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Just to kill some time, I've started to go back through the guide (as it is installed on my machine) and see what has been updated and I noticed this from 'Uncut Wasteland' by sandbox6:


NEW FOR 2015: Added a new optional file which restores 106 skeletons which were altered for the worse by Old World Blues. 
Skeletons file is merged with version 0.12 and 0.2.

V0.2 Now including the patch-cut NPCs and creatures, also includes the 106 skeletons.
Updated Freeside Open version now available.
Added Freeside Open & Outside Bets compatible versions.


Any idea whether these additions are a good thing or not?


Also JIP has updated Companions Command & Control and Realistic Weapons Overheating to versions 2.20 & 0.90 respectively.


Lastly @Chucksteel has updated NV Interiors to version 2.1

This last update is a massive overhaul compared to the last 1.0 version. Size wise it is 40Mb compared to just 333Kb


Speaking of updated mods, I was just going over the additional weapons page for EssArrBee's Recommended Weapons and noticed that 3 of them have new versions. The Mason Jar Mine (which has a new page: https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/58840/? ), the MNK-RHINO Gauss Revolver, and the Locomotive Rifle.


I'm curious if the merging instructions will be the same with these updates? I'm still kind of new to the whole merging business and some of the changes seem significant enough that something might have changed.


The new NV Interiors is so large now because @Chucksteel has included three new *.nif files. Two for Freeside and one for Gomorrah. However since my nif knowledge is limited I can't tell what is added/changed and I can't see how these files are overwriting vanilla files and can only conclude they are specific to the plugins in the mod.

Someone with more skill than I will need to determine this.


ps. I'm not adding this here to get SRB to do this right now, just so that it is all in one place when time allows for it.

pps. The Freeside nifs have a TTW prefix. I wonder if these are a Tales of Two Wastelands extra that got left in by mistake.

Posted (edited)

His naming convention is usually which game the asset was originally for, i.e. DCInteriors, NVInteriors, TTWInteriors.  They keep the same name when ported over to one of the other versions, so TTW Interiors has all 3.  This makes patches more easy to convert between game types.  His NV releases are behind his TTW I believe.  The new meshes are custom assets for all the suites along the strip.

Edited by Adonis_VII
  • +1 1

Another question about some mods not in the guide.

There's one more from @sandbox6 called 'Black Mountain Dish Explosion Restored' and there are three more mods in the 'New Vegas Uncut' series: #8, 'Outside Bets' & 'Freeside Open', just wondering if they were at one time locked at and discarded or just not noticed before?


I just happen to be noticing in my modding a whole lot stuff either created for the game and not used or new stuff that doesn't use proper assets and when I went looking for mods that might fix those things, happened to see these. Again, not pressuring anyone to add them, just curious.

Posted (edited)

Freeside Open kills performance in Freeside, so I really wouldn't recommend it. Outside Bets supposedly also has a large performance impact, but I use it myself anyway because of the amount of stuff it restores. New Vegas Uncut 8 is useless, just an altered version of the opening cutscene. Not worth taking up space in your load order, and I think it conflicts with the alternative start mod.

Edited by Jax765
  • +1 1

New Vegas Uncut 8 is useless, just an altered version of the opening cutscenes. Not worth taking up space in your load order, and I think it conflicts with the alternative start mod.

Ess has stated it conflicts something with Nevada Skies.

Posted (edited)

Ess has stated it conflicts something with Nevada Skies.

I used it with Nevada Skies, had no problems, but using it with Alternative Start caused issues.

Edited by Jax765
  • +1 1

Freeside Open kills performance in Freeside, so I really wouldn't recommend it. Outside Bets supposedly also has a large performance impact, but I use it myself anyway because of the amount of stuff it restores. New Vegas Uncut 8 is useless, just an altered version of the opening cutscene. Not worth taking up space in your load order, and I think it conflicts with the alternative start mod.

Thanks @Jax765, I couldn't find any references here to any of these mods so I wasn't sure what the view of them was/is. In that case I'll disregard them entirely.


There are pretty large bugs with Outside Bets, particularly Meyers speech.  There are additionally bugs in Freeside Open and it could use some optimization (e.g. occlusion planes). It gets even worse if you use Uncut Wasteland for Freeside Open.  Sandbox6's Black mountain radio is relatively new about 5-6 weeks old, so that may have been released after work on next version of STEP ramped up.  I've been meaning to look at it myself as it seemed interesting.

Posted (edited)
Hi, regarding 4GB Fallout New Vegas Updated


if I have physical game on DVD, can I use this mod or is locked on STEAM version only?


Please answer.
Edited by armasarul

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