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Everything posted by jakeslim

  1. Surely disable? Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  2. Aiyen, the description of your new release is unclear to me, where you say "Includes a new weather system an as a result overhaul of all weathers" - does this mean not compatible with CoT? Or really compatible only if I switch off Skylight's weather systems? Also, what would you recommend as the best method for tweaking brightness of sunsets/nights? I would like to make them a TINY bit brighter - I really like the darker nights, but I want to strike a balance between realism and playability. Is the night time ambient lighting the best parameter to play with for this? I see that you have optionals on your mod page, but these are for old versions, and as I've already tweaked the enbseries.ini for Skylight version I don't want to replace it! I see that the guide you put up (looks and reads great btw!) will eventually include info for tweaking, but if you could give me your advice for this one issue that would be appreciated!
  3. 2x is OTT. Just my 2 cents. Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  4. Ha! Ok, I downloaded and installed whichever version was available yesterday just after my previous post - I may have got there in time... Anyway, I ran it for a few hours yesterday, and i must say I do like it. It does seem to be somewhere between RV and UC, however closer to RV for sure. I tweaked the saturation levels down a little and like the results after doing so. I think I will keep using it for a good while at least. Only thing was that I had to reinstall CoT & weather patch as I had darker nights optional level 3 and it was almost pitch black! But that is clearly marked on the nexus page. So here's a question: I'm using Dynavision for DoF as suggested above. Do the DoF parameters in the enbseries.ini affect it at all? Based on some (I admit limited) testing it doesn't seem to, but can someine confirm/deny? And one more: is the DB weather patch necessary with CoT? Based on instructions on nexus it seems like it's only necessary with vanilla weathers? Thanks :? fair enough! At the time I installed it I nearly lost my mind. Then again, it was pretty ambitious. The game was improved 1000x, however I had so many stability issues that I just gave up. Anyway, I've gone OT...
  5. OK thanks, I've had a look at Skylight, and it looks great. Only thing is I'm a little confused as to all the optionals. For example I've got the impression that I have to install a different version of SFO? And, no DoF - while I understand the author's reasons for not including, I'm going to have to find out how to install DoF options - I imagine it's just dropping an fx and ini file into the Skyrim directory? And where would I find such files? And is there any info around on differences between different DoF types? I'm not averse to trying things which are more complex (I installed FCOM way back after all!!!), but I am always of the opinion that simpler is better. In any case, if someone can give some advice on the above then I'll give it a go. I also understand that the author is a regular on the STEP forums - just want to say, Skylight looks great! PS: yes, I meant 2GB!! I'll fix that now so that I don't have tons of corrections.
  6. Hello Ladies & Gents. Would appreciate some input to help me choose the ENB for me! And who know, maybe this thread may be useful for someone with tastes similar to mine one day... So far I have tried Unreal Cinema and RealVision (performance*) To put things as simply as possible, I like both, however I find the Unreal colours too muted and the Realvision colours too saturated. Could someone save me some time and recommend me something which hits the middle ground between these two in terms of colour vibrancy? The suggestions also need to be: not too performance intensive (I have an HD 7870 2GB)compatible with COT and ELFXI thank you in advance! * performance has too many features turned off for my liking so I tweaked it to be something in between the full and performance versions EDIT: also another thought: any quick tips to tweak either UC/RV colours? EDIT2: To be more precise, about UC, it's mostly the muted sky which I don't like - I want to see the clouds with a nice contrast against the sky.
  7. Just loaded this in TESVEdit, and no conflicts with SFO (or any other STEP mod) are visible. However, that doesn't mean there aren't any seeing as it sounds like some of the changes won't show in the "standard" TESVEdit... Also, yes, the mod author has himself said that it's not compatible. What a flipping shame... Yes, I know Bethesda are great and everything, but sometimes, just....
  8. I'm not really put off by the hacked tesv/ck after reading forum threads for the mod and understanding (to an extent!) what they are. I just meant that it would be more difficult to look into the workings of the mod. Regardless, I am pretty much convinced, and will be trying it out for sure. Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  9. Soooo, what is the consensus on this mod? I remember seeing this thread and some others on it a few months ago, but since I was playing a character with no interest in alchemy whatsoever I just ignored it. However, now I play an alchemist type character, and it occurs to me that this is a pretty huge bug which really should be fixed! Seems like there might have been one or two issues with the mod which perhaps put some people off, although its intended purpose appears to be right in line with something like STEP or USKP (EDIT: there appear to be good reasons not to integrate into USKP if you search around). Maybe some expereienced users can look over it in TESV and CK? I will try to have a look tonight, but cannot promise, RL is pretty busy... EDIT: below is from the mod page on nexus, and should be noted. Definitely good that no world/cell edits were necessary, but may make it more difficult to look under the bonnet (or hood for americans!)... Q: What's with 2.x? A: These use a (for now) hacked version of TES5Edit to add VMAD entries to TREE objects in the plugin. This is not supported by the CK, and it isn't supported in TES5Edit either. So, they are a bit hot-wired. They were in beta for two months though and people seem to like them better than the 1.x ones. The upshot, is that they don't contain any world or cell edits. And, since they keep the original TREE objects in the game, the often-subtle wind animations are back. They are backward-compatible with the 1.x versions, although on existing games the animations will not come back from harvested objects until you harvest them once. Other than that, you should be able to upgrade seamlessly to 2.x if you like (just don't downgrade back to 1.x after you do). In addition, since cell and worldspace edits are no longer necessary, this mod is now automatically compatible with new lands mods which use unplugged TREE and FLOR objects (e.g. Falskaar). Mods which add new TREE and FLOR harvestables will need to provide their own compatibility patches to fix the respawn bug. I will not make such patches - that is up to the author of that mod.
  10. you can set enb to ignore load screens. One of the enb inis will have the setting. Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  11. They appear to be looking for a "scripter" if the big red message on the nexus page is anything to go by. I only mention in case anyone here has the skills would care to help.
  12. Does anyone use this? I always liked the concept of the mod but I'm not always too sure about it's execution - it seemed to change a few things which I thought it shouldn't. I ended up copying only the race heights over into my Requiem.esp so I could just see that in game and nothing else. Also save a plugin slot. PS: I know that's not best practice, but in general works fine if you have a good idea of what you want to do and how to do it and always track whenever you make such changes PPS: I also use the optional first person skeletons - they really change your view height which is a HUGE improvement
  13. Awesome work egocarib, thanks! Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  14. Yes it has this effect in my game also. I believe it affects a global dialogue setting and so applies not just to songs but so spoken dialogue too. Can get very annoying... Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  15. Excellent idea, much needed! Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  16. What kind of performance impact does splash of rain have? I imagine it has to use scripts to detect weather type and location? And what about the splash animations? Can they be turned off? Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  17. You can get that patch on the requiem hard times page on the nexus Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  18. Hi again Spock. I've got my game up and running nicely now last few days. Just a couple of questions/observations based on your guide as I have only used it sporadically when going about my own install (I think we are both aiming for something quite similar actually): * Convenient Horses: you say that Requiem includes some of the improvements included in this mod. Can you expand on the features which are included? In fact can you recommend the best place to read full features of Requiem? I have the manual but there are many things I'm finding which aren't covered. In any case, I didn't realise Convenient Horses wasn't necessary so left it installed, and sure enough the functionality doesn't work in game. Guess I will have to clean save and remove, or maybe just start a new character (only really testing things out atm) * Lock overhaul: I left this installed as I love it. Primarily because the vanilla mechanics restrict access to high-level loot (if locked somewhere), locked areas, etc. only to those characters who decide to train lockpicking. No good. What I have done so far is used the MCM settings to enable lock-bashing for combat types and magic unlocking for mages while leaving the lockpicking feature disabled. This way it should complement Requiem's changes without overriding them. Do you think this could be a problem down the line? * Soul gems differ: I left this in my install and just patched over the new names from this mod. Haven't tested any soul gem functionality yet though so not sure if it will break anything. I'm thinking it could be ok as SGD is basically a visual change. Could be some issues with the hard times mod though... Will let you know if/when I test this. * More salt - I just removed this as it's not much use with Requiem. I use "no salt" mod instead which just removes need for salt from meat cooking recipies and has no Requiem conflicts. * BOYD - I ended up just removing this from my install but I can't remember why!! I have notes at home and can check later, but basically I think it was because of numerous conflicts which weren't worth it to me as it's a "nice to have but not essential" mod (in my view I mean).
  19. While I, like many others (I would imagine), are extremely grateful for the time and effort put in by people to create the DDSOpt guide here @STEP, may I respectfully point out that it could do with some serious improvements in terms of organisation and clarity. Having just followed it for the first time on one small mod as a test run, I'm surprised at how basic the actual steps I had to take were compared to the incredibly cluttered, complex, and confusing nature of the guide. If anyone would like me to provide specific input on ways to improve these things I'd be very willing to help, with the caveat that as you have gathered I know nothing about the technical aspects of DDSOpt. As a bare minimum I think there needs to be a simple step-by-step guide with literally NOTHING else interfering, and all extra info be provided on another tab or somesuch. Please don't let this come across as bad-natured or ungrateful - it is not meant that way - I just really think that many people will either not use this guide, or use it incorrectly, due to the issues I describe, and it's a shame to let the good work put into it go to waste.
  20. Hi Ogham, no worries - your info was fine, but the extra info should certainly help! I will have another look in Tesvedit when I get the chance, hopefully this evening. Cheers Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  21. Ogham, I can't see what you're mentioning in the tsvedit when I load the mod, could you give some more info? Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  22. Great, this solved my problem - before when I installed ENB (Realvision) it would hang with a black window open before even getting to the Skyrim main menu. Now it works - fantastic! No need to delete OneTweak, you can just disable the borderless window in it's ini, that works fine. I also then tested by using the forceborderless parameter in the enblocal.ini and that worked as well. Also I should mention that the Realvision author has added specific instructions for MO users on his page - they basically come down to not using the installer and just copying the files manually as you mention in the quickstart.
  23. Great, thanks! Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  24. Thanks for the detailed reply. I'm definitely coming more towards the less is more approach, and have been working to reduce my load order as much as possible without losing the stuff I want before I even start properly playing Requiem. So first step is obviously removing stuff that Requiem renders obsolete, then mods which are incompatible/which don't fit well with Requiem (e.g.: I really wanted to play with both Immersive Armors and Weapons but decided it was just too much along with Requiem, and might not be properly balanced although i believe Requiem includes some of the items from both of these mods??). The other mods which remain I'm patching to make them work with Requiem in the way I want (or hope that they will rather, as haven't tested it all properly in game yet as I say, which after all is the only test that matters in the end). Anyway, another piece of feedback for you is that NPC reduced greetings seems to be obsolete with Requiem, am I right? Requiem seems to include this functionality from what I can see in TES5Edit, but I could be misinterpreting it - do you know? i mention it here as it is a STEP Core mod, and I posted it on the Requiem Extended pack thread as well seeing as that deals with STEP Core also by definition. EDIT: also just seen that Consistent Older People (STEP CORE) overwrites some Requiem changes - just checked it on nexus and couldn't find a patch (but the conflicts are easy to patch)
  25. Hi Spock, thanks for sharing your work on this - I'm currently trying to install a similar setup (see also my post here which I unfortunately posted before realising that your extended pack had moved on a whole lot since I first saw it and I should have probably posted in this thread). Anyway, a quick one: do you know if Requiem also includes a version of NPC reduced distance greetings? From what I can see in TES5Edit it does seem to, so I think I'm going to remove reduced distance greetings from my mod list. (FYI, Requiem and NPCRDG seem to add a new Game Setting which isn't in Skyrim.esm relating to minimum distance before an NPC greets the player: Requiem sets the value to 70, and NPCRDG sets it to 90 [i'm using the "slightly reduced" version])
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