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Fear and Loathing in New Vegas - Feedback

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Only been at it for a few years, not quite the experience you have. I still make the obvious mistake here and there. I just figure if some of these things can be mentioned in the guide there will be less of the same questions asked in the forums. If you like I can write up something and submit it to you for the next time you're working on the guide.

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I reached the end of the guide, and things seemed to be working good.  I've noticed tonight that I've had 3-4 freezes in short order once I got close to the strip.  I'm wondering if anyone else has seen anything along these lines?  I'm still hearing sound so it's possibly just rendering that fails.  Maybe my ENB is contributing to it (natural shaders).  I'm not sure what else to try.  Freezes are the worse!

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I reached the end of the guide, and things seemed to be working good.  I've noticed tonight that I've had 3-4 freezes in short order once I got close to the strip.  I'm wondering if anyone else has seen anything along these lines?  I'm still hearing sound so it's possibly just rendering that fails.  Maybe my ENB is contributing to it (natural shaders).  I'm not sure what else to try.  Freezes are the worse!

There are some spots around the city that I could reproduce freezes. I think that is something in the main game. One was right near the water pump building near the fiend territory. I think there was another one near the side by the Mojave Express building.


Sometimes just going to other places and doing a quest and then coming back will fix it. Also, try giving your nvac.log to Queue and maybe he can add more exceptions to nvac to make it prevent those freezes/crashes.

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Hi guys, anyone that can help me? I'm getting this weird look on distant trees and plants


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I've tried using the GPU's driver filtering, but it makes no difference.

EDIT: using a higher AA on the driver's settings helped, but just a little.

Edited by ConcreteShelter
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Yeah, that's exactly where I was, by the water pump building!  It hasn't happened since.  I couldn't remember where the freeside entrance was, they happened while I was floundering around there.  Thanks for the guide, by the day, I always wanted someone to make something like STEP for fallout.  I'm having a blast with all the mods!

There are some spots around the city that I could reproduce freezes. I think that is something in the main game. One was right near the water pump building near the fiend territory. I think there was another one near the side by the Mojave Express building.


Sometimes just going to other places and doing a quest and then coming back will fix it. Also, try giving your nvac.log to Queue and maybe he can add more exceptions to nvac to make it prevent those freezes/crashes.

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I'll be starting work on this again in the next couple days. We knocked out a significant amount of STEP testing that needing to be done before I could return to work on this guide, so it looks like I can put in some time on this. I've been playing the NV Bounties mods and so far so good. Haven't had any game breaking things happen, only one bug so far where a dude fell through the floor and I could collect a finger, but that is a gamebryo thing and happens from time to time. So far my only bug and I'm into the fourth bounty of NVBII. I'll try to knock out the rest of NVBII the next time I load up the game and then do a bit of stress testing to see if there are some parts I can break. If everything goes good then those quests will be in the guide by the end of the week.


After that I may be onto a couple gameplay mods I've been meaning to get to, some of the newer stuff on the nexus that looks good, and maybe I'll finish the PN Cyberware mod I started a while back and gave up on because gamebryo scripting is awful. Anyways, look for changes starting in the next few days.

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If you're playing the NVB series, install also The Inheritance, of the Someguy series. The author made this quest mod with a series of sidequests that unlocks themseves based on how you have dealt with certain situations during the game and during the NVB quests. Also the companion mod Russel have this kind of integration with the mod of the Someguyseries, although i have not tried it.

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EssArrBee you are the man, this guide was just what I needed to get back into playing new vegas and having a plesant and stable experiance.i do have some pointers i like to point out.WMX-WRP patch relies on that you install millenias newer .357 and single-shotgun retexture seperatly since they are not in WRP.also Faction Armor Usage Enhancement needs a comparability patch to work with NCR trooper overhaul.other then that your guide is awesome I just removed project reality... i have played with it 4-5 times now and wanted to spice it up by going for a more vanilla feel and added tapioks enhanced shaders ENB and new vegas is awesome again.

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Well, I finally broke NVB I somehow. The problem was that I wasn't really trying to, it just kinda happened...

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Somehow everything got moved to the center of the room at Randall's. You can usually talk to Randall until the end part when he isn't at the place anymore. I've never experienced a bug like this ever.

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NVAC 6.5 beta is being worked on right now and it adds in a new feature for grass render distance. Just change fGrassStartFadeDistance under [Grass] to something like 15000 or 17000 and it will render for 5x5 cells instead of 3x3 which is what the game was hardwired to do. If your uGrids is higher than 5, maybe add a couple thousand to the setting for ever cell. It shouldn't affect performance too much.

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Well, I finally broke NVB I somehow. The problem was that I wasn't really trying to, it just kinda happened...

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Somehow everything got moved to the center of the room at Randall's. You can usually talk to Randall until the end part when he isn't at the place anymore. I've never experienced a bug like this ever.

It's the same bug I had with Free51's Tent mod :/

I'm guessing it's some kind of a vanilla bug?

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