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Everything posted by TirigonX

  1. That mod looks amazing but it will be compatibility nightmare. It moves cities like Falkreath and Dawnstar into their own worldspace.
  2. I don't know the exact cause of this issue, but after rebuilding my modlist and removing a lot of mods it was gone. I don't think it can be tracked down to a single mod. At first I thought it was related to the dynamic patches of Dyndolod and DSR, because disabling both of them always fixed it for me. But now I have both of them active and do not get this slowdown in the perk menu.
  3. The Alternate Start cell is a known issue. It's because of the additional light source that's added by that mod. Just ignore it, you won't get back there after creating your character anyway. Regarding the Riverwood Inn flickering: are you using the replacement esp for the RRR ELFX Patch that's provided in the guide? https://wiki.step-project.com/User:Neovalen/Skyrim_Revisited_-_Legendary_Edition#Realistic_Room_Rental_Enhanced
  4. Have you tried the Breezehome patch from the ELFX installer? Apparantly he put the wrong file in 3.0. But it got fixed in 3.01 which was just uploaded.
  5. Thank you for the option to disable volumetric fog! Apparantly my graphics card can't handle this effect and I dropped down to 25 fps during some foggy weather in version 1.0. With 1.11 it went back to 60 again.
  6. No they are not meant to be copied into NSUTR. Where did you read that? However you'll have remove the meshes\prometheus\architecture\statuessnow folder in NSUTR. So NSUTR doesn't overwrite any files of Stunning Statues.
  7. Will give it a try. Although I'm concerned about the snowflakes. If the performance hit of those is the same as in the standalone mod it might not be the right mod for me. Real Snowflakes causes big fps drops for me.
  8. I noticed a mistake in the conflict resolution. The Dialog Topic conflicts between USLEEP and Darkwater Crossing are intentional and should not be resolved. (Arthmoor knows what he's doing :P )
  9. Totally forgot to mention it in my previous post: there's a typo in the map marker for Four Shields Tavern. It says Sheilds. Regarding the mine map marker I would prefer the same icon for all mines too. I don't really search for locations that have smelters. I use them when I stumble across them. If I really need to smelter something I travel to the next big city.
  10. @kryptopyr: I guess you will also update the AtlasPlayerAliasScript? I noticed that this script causes the message "USKP fixes removed" when I load a save file for the first time after starting new game. The script checks if USKP is installed, but can't find it when USLEEP is used instead.
  11. I saw Cerwiden in Gopher's LP and found her pretty annoying. Fortunately he dropped her after a few episodes. She has a weird background story and the voice acting isn't that great compared to the followers that are already in this guide. Also I think there are enough followers here, don't forget that Interesting NPCs has many followers too.
  12. The SRLE version of Relighting Skyrim only covers places that aren't touched by ELFX. That version works fine with the inns. But it makes only sense to use it if you're using ELFX too.
  13. I think CJ mentioned Realistic Inns because there are issues with Relighting Skyrim (which is in STEP core). With both mods installed there are too many light sources in some inns which cause lights turning on and off.
  14. There seem to be some issues with this monitor. I googled philips bdm4065uc 30hz and the first result was this: https://forums.geforce.com/default/topic/825371/gtx-980-with-philips-bdm4065uc-4k-only-at-30hz/?offset=12
  15. Just don't use Frostfall then. There aren't any other mods or patches in this guide that require Frostfall.
  16. Well if your monitor is running at 30Hz, Vsync will limit you to 30 fps. Can you set it to 60 Hz or something else?
  17. ICAIO doesn't touch Riften's navmesh. All the mod does in that city is adding 4 invisible markers which the NPCs Snilf and Edda are supposed to use to take shelter during rain. No idea what's going on there.
  18. Did a quick test. It works on a new game, but not on a save file where I've already met Rikke. That helmet actually annoyed me too, so thanks for bringing this up.
  19. The problem with Immersive Armors is that it uses a script to distribute armor pieces. So using the console is actually the easiest way. If you want to modify it in Tes5Edit you would have to dig around inside IA's script which is located under 'Quest' (IAAdminQuest). EDIT: I might have found a better way to change Rikke's outfit: under Leveled Item search for IASetHeroicImperial (formID: xx00654C) and remove the helmet. That should do it (assuming that's the correct outfit)
  20. Well, I figured it must have been caused by something that got updated recently. And Steam gets updated quite frequently, especially if beta is enabled. So I just gave it a try.
  21. I think I got it. It had nothing to do with Windows updates after all. It seems the latest Steam Beta update caused this issue. I opted out of the beta and now everything's back to normal.
  22. Hmm these updates were released yesterday. I just realized that I haven't even installed those yet. Did you really only install these updates? Or were there perhaps some older updates that got installed as well?
  23. These are the EXACT same issues I'm experiencing today. With ENB I suddenly get horrific FPS and incredibly long loading times. Yesterday everything was fine. Only way to fix it is to completely remove ENB files from Skyrim folder. I also installed a lot of Windows updates yesterday. Seems like it has something to do with that. I had not updated Windows for several months, so I've installed a lot more updates. Could you check which 8 updates you've installed? You could then try to uninstall them 1 by 1 until it's back to normal. My specs: i5 3570 @3.8Ghz AMD Radeon R9 270X 8 GB RAM SSD Win 7 64bit edit: ah didn't read you complete post, you've already uninstalled them all. Well that's weird, no idea what to do now.
  24. No that didn't help. However I added Dual Sheath Redux and now I'm getting the same slowdowns even with DynDOLOD deactivated. I hope this will ease up troubleshooting as running the DSR patcher is a lot faster.
  25. I'm also having these horrible slowdowns whenever I open the perk menu. Disabling DynDOLOD.esp fixes it for me. I'm not using a full SRLE or SRLE Extended profile, but I use most of the mods featured in these guides and a couple more. At the moment DynDOLOD is the only dynamic patch in my load order. Of course a lot of people are using DynDOLOD without issues. So it seems to be some odd conflict or just a general overload? Problem with DynDOLOD is, it takes almost an hour for me to recreate (I'm using the low preset). So narrowing it down to one mod could take a while. I'm not using Ultimate Combat btw so I don't think that's the cause.
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