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Everything posted by jakeslim

  1. I'm not sure that one can actually package a "mod" with MO ini tweaks (what we're calling type b), and what we're calling type c is specific to a mod's own functions and doesn't affect the skyrim inis (I believe). I will have a play with these features this weekend. What STEP could definitely do though is give instructions for users to create their own ini tweaks in MO. Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  2. Well I would certainly be in favour of having a "mod" in MO containing only the STEP ini tweaks. It is completely in line with the MO philosophy of keeping virgin vanilla files/folders (or as much as possible) and being profile specific. I use the INI tweaks features for specific mod needs (the only one I can think of now is SFO grass texure tweaks) so that I don't have to write them into my skyrim inis, even profile specific ones. The only reason I haven't gone further and implemented eg a STEP ini tweaks "mod" or an ENB ini tweaks "mod "is that I'd read about issues with MO writing changes directly to Skyrim inis (MO's ones). From what I remember this could be a problem with settings already in the skyrim inis (eg drawtreeshadows for ENB) but not for added settings (eg the bow aiming tweaks recommended by STEP). Is any of that clear?! Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  3. Screenshots look great. Pretty sure I will add these to my modlist. Would have thought they'd be good for STEP too, with the only reservation being that they add an extra mod for so little change. Maybe integrated into another mod like HD Misc they'd be perfect...? All depends on view of STEP team on how streamlined next STEP will be I suppose.
  4. It will conflict with requiem - check in TES5edit. Nevertheless, it's easy to patch - you only need the height changes from this. Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  5. Ah I see thanks for clearing that up. Did you get that info from reading the mod threads on nexus? The version I checked in tesvedit was v1.87 basic as per step guide. Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk PS didn't test this evening, just wanted to play, but I added the FR fix to my game after previous testing and reading, and I can at least say that it didn't cause any problems! Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  6. I'm not entirely sure that TES5Edit alone can confirm no conflicts as the mod appears to alter records which aren't "visible" in current version of TES5Edit. However, the post and link from egraf above remove some confusion (tbh, I was always a little sceptical about potential for "conflict" with SFO as SFO doesn't add any funcitonality, only visuals). The only other STEP mod I can think of is Hybrids HD Plants and Herbs Retexture. However, same applies here in that it is only a visual replacer mod, so any potential conflicts will not cause any issues. From what I read (a few days ago, to be sure) about this mod, it appears to make the Skyrim engine actually "replace" a harvested plant with a new instance after respawn period, so it would presumably just call the relevant object, and hence the texture and/or meshes would be whichever are linked to that object in your modlist.
  7. Ah I see. So "be patient" then! No prob, I see the MT thread is pretty busy, which is a shame as this seems so fundamental. Well I'll continue trying to test and report back anyway, and if anyone wants to chip in that would be great. Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  8. OK cool. I'm going to try it out this eve.
  9. Aiyen, do you mean this is incorporated into skylight or that you use it on your setup with skylight? Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  10. To admins/step team - is there a process for putting mods forward for testing? I looked in the MT thread but there aren't any stickies or notices Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  11. OK, tried to test this out this evening. My testing scheme above is flawed as it doesn't capture the problem properly. However I'm still confused as the problem I seem to have found below is different to what I originally thought it was (I thought it was more to do with data betweensaving/reloading not being properly remembered with by Skyrim). Anyway, for what it's worth, here's what I did. First, confirm the problem: 1. Started new game, vanilla except for Dime's Quickstart, got out of starting cave and coc to Riverwood. 2. tgm, speedmult to 200, harvest everything along road from Riverwood to Guardian Stones 3. back to Riverwood, into Riverwood Trader, set timescale to 10000 or something, allow >31 days to pass 4. back onto road to Guardian stones, nothing has respawned Then, confirm the fix. 1. did all of the above with only difference being flora respawn fix activated - all harvested plants had respawned. Tada. So, problem fixed, yes...? Or is it? As I say above, I'm still a little confused. I really think it would be worth this mod getting some proper testing attention, especially as I'm tired, rushing through it because it's boring not to be playing, and my gf is getting impatient!! (it's late...) Anyone want to help test this? Or even just critique my testing process/propose a new one?? If we can test this, confirm it works, then check out potential conflicts with eg SFO or Vurts, then ensure stability isn't adversely affected, I don't see why a fix this important shouldn't be in STEP:Core?
  12. The "cost" of use decreases as your skill in relevant magic school increases. Basically they are a way of delivering spells without using magicka. Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  13. I think you should make it look how you think is best, and just tell people what mod set they need to install along with skylight in order to achieve the best effect. However, I still think the nights are a little dark, even though I'm using a CoT+ELFX+ELE setup as you say on your modpage ;p (oh I'm still using 2.0b though...) Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  14. Maybe we could try a proper testing scheme for this mod? Based on my understanding of the problem and the fix I would propose the scheme below, but if others with a better understanding could check/confirm/deny that would be great. First, confirm the problem: 1. Load/start game without fix enabled, then save game (=S1) in X 2. Take road from X to Y, harvesting all roadside plants along the way 3. Wait D days in Y (where D>cell respawn time), save game (=S2) 4. Take road back to Y from X, checking whether harvested plants have reset (they should have, I think) 5. Exit game, reload game, load S2, take road from Y to X again - this time harvested plants should not have respawned if there is a problem (I think) Then, confirm the fix: 1. Load S1 with this fix enabled, try all steps above again, plants should be respawned in all cases, even when exiting game and reloading Any input appreciated NB: it is noted that the fix can muck up your saves, so either start new game, use testing profile, or manage your save games properly.
  15. Thanks :) Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  16. I realise I have no voting "rights" here, but if I did I would certainly vote to remove this - it's a nice-enough-but-not-at-all-necessary addition to an otherwise great mod. Save a plugin slot, streamline the step install a bit, simplify, it's win all round IMO. Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  17. Yes, it's extremely annoying... Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  18. Aiyen, I'm trying out the latest version (2.0b, unless you update while I'm posting this again...!) - really liking it - the weathers I've seen so far are really great - mainly rainy weathers/storms (I'm using supreme storms) which get very overcast and atmospheric. Great work. I'm still having issues with the nights being too dark - vanilla is of course too bright, but with Skylight nights are very dark and also seem very long, i.e.: sunset is quite early and sunrise quite late. in another thread you said the best way to tweak this was via bloom levels at night/dawn/dusk - looking at the enbbloom.fx ini, I have no clue as to what values to tweak to make nights a little brighter. Can you help? Also one other thing I've noticed (only on once occaision) is that for some reason children's skin seems unnaturally red - this was in Riverwood in a storm, and strangely the adults were not so much affected. Turning down the red saturation levels fixed this temporarily.
  19. No need if using MO, just set correct priorities in left pane Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  20. The only thing I can think of is it could be something to do with windowed mode. When I first tried using enb I had crash on startup because of this. Make sure skyrim is set to run in full screen application mode, and if you want windowed mode turn it on via the enb inis. Can't hurt to try. Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  21. Aiyen, thanks for your detailed reply. RL very busy for me at the moment but when I get a chance I will download latest version to test and tweak. The info you give and your guide will help. Excited to see it! Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  22. Changelog states: "The Choice is Yours MOVED to come after Thieves Guild Requirements. See this thread for details. Thieves Guild Requirements MOVED to come after The Choice is Yours. See this thread for details." The correct phrasing appears to be the latter.
  23. Haha rootsrat, I know what you mean! But this has been useful to me in keeping a healthy balance between RL and Skyrim. I agree there is no link with STEP mandate whatsoever, but maybe it should be kept in so that STEP can help users to "enjoy Skyrim responsibly"?! ;) Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
  24. You really should try requiem in my opinion. I started using it wrote recently and really love it. The fact is that, as Sadeko said above, it is incredibly complex to make every facet of the game perfectly balanced, and indeed would be wrote boring as it would mean the game would need to be quite predictable. Anyway, as it's such a massive undertaking to balance things well, in my opinion one needs to lean more towards big overhauls such as requiem where the interplay between many factors had been carefully considered and solutions implemented. Anything which only overhauls limited parts will by definition mesh less well with the game as a whole. Requiem is not perfect, but it's closest I've found. Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  25. I suppose STEP could at least recommend one option? Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
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