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Posted (edited)

New issue - since STEP Extended Patch added 4 extra entries into the list, my "Custom Plugin Patch" (that I've mentioned previously) has to be extended in order to accommodate the extra entries.  How do I go about adding extra rows in order to place the extra entries at the bottom?  I can't find an option in TES5Edit to do this.  Is it possible?

Edited by oqhansoloqo

OK, STEP Extended Patch.esp adds 4 "Conditions" to "Magic Effect - 610232D1 - zBleedingMagicEffectNPCBleed".  Identifying characteristics of them: "ActorTypeDragon", "ActorTypeDwarven", "ActorTypeFamiliar", and "ActorTypeGhost".  Those were added above "DA14DremoraSummon" and in addition to adding those the one other change is that "DA14DremoraSummon" changes from a "Race" to a "Referenceable Object" (if that even matters, I do not know) - it ends up pushing down the list.  Apparently, that is the only difference to the Enhanced Blood Textures plugin for DLC2 (I don't know the exact filename for it because I am using a different alternative that includes Skyrim Immersive Creatures changes).  I don't know what those changes do, but I imagine that they are important.  So I am trying to create a custom plugin patch to combine your STEP Extended Patch changes to the EBT DG-DB-SIC plugin.  I first base the patch data on yours, then I am trying to grab the remaining data from the SIC plugin (which is shifted down by 4 conditions) and drop click it into over into my patch.  The problem is that when I get to the bottom of the list, there is no more room to add in the last 4 conditions from EBT DG-DB-SIC because the STEP Extended Patch plugin added those other 4.  How do I create the space for 4 more conditions at the bottom of a "plugin list" (for lack of knowing the actual technical name for it)?  Is it possible to do this with FNVEdit or is the Creation Kit required?


EssArrBee hosts the patches on Git, but I am not sure how easy it is to determine changes made to each commit or how detailed he was about including notes on changes in the very first patch.


The STEP Patch wiki page may address though.

Posted (edited)

I checked the STEP Patches wiki page to look at the changelog to see what was done, but for "Magic Effect - 610232D1 - zBleedingMagicEffectNPCBleed" all it states is that the EBT's edits were forwarded into the patch.  Those 4 other edits that I mentioned above were added in as well though, and I don't know why or from where because the wiki does not mention them (and the dD-Dragonborn-Dawnguard-EBT Patch.esp that the wiki refers to as the included plugin does not include those edits)... Most important for me to know though, is how to combine them along with EBT-SIC patch edits into my own patch.

Edited by oqhansoloqo
Posted (edited)

OK, so I spent a LONG time going through nearly every record in TES5Edit for my modded Skyrim setup in order to resolve conflicts and learn what's going on behind the scenes.  I thought it was going to take a few hours.  It took a few days instead.  I may have even missed some issues... but here's what I found (thanks to EssArrBee for teaching me a little about how to use xEdit to make edits through his Fear & Lothing in New Vegas guide):
These are issues with the current STEP Extended installation (and some/all most likely affect STEP Core installation also).  The issues listed are either with the STEP Patch or with the way the Bashed Patch works with regard to the recommended bash tags/etc.

     07018486 - DLC2GoldPile01,
     07018488 - DLC2GoldPile02: Name change from "SkyrimCoinReplacerRedux" not forwarded by Bashed Patch.

Dialog Topic

     0007A50B - Married/Blades Faction fix from USKP blocked by UDBP.


     00076F3A - WinterholdCollegeLocation: ACPR record from "Cutting Room Floor" not forwarded.

Leveled Item

     00016578 - LItemWeaponSword (and most of the other records under Leveled Item covered by the STEP Extended Patch): LVLO records relating to Dwarven/Elvish/Orcish from "Weapons & Armor_TrueOrcish&DaedricWeapons" forwarded by STEP Patch but not by Bashed Patch.

     07026BSE - DLC2NordicHeavyBoss: DLC2SublistArmorNordicSetBlack_AMB not forwarded by Bashed Patch.


Magic Effect

     000AA156 - EnchAbsorbMagickaFFContact: STEP Extended Patch does nothing to forward the "Absorb Magicka" name change fix from USKP after it gets blocked by "Animated Weapon Enchants".

Misc. Item

     000CF89E - DeerPelt: Name change from "USKP" forwarded by STEP Patch but not by Bashed Patch.

     0003AD90 - DeerHide: (I may be wrong about this because I have another plugin installed that may be messing with the bashed patch, but someone else can check on this with a pure STEP Extended installation because I don't feel like re-running my bashed patch to check myself) Keyword from Complete Crafting Overhaul_Remade [may] not be forwarded by Bashed Patch.


     0001BAEC, 0001CF25, 0001F256, 0001F257, 0001FD72, 00026C4D, 0002C258, 00030B36, 000376EE, 00039792, 00039B3B, 0003B681, 000434A3, 000443F4, 0004E4E1, 00053318, 00064958, 00069043, 00076335, 000799E0, 000799E2, 00093807, 00094158, 000BC096: STEP Extended Patch does nothing to forward the fixes from all of these fixes from USKP after they get blocked by "EvenBetterQuestObjectives".

     03002850, 03002853, 03004C3D, 030098CB: STEP Extended Patch does nothing to forward the fixes from all of these fixes from UDGP after they get blocked by "EvenBetterQuestObjectives".

     0500BE09, 05010BEE: STEP Extended Patch does nothing to forward the fixes from all of these fixes from UHFP after they get blocked by "EvenBetterQuestObjectives".


     000AE087 - dunLostValleyRedoubtAxe: STEP Extended Patch does not forward the "MagicDisallowEnchanting" Keyword applied to the weapon from "Cutting Room Floor" after it gets blocked by "Weapons & Armor Fixes_Remade".


     0000003C Block-1,0 Sub-Block-2,2 000092DD: STEP Extended Patch does not forward the "avnavmeshbatch9" Region from "Dawnguard" after "Lanterns of Skyrim - All in One - Main" blocks it (is it important or even wanted?  I'm not sure).

Edited by oqhansoloqo
Posted (edited)

As far as my issue with the "Magic Effect - 610232D1 - zBleedingMagicEffectNPCBleed" thing:


In the first image, if you look in the "STEP Extended Patch" column, you can see that the 4 CTDAs do not match up with the CTDAs in the "dD-DG-DB-Immersive..." column.  That is because the 4 visible CTDAs in the "STEP Extended Patch" column are extra CTDAs that were added by the "STEP Extended Patch" plugin.  If I were to scroll down to the next CTDA off the screen in the "STEP Extended Patch" column, it would be the same as the first visible CTDA at the top of the "dD-DG-DB-Immersive..." column and would continue the same way as that column until it got to the end of the material covered by the EBT Legendary edition patch... Of course, I'm using the Skyrim Immersive Creatures version, so it continues even further down to cover more CTDAs.  I want the "STEP Extended Patch" changes in my own plugin though, so I copied all of them over to the "Custom Patch Plugi..." column.


In the second image, you can see that I am at the last CTDA of the "dD-DG-DB-Immersive..." column.  The "STEP Extended Patch" column ended long ago.  I copied as many CTDAs over from the "dD-DG-DB-Immersive..." column that I was able to underneath all the ones available from the "STEP Extended Patch".  The problem though, is that I cannot get the program to allow me to add in more CTDAs to any column past the number of CTDAs present in the "dD-DG-DB-Immersive..." plugin.  I want the "Custom Patch Plugi..." plugin to contain all the CTDAs from the other two previously mentioned plugins.  It should be easy for the program to allow such a thing... but I can't seem to figure out how to get the program to do this.  When I try to drag one of the remaining 4 CTDAs over to the bottom of the column it does nothing.  What can I do?

Edited by oqhansoloqo
  On 1/17/2015 at 1:05 AM, oqhansoloqo said:

OK, so I spent a LONG time going through nearly every record in TES5Edit for my modded Skyrim setup in order to resolve conflicts and learn what's going on behind the scenes.  I thought it was going to take a few hours.  It took a few days instead.  I may have even missed some issues... but here's what I found (thanks to EssArrBee for teaching me a little about how to use xEdit to make edits through his Fear & Lothing in New Vegas guide):


These are issues with the current STEP Extended installation (and some/all most likely affect STEP Core installation also).  The issues listed are either with the STEP Patch or with the way the Bashed Patch works with regard to the recommended bash tags/etc.



     07018486 - DLC2GoldPile01,

     07018488 - DLC2GoldPile02: Name change from "SkyrimCoinReplacerRedux" not forwarded by Bashed Patch.

The plugin needs a names tag.


Dialog Topic

     0007A50B - Married/Blades Faction fix from USKP blocked by UDBP.

I don't forward stuff through an unofficial patch. The UP team would have put it in both patches if it was needed.



     00076F3A - WinterholdCollegeLocation: ACPR record from "Cutting Room Floor" not forwarded.

I might have to look at that one.


Leveled Item

     00016578 - LItemWeaponSword (and most of the other records under Leveled Item covered by the STEP Extended Patch): LVLO records relating to Dwarven/Elvish/Orcish from "Weapons & Armor_TrueOrcish&DaedricWeapons" forwarded by STEP Patch but not by Bashed Patch.

     07026BSE - DLC2NordicHeavyBoss: DLC2SublistArmorNordicSetBlack_AMB not forwarded by Bashed Patch.

If the STEP Extended Patch doesn't have the Delev and I think Relev tags then it may not work right. Sometimes the bashed patch doesn't catch everything when doing leveled lists. 


Magic Effect

     000AA156 - EnchAbsorbMagickaFFContact: STEP Extended Patch does nothing to forward the "Absorb Magicka" name change fix from USKP after it gets blocked by "Animated Weapon Enchants".

I thought I fixed that in the last update, but maybe it didn't get saved.


Misc. Item

     000CF89E - DeerPelt: Name change from "USKP" forwarded by STEP Patch but not by Bashed Patch.

     0003AD90 - DeerHide: (I may be wrong about this because I have another plugin installed that may be messing with the bashed patch, but someone else can check on this with a pure STEP Extended installation because I don't feel like re-running my bashed patch to check myself) Keyword from Complete Crafting Overhaul_Remade [may] not be forwarded by Bashed Patch.

Looks like some of these errors are from the tags not being applied. Otherwise, I can't force the bashed patch to accept records. 


     0001BAEC, 0001CF25, 0001F256, 0001F257, 0001FD72, 00026C4D, 0002C258, 00030B36, 000376EE, 00039792, 00039B3B, 0003B681, 000434A3, 000443F4, 0004E4E1, 00053318, 00064958, 00069043, 00076335, 000799E0, 000799E2, 00093807, 00094158, 000BC096: STEP Extended Patch does nothing to forward the fixes from all of these fixes from USKP after they get blocked by "EvenBetterQuestObjectives".

     03002850, 03002853, 03004C3D, 030098CB: STEP Extended Patch does nothing to forward the fixes from all of these fixes from UDGP after they get blocked by "EvenBetterQuestObjectives".

     0500BE09, 05010BEE: STEP Extended Patch does nothing to forward the fixes from all of these fixes from UHFP after they get blocked by "EvenBetterQuestObjectives".

I should have done all the forwards necessary. There are red records because EBQO and it's patches changed the descriptions.


     000AE087 - dunLostValleyRedoubtAxe: STEP Extended Patch does not forward the "MagicDisallowEnchanting" Keyword applied to the weapon from "Cutting Room Floor" after it gets blocked by "Weapons & Armor Fixes_Remade".

That's fine. The WAF version is good.



     0000003C Block-1,0 Sub-Block-2,2 000092DD: STEP Extended Patch does not forward the "avnavmeshbatch9" Region from "Dawnguard" after "Lanterns of Skyrim - All in One - Main" blocks it (is it important or even wanted?  I'm not sure).

It's leftover from a dev messing with the record during Dawnguard's making. It's pretty much nothing.



  On 1/17/2015 at 2:25 AM, oqhansoloqo said:

As far as my issue with the "Magic Effect - 610232D1 - zBleedingMagicEffectNPCBleed" thing:


In the first image, if you look in the "STEP Extended Patch" column, you can see that the 4 CTDAs do not match up with the CTDAs in the "dD-DG-DB-Immersive..." column.  That is because the 4 visible CTDAs in the "STEP Extended Patch" column are extra CTDAs that were added by the "STEP Extended Patch" plugin.  If I were to scroll down to the next CTDA off the screen in the "STEP Extended Patch" column, it would be the same as the first visible CTDA at the top of the "dD-DG-DB-Immersive..." column and would continue the same way as that column until it got to the end of the material covered by the EBT Legendary edition patch... Of course, I'm using the Skyrim Immersive Creatures version, so it continues even further down to cover more CTDAs.  I want the "STEP Extended Patch" changes in my own plugin though, so I copied all of them over to the "Custom Patch Plugi..." column.


In the second image, you can see that I am at the last CTDA of the "dD-DG-DB-Immersive..." column.  The "STEP Extended Patch" column ended long ago.  I copied as many CTDAs over from the "dD-DG-DB-Immersive..." column that I was able to underneath all the ones available from the "STEP Extended Patch".  The problem though, is that I cannot get the program to allow me to add in more CTDAs to any column past the number of CTDAs present in the "dD-DG-DB-Immersive..." plugin.  I want the "Custom Patch Plugi..." plugin to contain all the CTDAs from the other two previously mentioned plugins.  It should be easy for the program to allow such a thing... but I can't seem to figure out how to get the program to do this.  When I try to drag one of the remaining 4 CTDAs over to the bottom of the column it does nothing.  What can I do?

At the top of all the 'Condition' records is a line that says 'Conditions' right click that line in the custom patch column and select add. Do one for each record that you want to add to the patch. There should be empty 'Condition' records added and you can drag the missing ones on top of the those. It won't be straight across for those type of records.

Posted (edited)

YES!  The advice on adding "Conditions" worked.  :)


Hopefully the STEP instructions will be amended to include those instructions on appropriately bash tagging the plugins that need extra tags.


I feel that the UP team forgot to forward that Married/Blades fix, so I posted the issue on USKP's Nexus page.


I don't know about your take on the EBQO blocks on the fixes from USKP though... You might want to check those again, because other stuff was added in to the UPs beyond just having a conflicting quest description from EBQO.  I think that EBQO is very much outdated and a bunch of fixes were done by the UP team since EBQO's last version was put out.  I crosschecked every single one of those fixes to the UP team's changelogs while I was patching and they were pretty much all dated after EBQO's last version was put up on the Nexus.


I'm going to leave the "MagicDisallowEnchanting" Keyword in my own patch, because it looks like it is a fix by "Cutting Room Floor" for a special weapon that should not be allowed to be enchanted.


OK, I'm deleting my forward of the "avnavmeshbatch9" thing...

Edited by oqhansoloqo
Posted (edited)

I was looking at the STEP Patches and I noticed you have priority settings and such.  I am curious, since you only load one why the decision to have different priorities?


986000: STEP Combined Plugin.esp  [Version 2.2.9]
987000: STEP Combined PluginHF.esp  [Version 2.2.9]
988000: STEP Core Patch.esp  [Version 2.2.9]
989000: STEP Extended Patch.esp  [Version 2.2.9]
991000: TES5Merged.esp
991000: Bashed Patch, 0.esp
I go by this as a guide and if I choose a different priority I normally update it.  Can't say everyone does that.  I also don't update the list much.  :confused:  My suggestion is set them all to 990000, and add a warning if multiple files are installed using the "inc:" metadata.
Edited by Sharlikran

I'm trying to get Dragon Combat Overhaul running from the Modular Morrowloot Overhaul page. Here's the part I need help with:


"Special instructions: This mod has a conflict with No spinning death animation. This is solved by not installing the merged version of no spinning death animation. An alternative, if you want, is to load dragon combat overhaul after no spinning death animation."


One or the other. I can only hope the STEP Patch esp isn't affected by this, or hope I can just load Dragon Combat Overhaul esp after the Step Patch esp in LOOT.


Thanks in advance.

Posted (edited)

Ok, so on the left pane on MO, drag the Step Core Patch mod below the DCO mod, because LOOT won't let me load DCO after the Patch? Thanks EAB I did both ways.

Edited by FuzzRocket9

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