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Vividian - Weather & Lighting enhancement - CoT - RCRN and Pure Weather

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Performance hit of version 7 is too much for my system. With Ambient Occlusion enabled I get 3-5 fps less as compared to 6.521.

If I disable Ambient Occlusion the fps difference between version 6 and 7 is even higher, because enabling/disabling AO in version 7 makes much less of a difference performancewise.

I guess I'll stick with 6.521. Nothing really wrong with that version, except for some weird color flashes. But I think that's related to certain SMIM meshes.



hmm usually all the vividian patcehs icludes fixes against this blue smoke. Especially COT had this problem becaseu the smoke is colored in blue from the beginning on. When cloudshadows arise and the saturation is turned up this will turn them into blue smokes. Also the smoke particles where not grey also but green/blueish. So please make sure you installed the COT / vanilla patches and it would be also good to install vivid cloud and fogs to get rid of this too.




did you used the performance version?


Yes I never used anything else than the performance version. I've enabled water though. But the fps drop is also present when I'm not near water.

I also noticed that version 7 can be a bit oversaturated sometimes. Dark brown colors can turn into almost red when I walk into dark shadows.


I should also say that I use mods like ELFX, Skyrim Flora Overhaul and DynDOLOD which lower my fps. And my graphics card isn't the greatest in the world (Radeon 270X). With Vividian 6 I am able to keep fps in a tolerable range. With version 7 it's just a little bit too much. It's still well over 30 all the time, but I prefer to have mid to high 40s.


Heads up Beta4 arrived:


-added a fix for the Red light problem. In some cases interior Lights emmits a strong red light. This is yet unknown where it comes from but this fix (wich is only selectable in the custom install) will reset the light colors to vanilla values wich chould fix it.
- Added new Lens Shaders: Frost Shaders that renders ice around the corners of the camera during snowy days. Rain shaders that adds small realtime raindrops on the camera during rainy days, static wet dirt texture that appears during rainy/snowy days and i added a bunch of special lens effects for the interiors. (also only appears in custom install when extended lens effects are selected)

Lowered Interior Pointlight saturation a bit
several weather edits here and there.

If no serious bugs appear, beta4 will be considered as the Release Candidate.


@trigon: well, other shaders means also other performance impact thats true. But yes, thats the reason why i keep the last version online so people always can fall back.

Posted (edited)

Question: During (and after) the update to the new Beta, I noticed that the Relighting Skyrim patch for the lighting no longer seems to be present. No longer required, or inadvertantly left out? (Or C) Shadriss, you are blind, it's located "here")

Edited by Shadriss

Yes its now called red light fix. (Vividian - Red light fix.esp)

Made this so becasue i had to midify the original relightskyrim patch back then cus the one from jawz made ultra red lights and now i use it a global patch for people who generally experience this problem.

Posted (edited)

Thank you for the clarification. Just to be certain, the Red Light Fix is what used to be the Relighting Skyrim patch. Got it.


On another side note, the Vividian - Pure Weather.esp Patch is not installing with the newest build either. Built in now?


EDIT: Disregard the second part - mistake on my end (took me three times through to finally catch it, but it was ALL me. :))

Edited by Shadriss

@shadriss: all fixed and working perfect ;D

and becasueof this, vividian 7.00 is now Final and available!!


Version 7.00

7.00 Release:
last changes from 7.0 Beta 4:

- Added Imagespacefunctionality to Pure weather and Purity patch to be compatible with enb nighteye
- Fixed Frost shader in the extended Lens effects
- Fixed a vanilla Tundra weather
- added a awsome new feature to the extended groundfogs that renders huge clouds/fogs in the distant mountains.
This release also splits up Vivid clouds & Fogs and the extended Weathers into a sperate mod.
The COT patches are always the same either in Vividian ENB or Vivid clouds and Fogs:

Vivid Clouds & Fogs
Extended Groundfogs
- This mod adds large distant fogs in the mountains depending on the Weather and increases the deepness of the scenery. It will also cover up the Zbuffer fight mostly in the distant mountains. Also it adds extra fog effects to foggy weathers.

Compatible with Vanilla, COT, PW, RCRN,Purity, NLA

Not compatible with: Windy Clouds (see extended Weathers below) & the Supreme & volumetric fog Mod

Make sure your iMaxDesired ammount in the [particles] section of your skryimprefs.ini is set high enough. I use iMaxDesired=5630 without problems.
Load order: After any weather patch

2. Windy Clouds
This mod will speed up the cloud movement cus i think they are much too slow.
Not compatible with: Extended Groundfogs (see extended Weathers below)
Load order: After any weather patch

3. Extended Weathers
This mod combines the extended Groundfogs and Windy clouds in one conflictless mod. You MUST use this if you want to use them together.

  • +1 1
  • 4 weeks later...

so far True storms look good even without compatibility patch i must say, the only thing that will be missing, as you mentiond, are the distant fog effects during such days wich is i think bearable for now ;)


so far True storms look good even without compatibility patch i must say, the only thing that will be missing, as you mentiond, are the distant fog effects during such days wich is i think bearable for now ;)

Okay. Good to know. I've not tested it yet but wanting to.

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

So I searched through this thread and couldn't quite find what I was looking for. I'm using the brighter caves version of this mod along with ELE Lite and Relighting Skyrim, but my caves and nights are simply WAY too dark. I've adjusted my monitor settings and tried to mess with my .ini settings but I'm not too knowledgeable in that area. Is there anything I can do to make it a little brighter? (It's to the point where I can't walk into a cave without a torch or candlelight spell. I simply can't see!) 

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