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OK, I'll update the Nexus with the revised 2.2.8 patches (thanks!)




AOS_ICS Patch.esp and

AOS_DSI Patch.esp


... are still listed in the ReadMe as merged into STEP Patches, but these mods belong to AOS - Patches mod, which we removed ... AOS itself does not provide these patches ... are they even required for AOS 2.0? If not, and if we are not using AOS - Patches, these should be cleaned from the STEP Patches and the readme, no?


Oh yeah, they are in the STEP Patches, but not on the STEP Guide. We need them for patching, but you could remove them from the Readme if you like. Basically, all those patches would be in the STEP Patches whether they existed or not because I just patch the whole the modlist regardless of the patch's existence.


OK, I do not have permission to sync to your master. I also cannot create a new branch to commit to. You should probably open this up for broader contribution ... corrected RaedMe attached. (I also fixed some indents and spacing to make it easier to read. no other content change, and I did not replace the tabs, since this probably helps you to edit.)

Readme.txtFetching info...


Okay, Z, I added you as a collaborator. Not sure how that works.


Also, the 2.2.9 working patches will be done tomorrow, I've looked through almost the entire mod list record by record to see what all we got in there. Doesn't look like to much of a change from what we got, short of Diverse Priests being removed. I thought Cutting Room Floor was going to be a problem, but it looks good to me. Haven't finish looking at Extended though, fingers crossed.

Posted (edited)

In addition to the removal of Diverse Priests, Ars Metallica got removed too, but it's going to be obvious when TES5EDIT won't even let you load the STEP Patch without that mod (master) in your list.  :)


EDIT: YAY! The new 2.2.9 STEP Extended Patch is now up.  Thank you EssArrBee!

Edited by oqhansoloqo
  • 2 weeks later...

Err, I'm possibly going to be told off but I only need a little guidance so here goes: I've already merged High Level Enemies' plugins into one Legendary PLUS version, as well as an Improved Dragon Shouts - Legendary plugin.


Now I want to make a patch kinda like STEP Core except I don't use AOS, I use Sounds of Skyrim. So I made my own merged patch for the 3 SMIM eps, WAF patches for aMiddianborn and GDO, Dead Body Collision, DeadlySpellImpacts and NoNPCGreetings. Correct me if I'm wrong but I must load both WAF and GDO and add them as masters for the merged plugin, correct? Unticking both of those, as well as aMiddianborn_SW for them to not be changed. All seemed fine, I checked for errors and there was none but when checking each record myself I came across 5 records under Weapons that had WNAM - 1st Person Model Object set to "Error # could not be resolved", what I did was to drag the records from WAF_aM patch to the merged plugin and it seemed to be OK. Did I do something wrong? 


  Reveal hidden contents

What other esps would be wise to merge together?
Posted (edited)

EssArrBee - I just upgraded my STEP 2.2.9 Extended Patch to your newest version of it on github and I'm having issues.  Being in Wrye Bash and attempting to create a bashed patch - it's telling me that aMidianBorn_ContentAddon.esp is a missing master, but nowhere in the STEP installation instructions (2.2.8 or 2.2.9) for aMidianBorn Book of Silence did it suggest installing the Content Addon.


I even tried to remove the skyforge weapons esp and replacing it with content addon esp (aMidianBorn BoS instructions say remove the skyforge one if using the content addon) in my MO mod list just to see what would happen and it didn't work either.  I got a different error message - telling me that aMidianBorn_ContentAddon.esp is now a delinquent master.


Even if that last step did work without giving me an error, the installation instructions for aMidianBorn BoS with the Content Addon are fairly confusing and it overwrites a bunch of other STEP mod files - even one completely (Shield of Ysgrammor).

Edited by oqhansoloqo

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