 [D] mod id guessed: Pip-Boy Light Colours-56523-1-3 -> 56523
02:25:04 [D] using mod name "Pip-Boy Light Colours" (id 56523) -> Pip-Boy Light Colours-56523-1-3.7z
02:25:04 [D] not a simple archive
02:25:04 [D] simple expression matched, using name only
02:25:04 [D] passed mod id: 0, guessed id: -1
02:25:04 [D] using mod name "Pip-Boy Light Colours" (id 0) -> C:/Users/NAMEScott/AppData/Local/Temp/Pip-Boy_Light_Colours.fomod
02:25:04 [W] the ModuleConfig.xml in this file is incorrectly encoded (Expected document end at line 1). Applying heuristics...
02:25:04 [D] not utf-16: Expected document end at line 1
02:25:04 [D] module name :  "Pip-Boy Light Colours"
02:25:04 [W] Module dependencies not yet implemented
02:25:04 [D] interpreting as utf-8
02:25:13 [D] installing to "S:\NAME\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout New Vegas\Mod Organizer\mods\Pip-Boy Light Colours"
02:25:14 [D] Installation successful
02:25:14 [D] S:\NAME\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout New Vegas\Mod Organizer\profiles\Fear and Loathing\modlist.txt saved


Oh and otherwise I have been able to start up and play Fallout: New Vegas without any issues so far. 


My apologies if I have left anything out or provided too much information.


Anyway, so any advice/solutions would be great. I'm really enjoying how everything has turned out so far and the mod choice seems spot on. I'm incredibly thankful that you guys are doing this, I certainly loved S.T.E.P. and I'm expecting I'll love Fear and Loathing as well.


Thanks in advance :)


You probably some kind of filter on. Is there some colored outline around your mods pane? Check the filters or down at the bottom there is a dropdown for the groupings.


The other thing is if you are sorting by priority. So click the priority column a couple times until it's corrected.


A couple of suggestions? I know that New Vegas Uncut 6 is not in the list because of some problems found in the quest. Have you taken a look into the New Vegas Uncut 6 - If It Wasn't For Betsy Remastered by Lexx?


Also what are your thoughts on Tailor Maid - NV by sin7188 and VerbalEarthworm?


Anyways great load order. I use it as a base for everything and my god this game runs so smoothly thanks to you. I truly do appreciate the hard work. Hell, where can I donate.


About the bashed tags, should i trust the ones that come already into the plugin header from the authors or should i change them into the ones that LOOT suggests? For example, the ones that come from the YUP esm are different from the LOOT ones...

  On 6/30/2015 at 9:49 PM, Lonewolf said:

About the bashed tags, should i trust the ones that come already into the plugin header from the authors or should i change them into the ones that LOOT suggests? For example, the ones that come from the YUP esm are different from the LOOT ones...

LOOT has extra tags that are for the test version of Wrye, but the rest are good to go. You can also use the generate bash tag script for xEdit to help you out. It will even add the tags to the header except for Deflst, and then Wrye will read them automatically.


I'll be adding that script to the guide soon I think. I need an easier way to move it form GitHub to xEdit for general users. 


Found two little great mods that could be added easily to the Game tweaks section: Quicker PipBoy Light and Bullet Impact Increased LOD.

The both have a single esp with a single Game Setting record that can be added to the F&L Game Tweaks.esp :

Quicker PipBoy Light:     EDID - Editor ID -> fPlayerPipBoyLightTimer    DATA - Value -> 0.2

Bullet Impact Increased LOD:     EDID - Editor ID -> fGunParticleCameraDistance    DATA - Value -> 20480


Pip boy light may be in the Bashed Patch tweaks. That LOD effect is something I meant to look at a long time ago, like back when I started the guide and just forgot about it. I may have to revisit that mod. 


Not sure if this is mentioned already but the WMX-ArenovalisTextures.esp (from WMX) needs to be enabled manually after a bashed patch otherwise the textures on some weapons remain messed up (Lucky for example).

  • +1 1

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