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Clear and Present Danger - A guide for modding Fallout 3


This thread is for reporting problems when using the "Clear and Present Danger guide for Fallout 3". This includes errors in the guide, problems in following the guide, problems with the mods included in the guide, and problems running Fallout 3 when following this guide.


Please post any problems such as these in this forum. It's also best to post them here vs. sending me a PM. Often I won't have an answer but the other readers of this forum might have a good answer.

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Posted (edited)



I was in Megaton and equipped the the Ak-47 (Millenia's AK-47, Chinese rifle replacer) but RH_ironsights were not working on it. Does yours work? If not can you put this in the guide?




edit 1 - doesn't fix it. Still not seeing iron sights with AK-47. When I disable Millenia's AK-47 then the chinese rifle iron sights work again.


edit 2 - fixed it. forgot to read on into the description. Load Fo3Edit, load the plugin there, expand it on the left side ( the ' + ' button) until you see the name and the ID of the weapon, click on the weapon and then find the '' Don't use 1st person IS '' on the right side and remove it.


edit 3 - I tried the original mesh file again and it works. So thus far the modded mesh from the above link is not needed for the AK47. Only the FO3Edit is needed.



Edited by D1Z4STR
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Not sure if this is helpful but while following the guide I installed ENBoost. Haven't done any graphics additions yet, just everything mentioned under enboost and the wrapper version works perfectly fine with my AMD cards.


Just installed everything up to where it says test the game out after installing all of gophers HUD stuff (and wanderers edition and so on).... everything appears to working just fine. Except when I try to move the position of the HUD, where it says click ok and then the hud elements will appear... they never appear and I have no options to move anything? 


EDIT: Omni's Hi res pip boy, if using a controller to play instead of the mouse = inside the mods data folder is a folder named "pc" you have to change it to "xbox" and then the textures work. May be very helpful to mention to some to add that. I need a controller to make videos smoother. 


Better High Detail Map: where the instructions say "Using" (as to tell you what to open the file with) there is not word following it to inform people how to open it. I used Notepad. Seems fine? Though where it says that the numbers should be 660 and switch them to 650... all of my numbers are 724 and not 660. And even when I change them nothing seems to happen. 


EDIT: Fallout 3 Redesigned archive is packaged wrong. The Esp's/esm's are outside of the data folder causing red exclamation points to appear instead of people. Adding the esps into the data folder and repacking the mod makes everything work for me. 

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I haven't loaded that Ironsights addon yet; I'll check. Thanks for mentioning it. The changes are similar to what I did for the ACR. The ACR for FWE change I made to support the Ironsights mod for the ACR includes changes in the animation flag, as you noted doing to the AK47 mod, and I also changed some of the dimensions to match those in the plugin I didn't use (since I wanted to use the plugin that had the script fixes).  I did also use the meshes from the Ironsight addon for the ACR mod.


I suggest posting the problem about Enhanced Blood Textures on the Paradox Ignition Nexus page. The authors of this mod seem quite active (unlke those of other mods for Fallout 3).


GamerPoet: I'll look at those edits. I don't use a controller myself so I hadn't looked into the Omni's Hi Res mod controller. I'll add it to the guide. I'll fix the Fallout 3 Redesigned instructions; I forgot to add the detailed instructions when I put it in the guide.


I'll also fix the Better High Detail mod instructions. This install script for this mod selects the appropriate map_menu.xml file based on whether the plugin for Pipboy 2500, the plugin for Pipboy Readius, or neither have been installed. If neither is present it assumes the Omnis mod is used. If you don't get the values at the same line numbers then Better High Detail Man and Icons thinks a different Pipboy mod is installed. The line should initially read "<height>660</height>."Notepad++" didn't show up because a space was missing.

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cool = ) Im almost through the guide and those seemed to be the only things that I could find to mention. Thought I'd help.


oh, and awesome guide man holy hell. Saving me so much time in being able to start my playthrough. My fallout playthrough will be your guide explicitly (other than i may add an enb of my choosing but Im not at the end of the guide yet so who knows lol) I'll be sure to refer people in each episodes description. 


EDIT: I just went back to Better high detail map. Didn't realize to download the optional file. When installed the map from the 3000 in there all worked out. Its wierd because the FOMOD for the main file for me asked me 3 times in the a row to install the same thing without explanation. Perhaps thats where I got lost? But dropping the optional file (archive open in separate window) into the explorer gave me the 660 line and changing to 650 worked great = ) 


question: How do you de-archive a fomod? (batteries plus small cell) Point me to where it says and i'll happily read up on it lol


Animated Fan: M.O. flags the esp as a dummy file. Do you know if it is? 

Essentials Retex: instructions say get the main file and install though there are 3 main filres (which I'll install all?) Edit: volume 2 is what you specify will be changed in guide so I'll go with that = )


Skillbooks Retex: installed right but no fomod?


Better Booze: Open archive and repackage my selection into a new data folder and rearchive it. 

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Posted (edited)

Fallout Wanderers Edition-FWE: The Arctic Combat Armor Mark ll (Heavy) seems to have issues. I think it has to do with wrong texture pathing or something. It's this glitch when you are in 3rd person and strafing the camera around you see a palette of mixing/flashing textures from the surround environment all over your armor instead of the proper arctic textures.

Edited by Brainfever
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The brotherhood of steel esm has 2 records that acn be removed with FO3Edit. I did so. Should I have? lol.. It is the only of the 5 dlc that "needed" any cleaning. 


PLaying an african character my left hand was white. Had to hid the left hand pip boy files from roberts make body and the hand was normal again

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I'll look at all of these errors; I've been a little busy getting ready for Halloween.


I cleaned all the mods I'm using except for Flora Overhaul (ITMs removed only) and the Updated Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch. I haven't had any obvious problems that I felt might be caused by the cleaning.

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Cool = ) yeah, im about to get out there with my nieces shortly. 


Arlington house mod as of september 24th no longer needs an update file installed over it. I think the author merged it and made it one file. 


Better Booze: The folder give you 3 to 4 options each and you have to choose and rebuild the archive or drag them via open explorer


animated fan : esp can be moved to optional as Mod Organizer activates the BSA on its own. 

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  On 10/25/2014 at 9:39 PM, D1Z4STR said:



I was in Megaton and equipped the the Ak-47 (Millenia's AK-47, Chinese rifle replacer) but RH_ironsights were not working on it. Does yours work? If not can you put this in the guide?




edit 1 - doesn't fix it. Still not seeing iron sights with AK-47. When I disable Millenia's AK-47 then the chinese rifle iron sights work again.


edit 2 - fixed it. forgot to read on into the description. Load Fo3Edit, load the plugin there, expand it on the left side ( the ' + ' button) until you see the name and the ID of the weapon, click on the weapon and then find the '' Don't use 1st person IS '' on the right side and remove it.


edit 3 - I tried the original mesh file again and it works. So thus far the modded mesh from the above link is not needed for the AK47. Only the FO3Edit is needed.



I added this to the guide, but it will take a custom patch to get the correct records for these weapons since Weapon Mod Kits, FWE, and the 4 Millenia mods all make changes to them and they are not fully compatible even after a bashed patch is created. For the Ak-47, for example, the Millenia meshes are not used at (FWE ones are used instead). I'll create a patch as soon as I have time.

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Hey Kelmych,


I'm CTD at loading screen.  FO3Edit loads fine.


Amazing guide -- I'm sure I may have messed it up at some point, but if you have any idea why I might be CTD with this setup, I would appreciate a quick look over.


Plug-In list is below, as is the modlist.txt.


Let me know if I can provide any additional information to help.






  Reveal hidden contents


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Failure at load time generally means there is a problem with mod dependencies, or with one of the other problems mentioned in the "Failure to Launch Fallout 3 using MO" section. If the mods load with FO3Edit then it usually isn't a mod dependency problem. Did you see whether any of the problems in the failure section are relevant? Did you try loading the game after the UI mods were installed, as suggested in the guide?


Unmanaged Fallout3 should be the first mod in the installation list (priority 0), but this wouldn't cause a loading problem since the plugin is first in your load order

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Posted (edited)

Hi Kelmych,


Thanks for the reply!  Yes, I went through a number of the troubleshooting steps before messaging you :)

  • I ran the launcher before starting to mod the game, FO3 is not in a UAC directory
  • Steam lives on another HDD, not in a UAC directory
  • GFWL is disabled
  • multi-core is enabled
  • What constitutes a 'small' BSA?  :)
  • No warning symbols - LOOT ran fine and FO3Edit loads fine
  • I'm using ENBoost and DirectX is updated to the latest (I tried disabling ENBoost, still got CTD)
  • I have the English version

Is there any utility live NVAC for FO3?  I wasn't able to find one just hunting around the internet.


I might try FIOP instead of Blackened.  One thing I did notice toward the end of the MOD guide is that I was missing talonextraarmor.esm and found out it's part of Expanded Talon Company.  The file with the dependency was one of the FWE compatibility esps, but I can't recall which one.


I'm disabling that ESP as well as Expanded Talon Company to see if that fixes it.  <--- that fixed it.  PPA and FWE Balancer has a required PPA - FWE TalonExtraArmor.esp that I moved to Optionals.  FO3 loaded.  Now it says FOSE isn't installed, but I'll dig into that a bit more on my own before asking for help!  I was dumb and didn't load FOSE via MO ... thought I could just load FO3 using the regular EXE.


  On 12/2/2014 at 10:11 PM, Kelmych said:

Failure at load time generally means there is a problem with mod dependencies, or with one of the other problems mentioned in the "Failure to Launch Fallout 3 using MO" section. If the mods load with FO3Edit then it usually isn't a mod dependency problem. Did you see whether any of the problems in the failure section are relevant? Did you try loading the game after the UI mods were installed, as suggested in the guide?


Unmanaged Fallout3 should be the first mod in the installation list (priority 0), but this wouldn't cause a loading problem since the plugin is first in your load order

Edited by diznanl
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Blackened is much more current than FOIP so I use it. The Blackened plugins are only relevant if the optional mods MMM and/or EVE are used, so they aren't useful for everyone.


The PPA - FWE TalonExtraArmor.esp plugin is from the PPA and FWE Armor Balancer mod. I'll fix the instructions to mention that it should be moved to Optional ESPs. I'm surprised that FO3Edit didn't show a problem when you ran it since it should have noted the missing plugin. In addition, the right pane of MO should have a triangle with a red border in the Flags column for this plugin if it was included. This is also mentioned in the "Troubleshooting" section; perhaps I should I also include it at the beginning of the Post Installation Checklist.


As Nozzer66 mentions, the New Vegas version of NVAC also works with Fallout 3, so it is included in the Fallout 3 guide. When a new version of NVAC is released I test it with Fallout 3 to make sure it works, and if there are problems the author typically fixes them quickly.

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FWIW, anyone having problems with infinite menu loading / no menu items, but do have the fonts in the directory, just check the fonts section in fallout.ini.


I (mistakenly) had:





<font entries>



The second [Fonts] was causing the problem, obviously a cut/paste mishap.


Might be handy for someone.

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