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SRLE: Legacy of The Dragonborn Reqtified

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  On 4/12/2017 at 7:32 PM, jdsmith2816 said:

IIRC I used KFR as the baseline for all balancing and reverted BtC stats.. I probably missed removal of the already reqtified keyword is all.  I'd have to look again to be sure though.

All other Nordic weapons had the BtC stats forwarded in the CR patch.


Two questions.


1. Under the ECTV Section I found no clue how to install the official ETaC Patches and how to merge the plugins although the guide instructed me to do so. Is it safe to skip this step?


2. Where should I put the newly added mods such as SWIFT and Apocalypse in the load order list and MO left pane? Maybe just put them at the bottom before the Requiem for the Indifferent.esp?


Any suggestion would be much appreciated.


Some reports after playing for a while:


Small thing I noticed - the stamina regeneration from stews (the long one for 7200 seconds or so) seems to be overwritten by health in the later files. Don't know if intended, I reverted it in my own tiny patch file. It's a nice incentive to cook stuff IMO, especially early game.


In my install, Claralux is not behaving nicely. I have to reset the lights occasionally and it caused me a random save bloat at the start. I have changed some settings and it has since calmed down a bit, but I'm not convinced. Still need to reset the glow bulbs in several locations and it takes a good while each time. The road torches also like to bundle up together and from Googling for quite a bit I know it just happens to some people. Sad me.


There's that Deadman's Drink hostility, had to edit it to become public place. Someone mentioned it here before I think.


There are two instances of some weapons - for example "Iron Katana" or "Steel Tanto". It causes a problem with Legacy of the Dragonborn which doesn't recognize one of them and trolls the player into gathering disappointing junk :P


On the top of the Snowpoint Beacon there are flying barrels blocking the entrance to the roof where one of the Interesting NPCs sits. I failed to console disable the barrels, too, used the Ningheim Ethereal Shift to get through but if I didn't have featherfall I'd have to godmode my way down. Quite troublesome those.


Either my steward or my servant is a ***** and reported me to the authorities for picking up stolen goodie IN MY OWN HOUSE! The audacity. Not the end of the world, for sure, but kinda silly.


Umbra from Legacy of the Dragonborn sturmed the small mine town near Markarth. I read he was meant to be around the Lovers' Camp up north. Don't know if it's a conflict or not, but it's an oddity.


I have ultimately decided that I do not like Skyrim Unbound very much and I'm sadpandaing every day that I didn't get to play through the first dragon fight quest and all that :< Oh well.


I also encountered two strange bugs, one easy to fix, the other I'm clueless:


Guards wouldn't apprehend me after recognizing my bounty. Read somewhere to pickpocket them and then they would - which they did. Going to jail for 75 days resulted in a massive save bloat though (no idea), so I had to fork out them golds.


Some enemies seem to have problems unsheating their weapons. It's a cacophony of sound as they put it in and out rapidly, never getting to attack. Don't yet know if it's related to a specific weapon though, I've only began to encounter this bug, but I fear it might be getting more common.




None of the bugs so far seem to be gamebreaking, the most serious thing is probably the Claralux issue. The game likes to crash every now and then (more in some locations than others), but it's definitely playable. Thought I'd leave those notes for anyone interested.


There's a bunch of floating stuff here and there (some grasses in front of Lakeview Manor for instance), but it's whatever, I just mark them for delete and move on with my life. Some chicken nests seem to have really big "hitboxes" allowing me to airwalk over them but that's also quite irrelevant.


Have a good day over there.

  On 4/14/2017 at 9:16 PM, thenewkid said:

here is a post of the updated loadorder

Yes, it worked. Thanks for the help.


And to jdsmith,


PCE - Palaces and Castles Enhanced has been updated to a new version. Don't know whether it still works with the current ECTV patches, guess I'll give it a try. I'll report back if any issue occur.

  On 4/12/2017 at 12:53 PM, jdsmith2816 said:

Hmm... I know I made the post at one point in here including this link https://www.dropbox.com/sh/su184875tgrrofd/AACYFFXh6xAv9U-0ezU6ifena but I'll be damned if I see it now..


In either case refer to that link.. ignore the two out of order FSP plugins.. everythign else is accurate.  You just need the mods that are checked in the screenshot of the left side.. in that order.  Post merge leave CoT enabled since it has an ESM file + assets.


Arrange the plugins as you see in the rightside screen shot.. merge it up and give it a try.  I highly recommend editing the 1200 range lantern in Wearable Lanterns to have the same stats as the torch record in RRD... I included a screenshot showing the changes that should be applied...  In game in the Wearable Lanterns MCM just select teh 1200 range version.


Additionally you need the enb download from https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/24235/?


Check bleakfalls barrow interior.. with and without torches.. make sure to run down the tunnels in both cases.. Check outside at night.. etc.  You should find it to be basically perfectly lit.  When you think you're hidden in a shadow you're really hidden in a shadow...


It's quite glorious and I won't be playing any other way in the future.  You can try other ENBs with that load out just ensure that they don't blow out the lighting.. If they make thing smuch darker or much brighter.. or mess around with eye adaptation.. it'll ruin the effect.

Do I not need the CoT DG+DB  Patches? If I do should I merge them? And am I supposed to only use the enb files from Phinix or do I need one of the CoT+AOS+TS+ESS+NLA .esp files? and if I need it, does it get merged? Sorry for any confusion...


So doing the merge as you posted now causes me to crash on save, where as that wasnt a problem before.


also of note, is almost every light source IE lantern is doubled throughout the towns and villages, but that was happenening before i tried this new WLSO config.

  On 4/14/2017 at 10:24 PM, Ellilea said:

Some reports after playing for a while:


There's that Deadman's Drink hostility, had to edit it to become public place. Someone mentioned it here before I think.

If by Deadman's Drink you mean the Drunken Huntsman in Whiterun, than yes :)


There are two instances of some weapons - for example "Iron Katana" or "Steel Tanto". It causes a problem with Legacy of the Dragonborn which doesn't recognize one of them and trolls the player into gathering disappointing junk :P

Noticed this on my older setup of the guide from october too. I have a suspicion there. I think Requiem adds some asian/Akaviri weapons on its own and the Requiem-Heavy Armory patch prefers the Requiem ones over the Heavy Armory ones. Legacy's displays on the other hand can recognize only the Heavy Armory weapons, so the displays won't work for those types that are already present in base Requiem. Haven't looked it up in xEdit for confirmation yet.


On the top of the Snowpoint Beacon there are flying barrels blocking the entrance to the roof where one of the Interesting NPCs sits. I failed to console disable the barrels, too, used the Ningheim Ethereal Shift to get through but if I didn't have featherfall I'd have to godmode my way down. Quite troublesome those.

This is most likely from Inigo. At a certain stage of the "Bad Vibrations" quest the access to the roof is blocked but once you finished said quest Snowpoint Beacon should be reverted to normal.


Either my steward or my servant is a ***** and reported me to the authorities for picking up stolen goodie IN MY OWN HOUSE! The audacity. Not the end of the world, for sure, but kinda silly.



Umbra from Legacy of the Dragonborn sturmed the small mine town near Markarth. I read he was meant to be around the Lovers' Camp up north. Don't know if it's a conflict or not, but it's an oddity.

For me he was at the camp where he was supposed to be, but completely wrecked my party. Avoiding the location for the time being. Maybe worth mentioning that I use only the core guide, no ECTV additions.


I have ultimately decided that I do not like Skyrim Unbound very much and I'm sadpandaing every day that I didn't get to play through the first dragon fight quest and all that :< Oh well.

Same here, don't like the skipping either, but I can live with it.


Some enemies seem to have problems unsheating their weapons. It's a cacophony of sound as they put it in and out rapidly, never getting to attack. Don't yet know if it's related to a specific weapon though, I've only began to encounter this bug, but I fear it might be getting more common.

If they are wearing a shield and are caught in a sheath/unsheath loop, try deactivating the Shields on back option for NPC in the DSR MCM.


There's a bunch of floating stuff here and there (some grasses in front of Lakeview Manor for instance), but it's whatever, I just mark them for delete and move on with my life. Some chicken nests seem to have really big "hitboxes" allowing me to airwalk over them but that's also quite irrelevant.

Are you using Hunterborn by any chance? There is a bug with a faulty mesh for the "roof" some of the chicken nests have, that makes it invisible. Last I checked there was a link for the fix in a sticky post on the Nexus comments page of Hunterborn.


Dammit, and I thought I got the inn name right :D Even gave it a second thought! Yes, I mean the one you said.


Hm, will have to look into those weapon duplicates in xEdit. How would I handle this? Move/Remove/Overwrite stuff somehow? In the patch file or a new one? I've only learned to patch simple stuff for now, unsure if this would be the same case :D


As for Umbra, I'm glad he wasn't at that camp cause the damn curator sent me to the crypt nearby as a part of preliminary quest ;D I'd be so dead. We managed to overcome Umbra as a team with the small town. RIP everyone but some badass lady guard.


I'll look into the shield thing, thanks. And into the Hunterborn thing too, cause I am indeed using it :)

Posted (edited)

If it's only about having those weapons on display, the easiest solution is probably looking up their IDs in xEdit or with the "help" console command and just add them via console to your inventory. I think the Legacy wiki should have the needed IDs as well.

Edited by thenewkid

Something very strange happened. My merge plugins folder disappeared. I still have the executable, and when I open it my profile is still there, but none of the merges I made for this guide are inside it any more, even though plugins that belong to merges show up as being part of a merge in the left panel.


I reconstructed the merge, and now my game works. I continued on to generating dyndolod, but it threw this error about 6-7 minutes into the process:


"Exception in unit userscript line 322: Assertion failure (C:\Delphi\projects\DynDOLOD\wbImplementation.pas, line 4201"


google gives me nothing. any ideas?


I have small merge questions:


is there a reason all the small settlement mod plugins cannot be merged? I mean Karthwasten, Ivarstead etc, that entire bundle from the guide.


is there a reason most Requiem patches cannot be merged?

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