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Posted (edited)

Won't this cause issues with some STEP packs? I just uninstalled it recently because I had bad lighting issues with it and Expanded Towns and Cities, which is in the Explorer's Guide. I experienced odd lighting in some of the ETaC inns and bad flickering, even with ETaC's patch and STEP's ini line intended to address this problem. It was also generally a headache having to investigate the inevitable conflicts with any mod that edited vanilla interiors.


I used this mod for a long time, but I'm concerned at the compatibility headaches for people that use STEP as a base, rather than as an end result. I am currently using ELE Lighting by itself, which has far fewer compatibility concerns.


EDIT: Objection withdrawn.

Edited by Harpalus

I'm wondering if RS + ELE might be a solution for me.  What I like: natural-style lighting (vs fantasy), dark shadows that allow me to feel like they make sense to be able to sneak and hide in from others (interiors and exteriors), very warm-colored light for light emitted from fire light sources, weathers that can cause nearly pitch black conditions at night in the worst conditions and on clear nights cause dim moonlit conditions that are moderately dark but with decent visibility, and covers most/all areas and all DLCs.


My current solution: ELFX Interiors + ELFX Enhancer for interiors, RLO Exteriors + RLO Weathers for exteriors, Neovalen's custom RS for ELFX (not based on the newest version though...), and my own custom patch edits to resolve conflicts with other mods that block ELFX lighting.  My current solution works pretty well to meet my goals.  Here are a couple issues though - I don't think all interiors are covered and the DLC weathers are not covered.  I really don't like having to resort to so many different mods and would rather rely on fewer to meet my goals.  I think that no matter what combination of mods I go with, I will still have to resolve mod conflicts (unless I go with an ENB but that's NOT going to happen) so I'm not overly concerned with that fact.


Do you think that RS + one of the ELE versions will be able to meet all of those requirements?

Posted (edited)

I think that no matter what combination of mods I go with, I will still have to resolve mod conflicts (unless I go with an ENB but that's NOT going to happen) so I'm not overly concerned with that fact.

I personally think STEP should avoid mods that are likely to conflict with many things, even if it is relatively simple to deconflict such things within STEP itself. If memory serves, adding Relighting Skyrim would dramatically add to the number of conflicts with the Explorer's Guide, for example. I could be wrong about all this, so perhaps people can correct me if I'm off-base?


EDIT: Objection withdrawn.

Edited by Harpalus

Won't this cause issues with some STEP packs? I just uninstalled it recently because I had bad lighting issues with it and Expanded Towns and Cities, which is in the Explorer's Guide. I experienced odd lighting in some of the ETaC inns and bad flickering, even with ETaC's patch and STEP's ini line intended to address this problem. It was also generally a headache having to investigate the inevitable conflicts with any mod that edited vanilla interiors.


I used this mod for a long time, but I'm concerned at the compatibility headaches for people that use STEP as a base, rather than as an end result. I am currently using ELE Lighting by itself, which has far fewer compatibility concerns.

 I might sound insensitive; however, we aren't that concerned with conflicts with Packs with most mods. RS has the fewest conflicts out of all the lighting mods and it is very simple to instruct users to uninstall it before using a specific pack. Uninstalling it causes no issues so it's fair game in my book.


I'm wondering if RS + ELE might be a solution for me.  What I like: natural-style lighting (vs fantasy), dark shadows that allow me to feel like they make sense to be able to sneak and hide in from others (interiors and exteriors), very warm-colored light for light emitted from fire light sources, weathers that can cause nearly pitch black conditions at night in the worst conditions and on clear nights cause dim moonlit conditions that are moderately dark but with decent visibility, and covers most/all areas and all DLCs.


My current solution: ELFX Interiors + ELFX Enhancer for interiors, RLO Exteriors + RLO Weathers for exteriors, Neovalen's custom RS for ELFX (not based on the newest version though...), and my own custom patch edits to resolve conflicts with other mods that block ELFX lighting.  My current solution works pretty well to meet my goals.  Here are a couple issues though - I don't think all interiors are covered and the DLC weathers are not covered.  I really don't like having to resort to so many different mods and would rather rely on fewer to meet my goals.  I think that no matter what combination of mods I go with, I will still have to resolve mod conflicts (unless I go with an ENB but that's NOT going to happen) so I'm not overly concerned with that fact.


Do you think that RS + one of the ELE versions will be able to meet all of those requirements?

I think you're not going to get exactly what you want unless you go with your custom solution; however, you can create a new profile in MO and test out the RS + ELE combination to see how you like it. It's not perfect, but it's far better than vanilla and far more natural.


Running the newest RS alongside the ELE Lite package provided by Vividian. I know that I'm seeing ENB, which you won't, but it's still a good look and no issues here. Yes, I still get a few odd light flickers happening with EtaC, but they are, for me, fairly rare, and worth the slight break from immersion.


I too run Vividian on my personal setup with ELE Lite. However, I've been using ELFX with that one, but I might switch to RS because ELFX has a lot of other fixes and additional optional files you should run beside it for it to work properly.


I too run Vividian on my personal setup with ELE Lite. However, I've been using ELFX with that one, but I might switch to RS because ELFX has a lot of other fixes and additional optional files you should run beside it for it to work properly.

That's actually the reason I dropped ELFX a while back - too many compatibility patches to keep straight. Heaven forbid you update a series of mods and can't recall which have patches, which don't, where they are hosted (as not all patches are hosted on the affected mod's site... or even the affecting mod's site... or even...) RS doesn't have that problem - I think I have maybe one patch for it in the lineup.


Is the version with scripts significantly different in anything? I understand the description, but don't really understand how is that supposed to overcome the engine limitation.


No significant difference that I've noticed, though others will tell you that, as a general rule, less scripts = better. Pick one and go, really - and if you run the scripted version and have issues, swap it out (though NOT mid game... had to throw that disclaimer in there.... one that I completely ignore myself at times...)

Posted (edited)

Is the version with scripts significantly different in anything? I understand the description, but don't really understand how is that supposed to overcome the engine limitation.

The non-script version have the same lights as vanilla, only fix the broken lights. The script version add new lights and fix the broken ones.

Edited by Roberbond

JawZ, I've been running around checking various locations in the Rift area and have come across a few potential issues:


Snow-shod Farm


Here the lighting from the lantern seems to be too much. It's lighting areas of the building that shouldn't be let and just generally overpowered, imo. There's also light coming from the window when the only light source is that one lantern. The lantern on the building in this location seems a bit overpowered as well.


Lost Tongue Overlook


The candles here do not seem to be casting any light on the table.


Darklight Tower


The lighting from the fireplace here appears to be bugged as it's casting light on the ceiling when it shouldn't be.




The lighting from the candles seem overpowered...as do most of the candle lighting in this location.


These issues are far very few in number as I visited many many locations and these are all I spotted so far. I really, really like what Relighting Skyrim does for the lighting as it feel far more natural in the game and helps to create more immersion, imo.


For these test runs I have STEP:Extended installed with Relighting Skyrim, Relighting Skyrim DLC, and ELE-Lite Interior Lighting.


Thanks for giving it a go like this TechAngel85


There is no lantern hanging in the vanilla game, and thus it won't be in Relighting Skyrim


Very hard to get all locations covered, espescially areas without any light bulbs but with light sources. One have to run across the whole world, literally, to find and cover places like this.


A bad placed shadow light bulb, easy to fix.


Way too overpowering I agree.

Posted (edited)

I exerimented with shadow light bulb placement back with my first Lighting mod OLSE. And quickly decided to use shadow light bulbs where it would give the most overall impact in the scene and not to a single place where there are multiple similar places inside of that same interior.

Meaning I won't have one window cast shadows and light while others doesn't, it feels and looks wrong in my eyes. I think it's better suited for fire places and candles than a single or perhaps two windows.

Unless the interior scene has a very large window which would make a big impact, lighting wise, one the scene. Like Solitude Blue Palace's dome.


Granted the RLO scene has a good visual impact but look closer and you see that I placed a shadow light bulb in the fire pit while RLO hasn't, and it's instead placed at the window.

I prefer my approach and that is the approach I have had to light bulbs since february 2012, when I started OLSE which eventually was merged with Relighting Skyrim.


OLSE/Overhauled Light Sources for ENB is now known better as ELE by the way, the beginning of it.




All four issues are now fixed, looked over the other Dragon Lair exterior locations and added missing light bulbs to them as well.

Darklight Tower and Angarvunde have received a "fix overhaul" in par with the upcoming version list of new features.

Edited by JawZ

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