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Everything posted by TirigonX

  1. @elwaps: I think you are using the wrong version of JK's Skyrim. You have to use the major cities only version. Otherwise you'll get tons of conflicts with ETAC.
  2. Ragdoll Paralysis can be removed from the guide as it's completely included in CACO as of version 1.11
  3. CACO CCOR Patch was made obsolete by CCOR 1.7
  4. Regarding Dragon Combat Overhaul, there are two small conflicts with Violens and No Spinning Death Animation, both are in the Idle Animation section. I have no idea which mod should win these conflicts or if they need to be merged. I haven't used DCO yet but wanted to try it out.
  5. Why would CACO be removed because of these mods? They do completely different things. I guess that Last Seed will replace iNeed though.
  6. I hate it when people configure mod installers that way. I want to decide what to install and what not lol
  7. I remember having the exact same issue. I couldn't find it by manually searching for it even though the file existed in my scripts folder. Try hitting the 'Detect Integrations' button. That did the trick for me.
  8. It requires knowledge of Flash coding as the map is saved in a .swf file Maybe it's not very easy to modify the map because of this? I don't know anything about coding at all so I have no clue how difficult it would be.^^ Also, I think it's not possible to turn the map into something completely different like a 2D paper map for instance. It would cause a lot of trouble like broken quest markers. Warburg (author of 3D Paper World Map) already tried it if I remember correctly.
  9. Thanks, but in case of Hearthfire Extended it doesn't work. I saved the plugin after sorting, then opened it in xEdit again and received this message: An error occured while loading modules. Editing is disabled. Check message log and correct the error. last line in xEdit log: [00:21] Background Loader: Fatal: <EAssertionFailed: Assertion failure (D:\Projects\TES5Edit\wbDefinitionsTES5.pas, line 2197)>
  10. When I see a mod with an orange checkbox in Wrye Bash, I usually open it in Tes5Edit and use sort masters function. But sometimes this causes errors. Examples: Thunderchild (Dragonborn.esm before Dawnguard.esm) Before sorting it has one error, after sorting a lot more. Hearthfire Extended (all official DLCs are switched) Before sorting there aren't any errors. After sorting there are tons of errors, there's even an error message coming up (Assertion failure) Should I just leave these plugins alone? And is this a problem with Tes5Edit or the plugins?
  11. The STEP Extended Patch is not up-to-date for BOYD though. Latest (non-beta) version doesn't contain any NPC edits, so these need to be removed from the patch too.
  12. Campfire doesn't work with Frostfall 2.6, so integrating it now would only make sense if he removed Frostfall until 3.0 is out.
  13. Is it a typo or do you really mean fTreeLoadDistance=1000000 (1 million)? The ultra default is 75000.
  14. use something different then, like ### or +++. Just to make it stand out from actual mods.
  15. Discussion thread: Wiseman303's Flora Fixes by wiseman303 Wiki Link This is wiseman303's (author of STEP mods Trap Fixes and Critter Fixes) take on making harvestable plants respawn. It works a bit different than Flora Respawn Fix (see mod description for details) The mod also fixes a couple of meshes and carries over relevant fixes from the unofficial patches. This mod is of course not compatible with Flora Respawn Fix and is supposed to replace that mod. Update: As of version 2.0 it requires skse. Furthermore the mod is now required for CACO (Complete Alchemy and Cooking Overhaul).
  16. I'd love to use Vsync but if I do and drop down to around 40 fps the game gets very laggy. It's like the tiniest possible micro stuttering and is very annoying. And with my mod setup I'm not able to play at constant 60 fps even without ENB. That's why I prefer a fps limiter as the game stays smooth even at 40 fps.
  17. Are you using Skyrim Enhanced Camera? It comes with an ini file which overrides the fNearDistance setting. So changing it in Skyrim's ini file won't have any effect.
  18. Thanks for the guide, a quick feedback: -CACO doesn't have a patch for Helgen Reborn. You probably mean Gray Cowl of Nocturnal. -Latest version of Inconsequential NPCs is 1.9e -Since you chose All options in the SWIFT installer, does that mean you'll be adding Beyond Reach as well? Otherwise WayshrinesIFT-AllOptions.esp would be missing a master.
  19. Yeah, sorry about that, it was a load order issue. It had something to do with plugins earlier in my load order that were dependant on one of the merged files. I have to get used to the fact that the standalone version always loads all active plugins.
  20. When I tried to merge all plugins from the mod The Choice s Yours (Main file, Dawnguard addon, Dragonborn addon) this happened What does this mean? I could merge them with the xEdit Script.
  21. Oh I see, thanks. :) Shouldn't be that much of a problem then.
  22. What happens if two mods use the same body slot for an item? Will the mod lower in load order take precedence? It seems that all slots are already in use in my game, so I would have to make some choices I guess.
  23. I can't agree with that at all. I don't have problems to run Skyrim with 4x MSAA at 60 FPS and I don't have an uber GPU. FXAA looks worse IMO. It just makes everything blurry. People need to test this for themselves and choose depending on their hardware and gaming priorities. To me proper anti aliasing is very important but I also want sharp textures. FXAA and SMAA just can't fulfill my expectations. I also tried supersampling and downsampling, but they're causing too much of a fps drop on my machine. Compared to those MSAA is pretty performance friendly and is my current preference.
  24. What do you mean by vanilla quest completion prerequisites? Interesting NPCs works right from the start on a fresh game. PerMa issues should be fixed by PCaPP if I'm not mistaken.
  25. 3DNPC is not corrupted btw. The base game version's esp file is 21,7MB large and Tes5edit can't find a single error. ;) The Hearthfire version does have a couple of errors in the Dialog Topic section but I don't know how serious they are. Not all error reports by Tes5Edit are important. It's not the kind of error reports you can see in really corrupted plugins like Jaysus Swords or the original Weapons and Armor Fixes.
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