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Found 24 results

  1. Discussion topic: Collective Modding Toolkit by wxMichael Wiki Link
  2. Discussion topic: SSE Creation Kit by Bethesda Game Studios Wiki Link This topic is for general discussion of Creation Kit for Skyrim: Special Edition. For support, please use the Creation Kit Support forum. Step Modification highly recommends installing Creation Kit Platform Extended...
  3. Discussion topic: FNV BSA Decompressor by zilav Wiki Link How it works: it decompresses the BSAs, transforms .ogg files to .wav and the re-compresses everything except .mp3 files back into BSA archives. It also changes the structure of BSA files slightly. The immediate effect I think I saw...
  4. Discussion topic: Creation Kit by Bethesda Game Studios Wiki Link This topic is for general discussion. For support, please use the Creation Kit Support forum.
  5. Discussion topic: BA2 Archive Version Patcher by DoubleYou Wiki Link BA2 Archive Version Patcher downgrades the header version of next gen ba2 archives from versions 7 and 8 to version 1. This allows the next gen archives to be loaded by older tools and game versions.
  6. Discussion topic: Simple Fallout 4 Downgrader by carxt, Nukem, Ungeziefi Wiki Link This allows delta patching the game binaries to the runtime required for F4SE mods to work currently.
  7. Discussion topic: Bethesda Plugin Manager for Mod Organizer by Parapets Wiki Link This looks very useful.
  8. Discussion topic: Skyrim Lite Loader by doodlez Wiki Link This mod provides a much simpler way of launching the version of the game if using the AE edition, which may be useful for those wishing to update their grass cache.
  9. Discussion topic: Bethesda Archive Extractor (BAE) by hexabit Wiki Link The Nexus Starfield location for this essential tool. BAE is used to extract files from the game's archives.
  10. Discussion topic: Nexus Collections Downloader for Mod Organizer 2 by Kojillama Wiki Link I would like to warn you all that something it's moving to make Skyrim a playable game Would like to know your opinions on the matter....maybe someday we will see a step guide collection for...
  11. Discussion topic: LodFileGenerator by Geggakloss Wiki Link This tool is able to create the lodsettings (*.lod) files for worldspaces. For reference, since I just had a terrible time troubleshooting this, you need to install the 32-bit runtime of Java for this program to launch. I didn...
  12. Discussion topic: NIF Preview (3D Model Viewer) for Mod Organizer by Parapets Wiki Link This looks very useful.
  13. Discussion topic: PSArcTool by Periander Wiki Link No longer works as of Worlds Part II release. This topic is held for consistency purposes. Please use the topic below for PSArcTool discussion, support, etc:
  14. Discussion topic: MBINCompiler by monkeyman192 Wiki Link This topic is held for consistency purposes. Please use the topic below for MBINCompiler discussion, support, etc:
  15. Discussion topic: AMUMSS by Mjjstral & Wbertro Wiki Link This topic is held for consistency purposes. Please use the topic below for AMUMSS discussion, support, etc:
  16. Hi, I'm back after some years trying out the new guide (Skyrim Special Edition 1.0.0). I'm following it very closely and came across a part that I found a bit confusing. I bring up two main issues in this post that I would kindly like some help with: 1. Confusing guide steps 2. Missing bac...
  17. FO3LODGEN allows generation of object LOD for the Worldspaces in Fallout 3 using objects that are "visible from distant" from the current load order. There are already equivalent mods for TES5 (Skyrim), TES4 (Oblivion), and Fallout NV (not yet available). Details of how to use the Fallout 3 version...
  18. Hi there. I recently reinstalled my old skyrim (oldrim) and switched from NMM to Mod Organizer 2 while at it. I've installed a small part of my previous mods and some new mods on here, which all work other than the ones that need tools. Problem is tools like FNIS, LOOT and TES5edit won't see the any...
  19. Discussion topic for whether or not Smash should be incorporated into the STEP Guide. Mator Smash by matortheeternal Old WIP Thread (To read past discussion) I'm creating this because Smash has just been officially released (it's now out of Beta). I think using M...
  20. Hey guys, Just wondering how to setup MO2 to run with the tweaks made in FO4CT. I'll try and explain my problem best as possible. Starting FO4 through configuration tool alone (Fallout4configtool) works fine, but then i don't have the mods from MO2, trying to start FO4CT through MO2 crashes. Runni...
  21. link removed due to potential spam/phishing Introduction This thread will be about investigating and discussing the viability of integrating Mod Picker into STEP processes and maintaining a STEP mod list on Mod Picker. Maintaining a mod list for STEP on Mod Picker does not preclud...
  22. Hi folks! Heh, I've been modding Skyrim for years, and somehow only now learned about this awesome site. Figured I'd post a link to the AI Framework which I created, which allows authors to easily create complex AI behavior by simply assigning one or more AI Modules to a given Actor or Reference A...
  23. Hey ! Just wanted to share this cool little utilitiy I found a while ago on Skyrim Nexus. This allow .dds files (textures) to be previewed as other regular format images in windows explorer. Very usefull for some non-technical comparisons/analysis. Note that new normalmaps format from FO4 does...
  24. Discussion topic: ULG Tool (Ultra Low Graphics) by Iyzik Wiki Link Looks like people are getting a head start on the low-end side of things.
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