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Everything posted by TirigonX

  1. Since there seems to be some confusion about what the patcher does: The patcher only makes it so that you don't get a visually different weather when stepping under a shelter. Because technically Real Shelter forces the game to change the weather type whenever you go under a shelter. It's the same weather type, just without the on-screen rain/snow effect. The patcher scans your load order for wheather changing mods and makes sure that all weather characteristics (brightness, fog, clouds etc.) look exactly the same to minimize the transition. The patcher does not add shelters to structures added by mods. All shelters are handplaced and require seperate patches for mods that add buildings.
  2. Why? immersive citizens has a patch for Open Cities.
  3. I can confirm this. I renamed Skyrim - HD01.bsa to Skyrim - Textures.bsa. (tony971 actually mentions this procedure in one of the stickied posts in the Nexus comments section.) Then I ran DynDOLOD TexGen and got loads of these "*.dds not found" errors. Apparantly DynDOLOD only recognizes the files in Skyrim - HD01.bsa (which is now renamed to Skyrim - Textures.bsa) but it doesn't recognize any textures that are in Skyrim - HD02.bsa. I have MO managing the bsa files. If you don't rename the file it will work, but I assume in that case DynDOLOD won't use any textures from the optimized HD packs. It will only use the original Skyrim -Textures.bsa (and of course any textures from other mods which are loaded properly)
  4. Sorry, I wasn't implying anything. It was just a curious question, because Darth_mathias mentioned a non steam version which doesn't exist to my knowledge.
  5. Does DynDOLOD recognize bsa files that aren't associated with an esp/esm? I think there was some kind of issue a long time ago, but I don't know if that's still the case.
  6. I wonder how one can have a (legal) non Steam version? Isn't the pc version of Skyrim Steam exclusive? Even if you buy a physical copy it still needs to be activated on Steam if I'm not mistaken.
  7. Ragdoll Paralysis is already included in caco. You can disable Paralyze.esp
  8. Vivid landscapes already covers it and I don't think it will match the other vivid textures.
  9. With the default settings the map becomes almost unusable at some point imo, because the whole map is cluttered with markers. That's why I deactivate quite a few options in the MCM. I also reduce the distance at which markers appear on the compass.
  10. The lower you set iShadowMapResolution, the more pixelated shadows will get. And vanilla shadows are even at a setting of 4096 quite pixelated, especially character shadows. That's why I wouldn't want to play Skyrim without at least a minimum enb setup which fixes shadows. With iShadowMapResolution =1024 you have to make shadows more blurry. Open enbseries.ini, search for [sHADOW] and increase the values for: ShadowBlurRange ShadowBlurRangeInterior However, the higher you set those values, the less distinct shadows will be. So you'll have to find a balance that suits you.
  11. What do you mean? CACO_AlternateNames.esp and CACO_CoinReplacer_Patch.esp are two different plugins. The first one isn't used in SRLE, the second one is.
  12. Oh god, do not change masters in the fileheader manually. That will cause huge trouble since the FormID's of the records won't be updated. If you check the plugin for errors in Tes5Edit after manually sorting it's masters you'll get tons of errors. Only use Tes5Edit 'Sort masters' option. I know that this will not work in case of Hearthfire Extended. I asked about that here a while back but even zilav couldn't help. So it would be best to leave that plugin alone.
  13. The Shivering Isles esp is just a dummy file to enable the bsa files. There's nothing to clean ;)
  14. Awesome! Works like charm. Thanks a ton for the quick help! The mod I'm needing this for (Wintermyst) has hundreds of these leveled lists, so manually editing all values wouldn't have been an option for me.
  15. Pretendeavor is right, you have to put the files into meshes/prometheus/architecture/statuessnow/. Otherwise it doesn't match the file structure of NSUTR
  16. Hi, is it possible to change multiple entries within the same leveled list? Here's what I'm trying to do: Change the levels of all entries in this leveled list: https://imgur.com/9LFtai4. I want to change 7 into 20, 9 into 22 and 11 into 25. (to make this mod consistent with WAFR's changes to leveled lists.) I tried Quick Change and used the Replace function. In the <path> field I entered: Leveled List Entries\Leveled List Entry\LVLO\Level. In the <find> field I entered 7 and in the <replace> field I entered 20. Reapeating the process will turn both 7 in that list into 20. problem: Apparantly this only works if the script finds an entry on the top of the list. Once the entries for level 7 are changed, I can't change the other entries. When I try to replace 9 with 22 I get this error message: !Couldn't find value at path: <Path>Leveled List Entries\Leveled List Entry\LVLO\Level on SublistEnchOrcishBattleAxeFrost Any suggestions?
  17. You didn't say anything about the mod itself though. It's possible that the author of this mod didn't know about the other mods. And if he did maybe it wasn't exactly what he wanted so he made his own version. Nothing wrong with that.
  18. You always find something to complain about don't you? :P
  19. No offense, but I don't agree with your third reason. Imm. Citizens is not incompatible with half of the guide's mods. It's actually only a few. For Cutting Room Floor, Realistic Room Rental and Provincial Courier Service patches are already included in Imm. Cititzen. JK's Cities can be replaced with JK's Cities Lite which is a good idea anyway if you want a good frame rate in cities. And regarding ETAC compatibility someone would really need to pinpoint what exactly the issues are. I've tested the latest version of ETAC and didn't see any oddities. NPCs are using new behaviours, routines and dialogues from Imm. Citizens and also interact with objects added by ETAC. Just wanted to point that out, your other two reasons are more than understandable and I can't blame you at all for this. Real life should always take precedence. Thank you for all the work you've put into this!
  20. Realistic Room Rental does not work well with Relighting Skyrim (No-JIT version), which is part of STEP Core. Lights are turning on and off when walking through inns. I think a patch is needed.
  21. Actually the ETAC CRF patches don't even need USLEEP. You can get rid of that dependancy by loading them in Tes5Edit, right click the plugin and select 'Clean masters'. It still requires you to (temporarily) install USLEEP, otherwise loading them in Tes5edit fails. Once the masters are cleaned you can remove USLEEP from your load order.
  22. STEP hasn't been updated for USLEEP, but will be soon I guess. Also where does it tell you to delete Cutting Room Floor?
  23. I don't understand that. What esps are they referring to?
  24. SMIM changes the texture paths inside the mesh to point to SMIM's own smelter textures. So if you hide the mesh, smelter will have the vanilla look. Definitely better than these annoying flashes though.
  25. Not if the files are inside a bsa though. In that case you've to install the mod first.
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