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Everything posted by jakeslim

  1. Hi, thanks for making this guide, I am using some parts of it as I'm only looking for a very basic setup. I have a question about the part where you merge plugins from Val's Sorting Mod - should the process start from the lowest mod loaded in FO4Edit and work upwards? I guess so as this would make the overrides follow the load order, but it's not that clear to me the way you wrote it.
  2. Hi, apologies if this section is only meant for Skyrim issues, but it seems like the best fit. Basically, I am having a weird lighting glitch in a new installation of FO4. See gif here: gfycat.com/ActualObedientAfricangroundhornbill Problem occurs in both interiors and exteriors. What seems to be happening is that lighting is switched off and on for certain objects depending on the angle from which I observe them. By a process of elimination, I am almost certain that ENB is causing the issue. I was running only a very few mods, I uninstalled all of them, reset inis to default etc. Only thing that affects the issue is deleting enb files - then problem disappears. To be clear, I am only using ENB for speed fixes etc. (I set that "speedhackwithoutgraphics" setting or whatever it is to =true, and I,m not using any ENB presets). Anyone have any ideas exactly what causes it, e.g.: is there a particular setting in ENB ini I need to change? Thanks.
  3. Great, thanks mate. I will definitely look into those.
  4. Well I thought I was fairly clear in OP - I'm going to be doing my first playthrough, and I'm wondering what the 4 or 5 "generally accepted to be an essential fix/improvement" type mods. I.e.: no mechanics changes, no engine tweaking, no quest/story/item/character additions/modifications (apart from genuine fixes). Just the bare bones essentials - UO patches, UI improvement mods, etc.. I know many people will say "first playthrough? then don't use mods!". I do not buy this at all - as I mentioned I have played many (I think all) of the Beth games in this engine, and I know it needs some help from modders even for some basics. Also, I'm not so blessed with free time or even patience that I'll expect to put hundreds of hours and dozens playthroughs into the game - as such I want my first one to be pretty optimal, even though I will most likely do subsequent playthroughs with additional mods to fix things I don't like. RE your question about where to get mods from, I always previously used the Nexus, but I'm not that fussed about where they're from as long as the quality is generally vouched for. No-one has any more input on this?
  5. Hi all, finally thinking about buying and trying Fallout 4 - didn't want to buy on release as I was really disappointed with reviews and what I could gather about the game. Price is dropping now and I think I might give it a try. Only thing is that I know that bloody engine well, and that it will benefit from a little bit of modding help even for a more-or-less vanilla experience. What I'd like to know is: is there a guide for a super-basic "vanilla+" type mod setup for FO4, or could you provide some recommendations? I'm talking like 4 or 5 basic and essential mods - from experience of previous Beth games in this engine I have in mind things like an unofficial patch, a UI-overhaul to make it PC-friendly, maybe a performance-enhancer - that sort of thing. Any input would be appreciated
  6. Yes, I do understand what happened... It just wasn't obvious to me at the time and a short guidance note would have averted the problem.
  7. Well sure, I realised that after and re-installed both seperately. My point is that it is a really easy mistake to make, but also very easy to prevent with just a little sentence in the detailed instructions mentioning to rename rather than merge (or any other option). For me it was not at all obvious that the vanilla optimised textures would be recognised as the same mod as in my mind they were pretty distinct, despite obviously being on the same nexus mod page, and also it was at least a day since I'd installed them by the time I got onto the compilation. It's just a simple suggestion to improve the guide for others.
  8. Hello, first, can I say what an awesome development this STEP compilation is from the last time I used STEP (at least a year ago now I think) Something strange seems to have happened upon my installing the compilation though - once I'd selected all the installer options (hopefully correctly, I believe so anyway), I got the "this mod is already installed, do you want to replace / merge / etc" dialogue box from MO. That was already a bit weird, and not knowing what to do I picked "merge" just out of habit mostly. Anyway, a new mod did not appear in the LH pane of MO at the bottom of the priority order as it usually would, although I suppose that is because I merged - question is, into what existing mod did I merge? I did have a new esp for the STEP extended patch. Am I being really stupid here? EDIT: about three seconds after posting this, I thought that maybe I'd merged with the STEP optimised vanilla textures as they have the same mod ID? Seem plausible? Also any way to check this, and if that is indeed what happened I assume I need to reinstall both? Finally, if that was the case, I'd suggest putting an info message somewhere to cover this for future users (yes, it was stupid, but also veeeery easy to do) EDIT2: confirmed that I merged with the STEP optimised vanilla textures. Reinstalled both.
  9. Thanks for the time spent on this guide. I'm going to start my first playthrough soon (full vanilla), just to get a feel for the game, then will probably come back here and use parts of your guide to add a few mods (don't want to change a lot in first playthrough, just fix annoyances). Since I don't have the HoS expansion yet, my question is why does the guide say that it is required? Is it for some specific mods, and if so could you tell us which ones? Or what are the other considerations if we don't have HoS yet? Cheers.
  10. Dennai, the exact same thing happened for me. MO and my bashed patch did not behave as per the F+L guide. I just enabled the bashed patch and IIRC I made a mod folder with the docs in the overwrite folder but it's a bit pointless as they won't have any effect at all. I have 86 hours in my F+L playthrough with no problems.
  11. Does anyone have trouble with the necklaces mod? It doesn't seem to work properly for me - it seems to distribute only female necklaces, to all NPCs, both male and female. Also seems to double up in some cases, i.e. NPC is wearing two necklaces. Maybe that's in cases where the NPC already has a necklace in vanilla? If this is just the way that the mod works I'll probably remove it from my next playthrough, but if anyone has ideas for a fix that would be great.
  12. Anyone tried the mod Light Step ED-E? https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/35526/? Apparently all it does is give the "Light Step" perk to ED-E (stops it triggering traps). Seeing as this is a hovering robot we are talking about here, it seems like a pretty fundamental fix and relevant for the guide. Might be able to merge it as it sounds like a pretty simple mod. Alternatively, someone did mention in the posts that you can use the console command "addperk 00031db7" on ED-E to achieve the same thing without another plugin. Disclaimer: have not tried it out yet, and actually I must say that I've been using ED-E quite a bit and haven't seen it trigger any traps so maybe this is already fixed in an official patch or YUP?
  13. Thanks very much for the comprehensive guide. I hope it will keep getting updated and improved even with the imminent release of FO4!! After having played an hour or so with a F+L setup, I am pretty keen to minimise a lot of the "faff" which for me personally interferes with the game - of course this is a subjective view. I think a good way for me to start would be to remove Calibre (I just do not in any way need 100s of different ammo types in my game), and to play without "needs". So my questions are: - what, if any, are the knock-on effects I need to consider if I remove Calibre? - can I start a new game without hardcore mode to completely bypass need to drink, eat, etc. Or is it better to just set the appropriate variables to 0 in the relevant MCM menu? (I forget which mod allows this) I also have an unrelated question: I find the rifle animations when walking/running in 1st person incredibly annoying - which mod do I need to remove/change to fix this?
  14. Oh, so THAT'S what that weird effect from wood chopping with frostfall was!!
  15. All good suggestions IMO. This is all very obvious to me now, but I do remember a couple of these caused me a bit of confusion when I first stumbled across step. Nothing that users can't work out themselves quite easily, but at the same time nothing that can't be better explained in the guide with minimal effort.
  16. Thanks. I am American but am also one of the few I know that actually uses that expression correctly ... I refrained from correcting Tech so as not to be too annoying, but, since you mention it, I concur :D Haha I'm OK with being annoying sometimes! No offence meant of course, it's just always intrigued me!
  17. I'm guessing that Tech is an American - why do you guys always get that expression wrong? It should be "I couldn't care less"!! ;) Sent from my pedantphone
  18. I must admit, I have asked myself the same question since STEP has officially adopted MO - it could be clearer in the guide that it's mod order which is important (ie priority in MO left pane) that matters, not install order. Edit: yes, I understand the difference between mods and plugins.....
  19. Am I missing something here...?
  20. I think more salt please makes changes to almost every vendor list. I'll talk with z about dropping it or look into building it another way maybe through leveled lists if that is possible. Guys, I would really recommend "no salt" as an alternative to "more salt please" - it allows you to cook meat without salt. This is more realistic, achieves the same end, and conflicts much less as all it does is edit meat recipes to remove salt.
  21. Looking forward to seeing the results!! Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  22. To be honest, I still don't really understand how notifications work in any useful way on that site.... One of the must annoying things at the moment, which I *think* dates from the last big server overhaul, is that I can only view the first 3 pics on a mod page using arrow keys, then I have to use the mouse to see others individually, ie click on to view, click on again to minimise, click next one to view... I'm sure that didn't use to be the case Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  23. I use enb to force borderless window, but didn't know it had a double cursor fix function also. If it does, and it works, I would 100% agree with the OP. Thanks for the info, I will try it on my setup soon! Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
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