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Everything posted by jakeslim

  1. Hi, when I started my current new mod setup, the first time MO asked me about BSAs I ticked the "extract" option (or whatever it's called in MO) and also selected "always do this". However, I have a few dummy esps in my load order which I'd like to be able to deactivate however to do this I think I need to tick the associated archive under the "archive" tab of MO - obviously I don't have this as MO extracted the associated BSAs upon installation. So, my question is - is there a way in MO to reset that BSA "always extract" decision so that I can reinstall those specific mods with dummy esps without extracting their BSAs, thereby allowing me to activate the archive and deactivate the plugins?
  2. I used Duel quite a bit with STEP - no problems. Also a great mod and improves unsatisfying vanilla combat Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  3. EDIT: damn, just had a proper read of the Requiem Extended thread here - this should probably be moved there...? I'll leave it here regardless for now in case anyone finds it useful. Hi Smile, maybe on the wiki for this pack you should mention the STEP Extended mods which shouldn't be used with the Requiem pack? I know that you've clearly marked it to be compatible for STEP Core, but in reality many will have a few Extended mods in their mods. Just for the sake of completeness and giving all the necessary info, maybe it would be good to have a list of them and a brief reason as to why not to use them with Requiem. For example, this is what I've found by reading around and using TES5Edit: STEP Extended mods/plugins removed for Requiem playthrough: Run for your lives - not necessary since Requiem adds an aura of fear to dragons which should have the same effect Clams drop pearls - Requiem appears to include this function More salt please - Requiem appears to change vendor lists with respect to the amount of salt piles and the amount of cooked food for sale. (PS, I also use the "no salt" mod which just removes the need for using salt to cook meat) Smaller ice spikes - Requiem appears to affect the same records (not sure what for at the moment) Ars metallica - not fully sure of the overlap here as haven't played enough Requiem to understand the crafting changes, however TES5Edit conflicts would suggest that Ars metallica just conflicts too much for both to work together. However, I don't think Requiem includes recipies for crafting arrows like AM, which is a shame. When vampires attack - not necessary since Requiem disables random vampire attacks on towns/cities Others I'm less sure about: Realistic ragdolls and force: Requiem appears to halve the vanilla force/impact game settings, but RR&F reduces them even further. I suppose this will come down to preference as it is just a straight overwrite, but it might not be worth using RR&F with Requiem (one less mod to worry about) Skyrim coin replacer: some conflicts which look as though they may be possible to patch. i really like this mod, so I'd like to try and incorporate it, but not sure if it's even desirable with Requiem? Note also that both WAF and Clothing & Clutter Fixes have tons of conflicts with Requiem, and I'm not sure I'd want Requiem to win all of them, however it's probably better not to be mixing and matching here. Having said all of the above, I haven't spent much time actually playing a Requiem game, so I haven't got that experience which really helps in patching/modding - I've read the manually extensively though. So, apologies if any of this is blindingly obvious to others...
  4. Hi Smile, thanks for your work on this pack and the Requiem pack too. I'm currently working on getting a STEP "slightly extended" + a few personal favourite (small) mods + Frostfall + Requiem + this W&L pack. It's quite some work....! One thing which is bothering me at the moment is how ELFX conflicts with so many things, which I suppose is inevitable given it's nature and scale. However, from what I'm seeing in TES5Edit at the moment, it seems like all the ELFX esps (especially enhancer) should be absolutely last in the load order, or at least after all Requiem esps. Currently BOSS doesn't seem to sort things this way. In TES5Edit, it looks like the overrides to ELFX would break its functionality in some areas, however when ELFX overrides the other mods it wouldn't break any of their changes. So a load order change seems to be a good solution.
  5. This may be obvious to some, but I believe clanking armor will be obsolete if using AOS. Disclaimer: have not tested in-game yet: just doing some TES5Edit analysis of my load order, and it seems clear that AOS does the same thing (although probably differently, so it may just come down to preference) - all of the relevant records are conflicted between the two mods.
  6. EssArrBee, when I tried installing Realvision ENB, the automated installer didn't seem to work fully (not all files copied) when I ran it from the MO virtual data folder - I had to move the Realvision datafiles folder to the Skyrim data folder, run the installer, then move the Realvision datafiles folder back to it's mod folder in the MO virtual data directory... I will be trying to install it again soon so I'll let you know what happens, but maybe you'll get a chance to do give it a try before me. EDIT: talking above about the first time I tried to install it - it didn't work.
  7. I had the same problem quite a few times with files downloaded from the nexus today. In some cases redownloading fixed it, but the best solution I found was to download the files manually then just move them into the mo downloads folder. Once I ran query info on the files from mo it recognised them and they installed fine. Imo related to nexus issues. Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  8. Does anyone here know of a good mod which allows the player to pay to have their equipment improved? Would be great for roleplaying or even just specialisation if you're not looking to boost smithing skills very much.
  9. Should one run BUM from MO??
  10. Hi EssArrBee, I'm using your quickstart guide (along with some other sources) to try and install RealVision ENB (as per Smile's Weather & Lighting Pack for STEP) and having a bit of trouble. For one thing, why do you not mention the enbhost.exe in the quickstart? All other enb install guides i'm using say this must be copied into the skyrim game folder along with the d3d9.dll - should I not install it? PS: first time installing ENB so forgive lack of knowledge........
  11. Thanks, I had already tried re-downloading and it didn't work, however tried once more and all good!
  12. I have used this mod for a long while and really like it. You have to try the locks to find out how difficult they are.
  13. I'm having a strange problem trying to install this in MO - it gives me an error message saying "encoding method unsupported", then cancels the installation with an error message "the mod was not installed completely". Checking in the mod folder it only installs the readme.txt file. Anyone have any ideas what causes this?
  14. I believe Requiem includes this feature. Obviously you don't want to install a massive overhaul for one small feature but at least you'll know it's possible to mod it... Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  15. Hi, getting lots of errors from MO wrt anything to do with Nexus, ie: downloading mods directly (using green button link) or querying mod info for currently installed mods. I'm getting the following error message: "Failed to request file info from Nexus: Error downloading - server replied: Internal Server Error" Are there any issues with MO/Nexus server currently?
  16. OK so bashed patch only then? Also thanks for your various replies on different topics today! Much appreciated. I'm in the middle of a new modded setup... Edited to fix typos from damn phone keyboard... :) Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  17. Is this now included in latest USKP? (2.0.0)
  18. On a slightly related topic, do you need to use a TES5Edit merged patch as well as a bashed patch or do they essentially do the same thing? Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  19. Could one of the team let us know if 2.2.7 -> 2.2.8 will require a clean install? Or will it just be small incremental changes? Thanks for working on it! PS: a cheeky request for an ETA, even a rough one?
  20. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/16463/? "Changes the way skill books work, so that you may choose if and when you gain a skill from it. Upon activating a book, a menu will appear allowing you to select if you read the book and gain its knowledge at that time, or simply take it without reading." I have used this mod with seemingly no problems in current playthrough of 70h+, and wouldn't play without it now. Anyone else using it? I like to be able to manage my skills somewhat, and think the way vanilla Skyrim forces you to open every book before taking it is clumsy, unrealistic and annoying. This mod is an elegant and effective fix. Before I found this I tried some mods which changed the names of skill books so that you'd know that (1) they were skill books and (2) what skills they related to. However, these created lots of conflicts (edit name of every skill book), and also still didn't get around the fact that had to read every book I picked up.
  21. Well it's a good point, and I'd say the STEP approach to modding requires you to think about the original intentions of the game designers, but I really think there were some oversights in this case, as per my post above. Although, I wouldn't argue against the fact that this mod might add a few to many smelters, I'd say on balance it makes the overall game better without much deviation from vanilla. I wouldn't play without it now in any case. I wonder how easy it is to delete individual smelters for a custom mod? Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  22. Is there any reason why I shouldn't install an ENB in the middle of a (stable and already great-looking) playthrough? Basically I was not confident enough when I first set up my current install to include ENB. Now that I know more about modding and Skyrim in general, I'm wondering whether to give ENB a shot, but I don't want to potentially break/damage anything on this playthrough (I don't have that much patience...!) From what I understand of ENB it should be fine as it can be swapped back out for the original dlls, but what I understand of ENB is very little... PS GPU is HD7870 2GB - this should be enough for ENB right? (with STEP install) CPU AMD Athlon II X3 445 Processor (3 CPUs) ~3.4GHz 8 GB RAM Cheers.
  23. Hmmm not using SoS... I'll have a quick look in TES5Edit when time but I don't remember seeing a problem when I made my general merged/comp patch Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  24. That's good to hear. But shouldn't the Wiki mention this? Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  25. I'm a little confused - is the version of this mod on the nexus (and linked to from STEP wiki) the "improved/modified" version? I just downloaded it, was told by BOSS that it needed cleaning, and can confirm that it did indeed have both ITMs and UDRs. EDIT: ok just seen the version linked to by Aiyen on previous page. But you should know that the STEP wiki points to the version on the Nexus which appears to have some issues with it.
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