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Everything posted by CiXwOw

  1. This mod is known to cause issues. As described in this article: I've been using Automatically Lowered Weapons as an alternative for years and I've never had a problem.
  2. Mod has been set to hidden. Author recommends using this instead: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/62518
  3. I personally think that this is the worst of the 4 options. The amount of noise in the texture reminds me of one of those old "HD Retexture" mods you'd see for Skyrim when it first came out that would just upscale the texture and add a noise filter to give the impression of added detail. Some areas, particularly the vents on the sides and around the rads meter look really strange and their shapes muddled. I'm not sure if this is caused by the normals, the ambient occlusion, or both. The holotape texture just looks way too darkened on all its edges. Given that both F4HDO and FlaconOil's textures are already accepted, I would rather choose between one of those, depending on whether grungy or scratchy is preferred.
  4. The "relevant posts" link under "Cleaning Vanilla Master Plugins" in section 3 directs to a 404 page. The link in question: https://stepmodifications.org/forum/topic/15606-dyndolod-300-alpha-74/page/215/?tab=comments#comment-256654
  5. I'm glad you got a response. I'd been watching the most closely in anticipation for the new version and its sudden disappearance was very worrying!
  6. I literally clicked on this because of Metal Gear. I feel like you robbed me of the opportunity to post it.
  7. Just found this on the Nexus and jumped right over here to see what you guys had to say. I guess I got here early.
  8. I've always loved this mod, so it's great to see this get some love!
  9. He was kidding.
  10. I think the easiest solution is to compare all the mods (as Roostrat suggested). Chances are we'll find a few good mods (other than the ones that are already in, of course). I also agree with Roostrat in terms of pack mods. If all the textures are worth using, why not get it all from one link? I would disagree if it were more like TCP, but it's merely a compilation of the modders work, and I agree that it should be handled differently. But only if all the mods are worth having, which it sounds like they may not be. Unfortunately my video card died on me (and I think my motherboard has gone too) and I'm using an old spare so I can't do any comparisons myself (in fact, I haven't played Skyrim in weeks). But I figured I'd give my two cents in terms of this mod as a "pack mod". Even though the exchange rate may not be so valuable.
  11. This is always a mod I've had my eye on. I used the Oblivion version and absolutely loved it. And, well, it's hard to say anything bad about anything Arthmoor has ever done. But simply because of the magnitude of the changes made, I've always held off on it. But I'd definitely like to see more discussion on the subject here. Really the only mods I have that may or may not play well with Open Cities is ones from the guide. Other than that most of my mods are content mods (IA, etc.).
  12. This is a tough call. In a perfect world, I think I mixture of Vanilla, Shrines HD and Divine Shrines would look the best, but it would probably over complicate the guide to mix two texture packs with vanilla. Out of the three packs compared by Farlo, I do think this is the best over all, though. So my vote would go to either this or as a comprimise a mix Vanilla. But mostly, I'll just be happy to see something other than Golden Gods.
  13. No, all the textures exist in the vanilla game. All this mod does is change the inventories for the priests. I may have created new robe entries too as I don't know if the textures were actually assigned to anything. But the mod itself is just an ESP.
  14. According to Mod Organiser it doesn't conflict with any mods in STEP (or any of the mods I have, like Immersive Armours, Armonizer, etc).
  15. It looks like the newest version of SMIM (v1.43) renders Lockpick Inventory Remodel redundant as it makes the same change. EDIT: It's already been mentioned on the Lockpick Inventory Remodel page. I really should have checked both pages before I posted, what a rookie mistake.
  16. I've also been using this for a while. I'm still not sure why Beth didn't use the other textures. The end result is vastly superior to what we got.
  17. Sounds like a nice alternative. Will have to try this out.
  18. Speaking of which, why is there an ESP, I thought it was just texture/mesh replacements.It's because the original weapons use existing meshes, so simply replacing them would replace their originals. The Draugr weapons, for instance, would look like the new Red Eagle's Bane. The ESP is required to redirect the model path on the unique weapons.
  19. Oh hell yes! I already use the included mods (as any smart person would :P) but now I can use them with only one ESP!
  20. I'm not sure if I entirely agree with you there. Well, except it not being in vanilla style (which is why I don't use it). They aren't technically magic creatures. They are certainly "higher" beings than we are, as they are the direct children of Akatosh, but both men and mer are also descendant of the divines as is even shown in their proper name Aedra, which translates to "our ancestors" (as opposed to the Daedra which translates to "not our ancestors"). So in that respect, there isn't any reason to think that they DON'T bleed. Even though it is said that they are immortal (which confuses me as even the Aedra can be killed), I still think it's safe to assume they function like normal physical beings. As if they didn't have flesh, a sword wouldn't be too effective. And if they have flesh, why not blood? Again though, I wouldn't go with the bloody version either. But that's just my preference. So really, everything I just said is pointless.
  21. I've always had that problem. I get the feeling it's an engine bug. It really does pull you out of immersion, but I doubt there's anything we can do about it.
  22. I wouldn't really call it cinematic as it's such a short pause. For me it gives the feel of resistance when you strike something, which in game feels amazing.
  23. I've been using this mod for quite a while now and I have to say that I don't know if I could play without it now. I left it at the recommended settings and even though the effect is fairly subtle, it definitely makes a difference. I would most certainly recommend trying it.
  24. This is a pretty good set. The only thing that doesn't sit right with me is the metal. But maybe it's just me. I like the fact that the details on some of the pieces look like they've been burned in. It brings them out in a way that's also believable. Those areas may be a touch too dark for my tastes, but I know I'm probably just nit picking now. Overall, I think it's pretty good. The only thing I'd like to see is those metal areas adjusted. But I can't quite put my finger on what's wrong with them. So again, maybe I'm the only one seeing it that way.
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