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Everything posted by jakeslim

  1. Does anyone else ever get guards walking around with "phantom" lanterns? Ie arm cocked as if holding a lantern but no lantern to be seen?
  2. TheWatcher, I use Height Adjusted Races with True Giants (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/7587) for that. So great to see giants which are actually, well, giant... It does need some patching though. Oh and I have not been able to fix 1st person view which is perhaps the most annoying thing about the race heights. Anyway, back to OP, I am going to try this out - I'm not a fan of the Skyrim "conversation from afar" style in general, although there are some situations where it works well. Will be interesting to see if any customisation options of F2FC allow a kind of mix of both approaches.
  3. It would really be excellent to see this evolve. I remember having a full FCOM install with let's say *variable* stability. That was a loong time ago when I had a much lower-end rig (actually I think it may even have been a laptop...) although I thought I was fairly well-schooled in WryeBash and the various other tools necessary - that's one of the things I remember about oblivion modding actually: needing to use lots of 3rd party tools to mod, bash, organise, optimise, clean, do something or other to the LOD files... So not that different from Skyrim then I suppose! Anyway, though I would love to help with testing etc, I'm just too taken up by Skyrim right now to go about installing and modding Oblivion I'm afraid. But jolly good luck to you sir.
  4. @rootsrat thanks for the heads up on needing patching - checked it out and patched relatively easily, nice to be able to resolve all conflicts (for anyone interested, conflicts are essentially with WAF). Going to test it in current playthrough. Can anyone let me know what the procedure is for rebuilding my dualsheaths patch? I got the original one through skyproc (I understand nothing about what that program does...) - but not sure if I need to do anything in particular before rebuilding the patch, for example remove the existing patch esp or clearing out the dualsheath reproc stuff in my overwrite folder?
  5. What was the official STEP verdict on this?? I'm bouncing this back up only because it really looks like something worth considering for STEP and fixes a big issue I had with the game. Disclaimer: haven't tested yet, so basing all opinion on available screenshots and descriptions, but hope to test this evening.
  6. A bit of a revival post here, but was just wondering if any opinions had changed on this since last post as the thead is quite old. I quite like SConf as I find that it makes the whole ini tweaking much easier and more user-friendly. It is quite old though so I don't know if some of it might be out of date - I think the author left some aspects undeveloped. However, for what I use it for, it seems to work very well and you can run it straight from MO so it plays nicely with profiles as far as I can tell. Anyone using SC these days?
  7. Would just like to add here that I've been using this mod on current playthrough (I think about 70h+) and it doesn't seem to be causing any problems while being a great improvement for me. I haven't looked into it with TES5Edit yet though to check out the wild edits mentioned by WilliamImm (besides, I'm only a basic TES5Edit user). I also haven't advanced far enough in any companions quests to discover any of the problems mentioned by statsmonster. Basically, I really think it would be worth some experienced members of the STEP team checking this mod out properly and considering for inclusion in STEP Core as it really does seem that Beth "forgot" to add Smelters to key areas (e.g.: Solitude has no smelter in Vanilla I believe - with an Imperial army to outfit that seems highly unlikely).
  8. Sorry to post in the wrong place, haven't used these forums much as you can see by my post count. The thing is, I have installed XP32 skeletons as part of my step install as I'm also using Dual Sheaths Redux which works great (although does give me a lot of "errors" in my papyrus log). Is it possible I installed it incorrectly?
  9. Does anyone here know of a good 1st person skeleton view height fix? I get so sick of people towering over me in 1st person only to see that I'm as tall/taller than them in 3rd person! Especially as I use Height Adjusted Races With True Giants (https://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/7587/?)... I've come across a couple but for some reason they turn me off as always needing some extra fussing around such as reinstalling for each new character etc. EDIT: I know that HARwTG has a 1st person skeleton fix, but the manual installation stuff is a little murky for me as someone who is far from an expert on this stuff. So if anyone more experienced has a view I'd be interested to hear it. PS: HARwTG is a really great mod - I play on a "nearly legit" STEP setup and it works great, although I seem to remember I had to make a few overrides into my merged patch to get over some conflicts it created. So I'm glad to see on the separate mod thread here that it looks like it might be re-included in STEP.
  10. Hello I'd be curious to hear what other people here think about this mod. Is there a reason it isn't in STEP?
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