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When I read "update" I thought the discussion was about reinstalling an existing UI mod. I think it would also be useful to have a short guide or section on this since it can happen often if mods like the JIP UI mods are used (these are updated frequently, especially the Follower Command and Control mod that isn't in the current guide).

I'll add that to the same page as a separate section. Like you said, updates only require another run of uHUD if it adds or changes any of the HUD elements. Otherwise just install the new version and you are done.


It is loaded by the INI and it only contains a made up txt file that is used for Archive Invalidation. Nothing will overwrite it so checking it is optional. Mine is greyed out, so make sure yours is added in the INIs. 

[Archive]SInvalidationFile = iRetainFilenameOffsetTable = 1iRetainFilenameStringTable = 1iRetainDirectoryStringTable = 1bCheckRuntimeCollisions = 0bInvalidateOlderFiles = 1bUseArchives = 1SArchiveList = Fallout - Invalidation.bsa, Fallout - Textures.bsa, Fallout - Textures2.bsa, Fallout - Meshes.bsa, Fallout - Voices1.bsa, Fallout - Sound.bsa,  Fallout - Misc.bsa

I'll add that to the same page as a separate section. Like you said, updates only require another run of uHUD if it adds or changes any of the HUD elements. Otherwise just install the new version and you are done.

Oh, so when you add in some of the other planned UI mods, we will not have to reinstall the new way all of the UI mods that are already installed - we only will have to reactivate uHUD in FOMM?  Good.


So, on the changelog I usually put the link to the mod's nexus page when I change something. If I started putting the in page link so if you click the mod in a changelog it takes you down to the mod on the guide, would that be preferred or does anyone even care?


That would make more sense when things are changed. Like we do with the STEP changelog, clicking on a mod takes you to the mod page on the wiki. From there users can do what is necessary. Linking to the mod on your guide would be the equivalent of that.


Alright. Got that update.


Added the INI Tweaks section instead of having the tweaks listed on some of the mods. Right now all the tweaks are for any modded setup except for the DarnUI tweak. The NVSE tweak will stay in it's current location due to that INI needing to be created manually.


I don't think I'm usually one on here to tell the many more informed and experienced modders on here that they are wrong (except when I was arguing about the "Run for Your Lives" mod for Skyrim, lol...), but I think you guys should check out the User Rules Manager of BOSS again.  I can show you screenshots if you don't believe me or don't want to check it yourselves, but I was able to add every rule and bash tag in the F&L guide for the unrecognized mods easily through that tool.  It didn't require any sort of extra effort past doing pretty much what the F&L guide instructions say to do in BUMBOSS displays the tags in the same format as other bash tags and all.  It all seems to work properly.  You really should check it out.


I'll add that to the same page as a separate section. Like you said, updates only require another run of uHUD if it adds or changes any of the HUD elements. Otherwise just install the new version and you are done.

An alternate way that works in most all cases is to just install the updated mod without unchecking anything and then hide or delete "menusmainhud_main_menu.xml" (and anything else in the mod's menusmain directory, but there is rarely anything but the one file) from the mod (Unified HUD does this when it runs). It wouldn't work if you were reinstalling Project Nevada or One HUD, but it would for all the other mods in your UI list.


The Yukichigai Unofficial Patch - YUP in the guide already includes this fix.

Thanks, makes sense as these changes seemed like no-brainers. I'm knee deep in TTW forum reading and "sticking pins" in a few FNV mods as I try to build an initial TTW profile to begin testing (man its been a long time since I've been in DC, really excited to see it through FNV iron sights). SRB: thanks again for the $5usd Steam Sale tip, finally got me off my hind end on purchasing FO3 GOTY (last time I played was on a console).

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