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Everything posted by Mercury71

  1. There is a patcch here that might work instead. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/93334?tab=files
  2. Should not be. I use the nude version to with no problem.
  3. The patch for Improved Closefaced Helmets, WACCF and AMB is now split in two in the patcher. Loot will give a warning but there is no problem so just ignore. (I am sure they will update Loot masterlist in time)
  4. BSA package, is this something for Step? https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/143377
  5. If you get the problem that "tags" are shown in inventory next to item names you need to use the automated patcher. HERE (or get it on the mods page) Be sure to install "Dafauilt UI" pack on the third page in the fomod of the mod. I select this in the mods fomod: 1. Default main patch 2. Default profile 3. Default UI Run the patcher outside MO2 (i placed it in the modding Tools folder for easy access). Point to the MO2 mod folder (C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\ModOrganizer\Skyrim Special Edition or something like that)
  6. You can install the guide and play with no problems. Happy modding! My experience is that it is very easy to update when a new version is released and that your current saves will work.
  7. I have the new version and ELIF installed. ELIF is probably going in the guide in the next version for the next guide version.
  8. What version is newer? Alpha 0.98alpha2 that we use, was uploaded december 24 2019. I can not find any newer version.
  9. Discussion topic: Quest Journal Overhaul by JPSteel2 Wiki Link Makes the quest journal more modern with added functionality such as categorization, location tracking and more... (I combine it with Knotwork and the patch for them)
  10. Mod was updeted over at AFK. v4.2.3 Fixed a gap in the railing inside Shoal's Rest Farmhouse. Cleaned up a few instances of navmeshes with floating nodes. Especially around the farmhouse area.
  11. Updated to 4.3.4 A lot of fixes in this one. CHANGELOG
  12. IED does swords on back just fine for me.
  13. Original Skyrim launched in 2011 was a 32 bit game. In 2016 Skyrim SE launched. It is a 64 bit game version. That added more stability to the game. SE also includes the DLCs Dawnguard, Hearthfire and Dragonborn.
  14. Mod updated. Version 3.0 Compacted & esl-flagged (new game highly recommended). Removed enable parents from approximately two dozen vanilla/Atlas markers which couldn't previously be toggled due to their enable parents; where it was necessary, the enable parent functionality is now handled by script. Split Vanilla Factions - Civil War Camps MCM option into separate options for Imperial and Stormcloak Camps. Split Atlas Wilderness - Divine Shrines MCM option to add additional options for Atlas Major City - Divine Shrines and Atlas Wilderness - Additional Divine Shrines (which can be controlled independently of the main Divine Shrines option). Added MCM for Fishing map marker mods, with a patch (Atlas Map Markers doesn't add its own fishing markers). Renamed a number of markers for consistency and to correct typos and implemented additional changes (all courtesy of Enodoc), including: Renamed Bandit, Fisherman, and Hunter Camps to have unique names (based on the names in the Prima Guide). Renamed Frost Troll and Wild Animal Dens to have unique names (somewhat based on the names in the Prima Guide). Renamed some Dragon Mounds, Khajiit Caravans Camps, and Mills for improved consistency. Changed the marker for Bloodskal Copse from Shipwreck to Grove. Changed the marker for Castle Dour from Fort to the unused City marker. Changed the marker for Darkfall Grotto from Clearing to Cave. Swapped Northstar Port (Atlas) and Dawnstar Docks (Vanilla) markers and repurposed the former as a marker for Ferryman Harlaug. Disabled a duplicate marker (SLMM1H) (there was already a vanilla marker here). Updated a handful of formlists for consistency with the above changes. Incorporated an updated CoMAP configuration file to account for the compacted records (courtesy of SupportEgirl) with additional tweaks and fixes (courtesy of Enodoc).
  15. New 2.6.0- beta published on GitHub. [Feature]: Rudimentary support for loading custom patcher plugins (injected into configuration selection menu on load) by @Monitor221hz in #343 [Feature]: Support for code-based native patches by @Monitor221hz in #353 [Enhancement]: New Design GUI by @zndxcvbn in #363 [Fix]: Clear mods by code data before (re)loading to prevent duplicate key errors by @JonathanFeenstra in #368 [Fix]: Draugr ragdolls broken by @Monitor221hz in #357 [Fix]: In-game crash on skeleton killmove by @Monitor221hz in #359 [Refactor]: Simplify logic for retrieving the list of installed mods by @JonathanFeenstra in #370 [Fix]: Race condition to acquire common native object in FNIS patching leading to some animation mods being skipped. by @Monitor221hz in #382 [Fix]: Sporadic crash from bloating with duplicate FNIS animation lists (SkyrimSE.exe+A1B2AB) by @Monitor221hz in #383 [Refactor]: Separate API into separate submodule by @Monitor221hz in #384
  16. Mod updated on Nexus. Version 1.5.3 Changed .esp and .bsa names to all lower case for improved compatibility for Steam Deck and certain Linux users; this should have no impact on other users. Removed secondary Armature entry from CCF_ClothesChildRobesDaedric "Child's Daedric Robes" [ARMO:09006EBC]. Added MatchingSetHeavyExclude [KYWD:01003278] and WAF_ArmorMatchingSetFur [KYWD:01AF0108] to Chainmail/Vigilant Robes and Hoods. College instructors will now sell unenchanted versions of their school robes starting at level 24 (when the enchanted versions first become available). Added a tempering recipe for Vignar's ClothesJarlGloves02_steel "Noble Steel Armguards" [ARMO:091C7935]. Fixed normal map paths on 1stpersonstendarrrobesf_0.nif and 1stpersonstendarrrobesf_1.nif. Removed unnecessary and non-functioning facegen meshes and textures. Removed Fjotra from the SPID patch distribution, as her new outfit shouldn't become available until the appropriate point in her quest.
  17. I just started a replay of W3, with just a few mods installed (i hate the trees swingin around like crazy in vanilla). So yes. Muchos interest!
  18. v0.503 for Skyrim SE updated today Version updated, download again Added soul caim setting of sky as aurora. Removed tiling of water lod. Added partial compatibility with mods which modify path of the sun. Fixed bug of wet surfaces when entering interiors if dynamic cubemaps disabled. Increased x4 times resolution of dynamic cubemaps.
  19. Small update Version 1.3 Re-calculated Object Bounds. Un-ESMyfied plugin cause it was unnecessary in the first place.
  20. Release 1.0 today. Starting to look like a alternative to ENB. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/articles/9415
  21. Smashed this (and the required mod) into my Step 2.3. Looks very good.
  22. That is an SKSE plugin that fixes problems you might have in inventory when using some ENB-mods. Stuff gets smaller in inventory. For fome reason it was already in my load order. I belive i had that problem and found this mod.
  23. ENB Series 0.503 for Skyrim SE Added boolean parameters HDRWeighting for each color filter to compute them with intensity, this allow to make short moments like red sunrise and sunset. Fixed wet surfaces from first person models which were broken several last versions. Fixed dark eyes in enblite mode.
  24. Do not activate the patch. The guide states: Also install SB - Fixed Windhelm Entrance Patch from Optional Files as a separate mod to preserve version tracking in MO
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