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In the Detailed Instructions, it says the following:


"IMPORTANT: These is a conflict between Weapon & Armor Fixes, its Skyforge patch and aMidianborn Skyforge Weapons ESP. aMidianborn Skyforge Weapons ESP does not carry over some of the changes. You can fix this in TES5Edit; however, these are not game breaking issues."


I don't know how to fix this in TES5Edit. If I just leave it as it is, what exactly will be wrong? Will I even notice? It says it's not a game breaking issue but I don't know what it is.


If you install the following:


1. aMidianBorn Book of Silence

2. aMidianBorn Wolf Armor and Skyforge Weapons (newer than the one included currently in BoS 1.9)

3. WAF + amb Skyforge Patch


All is well.


IDK I don't actually remember having to mess with that yesterday when I opened it up in TES5Edit. That probably means it is okay.


EDIT: I just looked at them and all is good. Upadte to WAF 4.0.


If you install the following:


1. aMidianBorn Book of Silence

2. aMidianBorn Wolf Armor and Skyforge Weapons (newer than the one included currently in BoS 1.9)

3. WAF + amb Skyforge Patch


All is well.

So the install order would be:


1.) WAF

2.) Amidianborn Wolf Armor and Skyforge Weapons (new version)

3.) WAF + amb Skyforge patch



Is that correct? I thought Amidianborn is installed after WAF..


If so, what happens if I do the same thing but with the current old BoS 1.9 Armors file? Does the new one include something important?



EssArBee: Will do, thanks for the info!


There is some work going on in the semi automated STEP forum, and we are trying to zero on an exact definition for all STEP mods. Cabal gives the user a lot of options, and the STEP wiki has left that part ambiguous on purpose, because all of cabal's work is great in the mod. For automated STEP though, ambiguity is the enemy, so there needs to be a consensus on exactly what in Cabals mod is the preferred definition for STEP. Also, if the discussion hasn't already took place, there needs to be a discussion about the creatures portion of book of silence, as the regular wiki doesn't address it.


From another thread, here is what I proposed. Looking forward to hearing what you all think:


book of silence armors -> elven gold, hide cabal's cut?, iron vanilla cut, steel no fur, scaled brighter, orcish brighter, wolf grey, glass default variant (grey I think?), ebony black

book of silence uniques -> savior hide brown fur, ebony mail black

book of silence creatures -> not including this pack? Its great stuff, and true to vanilla

book of silence weapons -> use all of them

book of silence dragonborn -> nordic carved brown, do not include ash spawn and ash gaurdian?

book of silence hotfixes -> include all of them right


I love the ash creatures. My vote would be to include it and the whole creatures pack. Its all good stuff.


I really like the drauger part of creatures, the version that is "closer to concept art" (basically they have beards). Such a huge improvement.


The difficult thing with the creatures is that by the time I've run Automatic Variants, I might as well have never installed it. Could someone somehow port this as an Automatic Variants pack?


Weapons and Armor are now supported for AV and with Wolverine being a member of our community and a tester for Leviathan, I'm sure we could nudge him to do an AV pack for it.


There is some work going on in the semi automated STEP forum, and we are trying to zero on an exact definition for all STEP mods. Cabal gives the user a lot of options, and the STEP wiki has left that part ambiguous on purpose, because all of cabal's work is great in the mod. For automated STEP though, ambiguity is the enemy, so there needs to be a consensus on exactly what in Cabals mod is the preferred definition for STEP. Also, if the discussion hasn't already took place, there needs to be a discussion about the creatures portion of book of silence, as the regular wiki doesn't address it.


From another thread, here is what I proposed. Looking forward to hearing what you all think:


book of silence armors -> elven gold, hide cabal's cut?, iron vanilla cut, steel no fur, scaled brighter, orcish brighter, wolf grey, glass default variant (grey I think?), ebony black

book of silence uniques -> savior hide brown fur, ebony mail black

book of silence creatures -> not including this pack? Its great stuff, and true to vanilla

book of silence weapons -> use all of them

book of silence dragonborn -> nordic carved brown, do not include ash spawn and ash gaurdian?

book of silence hotfixes -> include all of them right

You need to check the wiki before posting. All this is covered on the wiki page for the mod: https://wiki.step-project.com/Book_of_Silence#Recommendations and the recommendations are what is set to meet the Core Mandate (basically staying with vanilla styles). If you check it out and find an item that isn't the vanilla option let me know.

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