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Fear and Loathing in New Vegas - Feedback

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I thought NMC already optimized his stuff?

He did but the mixes them in a way that would serve better if exteriors were optimized. Places like free side and the strip could use 1k textures for the buildings and it would help a lot. Instead of optimized think reducing size of some textures for performance.
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He did but the mixes them in a way that would serve better if exteriors were optimized. Places like free side and the strip could use 1k textures for the buildings and it would help a lot. Instead of optimized think reducing size of some textures for performance.

Yeah that would be a good idea. My FPS dies when entering the strip.
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Hey Guys, I'd just like to say that I'm very grateful for this really helpful tutorial espically the part about UI cause that is a pain to deal but one of the mods has an error that is kinda game-breaking. I apologise if this has already been mentioned but Safe showracemenu - mirrors is currently not working if you try to rename your character. It gets into a loop and your are enable to return to the game. The author appears to have addressed that is an issue in the comments on the mod but he has not uploaded a updated version of the mod. Also it appears that we will not be getting a patch at all so untill some kind fellow fixes this, I would recommend against using safe showracemenu - mirrors and probably just opt for the console version. Hopeful this wasn't already stated.

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Re: Victor the robot


So, this is my second playthrough with this guide and both times I've never once seen Victor in Goodsprings. I had read somewhere that he patrols up and down the road between Goodsprings and The Strip but I've never seen him. Is this because of a mod or something? Perhaps Alternate Start has messed with his file somehow? Each time I use Alternate Start I still have it start me in Goodsprings.


Just wondering if anyone else has experienced not seeing Victor at all.



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I always start at the default location in Goodsprings right outside Doc Mitchell's house. In the vanilla game, Victor is strolling by Doc's house when you go outside and that's generally where you meet him. But both times now I've never seen him. Never paid too much attention to it because I just thought I'd meet up with him somewhere along the line.


I may have to start a new game and troubleshoot it through to see what's going on.

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I don't use/never used Alternate Start in my mod list, because to me it feels like it messes with the intended storyline - and thus some of the dialogue doesn't make sense anymore.  Add to that this issue with Victor now not starting where he is supposed to...

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Yeah, in both playthroughs I've not seen him in Novac either. Although in this 2nd playthrough I haven't really explored a lot in Novac yet. I'll check around when I get home. Thanks for the tips guys.

He should meet you at the entrance, should be hard to miss.

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