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  1. Yes, this is very strange and I'm not sure what to make of it. It's clearly showing 1479 plugins are active but a lot of the plugins aren't shown. It almost acts as if Mod Organizer is showing a filtered list of plugins, but the filter textbox is empty.
  2. In addition to what Z says above, I suggest trying to run vanilla SkyrimVR from File Explorer without any mods or additional DLLs to localize the problem.
  3. I wonder if this caused by Windows 11 24H2 (version 10.0.26100 in your log) that is breaking a lot of applications.
  4. It does matter if you have "Use profile specific game INI files" checked (enabled). In this case Mod Organizer has the INI files in your profile folder so the game never sees the INI files stored in Documents/My Games/Skyrim Special Edition.
  5. It's in the [OSD] section of the ini. The combo keys are defined in the comments, but you'll need to follow the link to find the scan codes for key you want to use in ToggleKey. ## Keys used used to toggle the OSD. # # ComboKey uses built-in constants, ToggleKey is a DX scan code (https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=Input_Script) # # ComboKey: # # 1 - Left Shift # 2 - Right Shift # 3 - Left Control # 4 - Right Control # 5 - Left Alt # 6 - Right Alt # 7 - Left Win # 8 - Right Win # # ComboKey=1 and ToggleKey=0xD2 is Left Shift + Insert # ComboKey=1 ToggleKey=0xD2
  6. DoubleYou actually found it a couple years ago and posted it in the guide feedback & bug reports topic. This was back when the mod was temporarily hidden for a while so we didn't need to update the link in the guide at that time. https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/69872?tab=files&file_id=1000065422
  7. The file I have from August 2021 is Sun Guard Headgear Logic Fixes-69872-1-0-0-1599483574, but https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/69872?tab=files&file_id=1599483574 results in object not found on Nexus so 1599483574 may not be the file id we need. I don't haven't the original metadata and don't know if this is the latest version of the file either.
  8. I think the easiest way to verify is to run Mod Organizer and click Archives in the right pane. This shows a list of all BSA files in the game folder and all mod folders. If you don't see Fallout - Meshes2.bsa after the guide is completely installed, I wouldn't worry about it. EDIT: The only reason I can think of this instruction to exist is if FNV BSA Decompressor splits the meshes archive into two files, so you might verify you ran this correctly. The guide mentions you should exit Mod Organizer before running FNV BSA Decompressor.
  9. DoubleSidedTextureMask=mountain,mtn is used so object LOD for mountains blocks sun rays. See the Terrain Underside page for details.
  10. Remove the semicolon at the start of the line to uncomment the line. ;DoubleSidedTextureMask=mountain,mtn Add a semicolon at the start of the line to comment the line. DoubleSidedTextureMask=mountain,mtn
  11. When you are asked which mod group you want to activate, you can just click OK without selecting anything. The default USSEP mod group is useful if you want to hide conflicts with USSEP. In your case I think you want to see everything so don't select it.
  12. Sorry about that. I thought you really meant Skyrim LE in your post since this topic is in Skyrim LE General Support. In this case, I moved the conversation to Skyrim SE General Support.
  13. The guide for Skyrim LE is has not been supported or maintained since 2021 and is likely woefully outdated at this point.
  14. In addition to TechAngel85's comments, the water seam in that second screenshot is easy to see. To be somewhat fair, the water seam is visible in the first screenshot but I had to look for to see it.
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