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Everything posted by Hackfield

  1. Hi, Hackfield here! First and foremost, thank you for accepting my mod, it's a huge honor to have a place in the list that taught me how to mod my game back in 2013. Second, a couple of news: I'll soon release version 0.9 of the mod, including the ability to set Confidence and Aggressiveness of owned horses in the MCM (defaults will be Cautious and Unaggressive, just like in vanilla) Also, in version 0.9, I'll be finally adding the ability for horses to equip given saddles. Nothing fancy tho, horses will equip the last saddle you place in their inventory, kinda like what followers do if you give them a better gear than what they have. This feature will require Keyword Item Distributor and Papyrus Extender to work, however, they're completely optional, in the case someone is not interested in saddles, they can just skip these two requirements and the mod will work as usual. I'm always open to feedback and suggestions, and thanks again for considering my little mod.
  2. Sorry to break here, but I feel this might be interesting, specially in a big guide like this one https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/ag4wm7/psa_the_reference_handle_cap_or_diagnosing_one_of/
  3. This is a known issue with kryptopyr's Stealth Skills Rebalanced Pertinent Post: https://forum.step-project.com/topic/4588-helmet-in-characted-creation/?p=77047 I believe there is some conflict between scripts that run at the start of the game, probably the one that gives the player the prisoner outfit.
  4. True, I'm holding to play SE, but I'm looking for mods to have a decent build when I start my playtrough. But now I'm really starting to lose hope on SKSE64, it's been so long already and the info we got is nothing but discouraging, I'm thinking of going back to Classic, but I'm in a crossroad now, I don't know which will bother me the most, constant CTDs, long loadscreens and stutters when loading cells, or not having hotkeys and widgets. Anyway, another good thing about Tempered Skins is the mod author also made a female counterpart, which is really cool because it keeps the consistency of skins across gender (usually, if you mix match skins you end up having females with very pale skin and males with a more redish or dark tone)
  5. For SSE I suggest Tempered Skins for Males, it has several options to make males look more realistic and not like j-pop idols.
  6. In my case, I use both CK and xEdit at the same time. For some reason, there is no option in the CK to only see what the plugin modifies.So I use xEdit to modify most things and have an overall view of my plugin. Then I use the CK to add/edit things that I can't in xEdit (quests/scripts/etc).That's why I often open the CK several times in a short period. As for the warnings, the base game warning are so many that if my plugin has a issue, the message will be lost in the myriad of warnings, I'll probably find the issue myself before realise the CK shoots me a warning.
  7. Another really useful line for the CK, specially for those who open the CK multiple times an hour. [Messages] bBlockMessageBoxes=1It disables the warnings when you opened the CK
  8. I'm looking at those ini settings. I don't know if I get this right but, all those AO, Bloom, Lensflare and Tonemapping settings, does it mean that by editing those setting we can create something like a reshade without a third party application, just sharing ini settings?
  9. Dear friend, you just crushed my heart :'( I'm using them without problem, bijin npcs, warmaidens, wifes, seranaholic + valerica and toccata as elisif, all working fine. The ordinary women works fine too, if you're wondering
  10. I'm using all Bijin replacers and so far they work OK in SSE.
  11. I'm also waiting for kryptopyr's, did she said anything about porting her stuff? I really miss Disparity. I also noticed she changed her username here, is she gone?
  12. It's been awhile since I played the original Skyrim, but didn't caps lock toggle walk/run, same as keeping shift pressed?
  13. I concur with everything you said, I already replaced some texture (Rustic Clothing, can't play without it anymore) Also, alt toggling sprint is new, it's the default behavior in Fallout 4, and I personally like it, since keeping alt to sprint and pressing spacebar to jump at the same time was a challenge :P
  14. I saw you talking about DEF_UI, so, shameless plug here, I made a compact DEF_UI preset, it's mainly for endgame and it works great on FROST. Compact HUD - DEF_UI Preset Since iHud is not at its full potential, I made this preset in a way that can be immersive without using iHud (i.e. if you are healthy and not in combat, your screen should be clean)
  15. Unlimited Survival Activations is unfortunatly outdated, since the pacth, which introduced a new mainmenu.swf Survival Menu Save Enable is updated to the latest version.
  16. I don't know if it was posted already, but I saw a lot of you trying to find a replacement to the survival mode save system. I recommend this mod Survival Menu Save Enable by sely1337 It just replaces de main menu swf to let you save and quicksave in survival mode just like in the others dificulties.
  17. If it helps, the author, fadingsignal, wrote an article about the mods he uses in complement to his mods https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/articles/49987/? He recommends True Daughters of Skyrim, although I prefer a slighty modified version of Pride of Valhalla (which is a mix between Mature Skin and Real Girls).
  18. Aparently, the second can be fixed following this instructions https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3238444-skyrim-enhanced-high-polygons-uunp-bodyslide/page-20&do=findComment&comment=34069445
  19. Last time I tried Skyrim Enhanced UUNP, long skirts (blacksmith, farmer and barkeeper clothes) and robes were broken between the legs and behaved like trousers, is this still happening? That was one of the reasons I had to move to CBBE, that and the rogue vertex flying to the infinite (You could see the shadow of the vertex as a black line moving out from certain NPCs).
  20. If you're looking for a different bodies, the optimal way is downloading Bodyslide, Bodyslided vanilla armors and clothes and Racemenu. Racemenu comes with a feature called BodyGen (very very powerfull tool), where you can specify a type of body for each race or even each NPC. You can learn about this here (NSFW Link): https://www.loverslab.com/topic/53531-unofficial-bodygen-docs/ Here is an example, SFW, not so brutal. All of them are weight 50, and you can see how the khajiit arms and legs are way thinner than the orc's and nord's, the redguard butt is bigger than the rest, Orc's breast is flat compared to redguard's and so on. https://imgur.com/a/U4BJr I'll try to upload a more drastic comparision, like an elder and a fat preset, if you want to compare.
  21. I'm having a nice time with STLM 2.2.1, godrays are not as awesome as in vanilla, but I compared the game with and without it and I got to say that the overall image is way better for me. Here is a video from Hodi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=53UgxRraxio Another recommended mods are: Immersive Sounds fixes several sound problems ( I've deleted the "Place of Power FX" as indicated in the description ) Lip Movement and HiRes Shadows on NPCs in gameplay Does what the name suggests
  22. I can't remember if driver takes precedence over enb, I think I read it in one of the threads, probably this one https://forum.step-project.com/topic/6532-new-step-vsync-settings-all-step-users-affected/ Also, as reference, see this post https://forum.step-project.com/topic/4544-vsync-in-enboost-not-working/?p=78091 Sorry for the late response, I'm at work and I can't reply straight away. Yes, if you use Gsync, you should disable Vsync.
  23. You are actually disabling Vsync this way. Vsync, as the name suggests, synchronizes the vertical alignment according to the hertz in your monitor, if your game doesn't reach the 60fps (60hertz) Vsync will drop it to the next sync step, in this case, 30fps (60hertz /2), this way you don't experience tearing from frames being drawn faster than the monitor's refresh rate. If you disable Vsync, you will gain a few fps, more than 30, but less than 60 (in your case, around 50) but you will experience image tearing. Also, be sure to limit the fps to 60 if you use this method, since Vsync is turned off, you can experience more than 60fps en some interior cells, which is not good with havok. In short: enblocal Vsync works as intended, you are just disabling Vsync.
  24. I got mine at 4 (the minimun according to Boris) and everything works perfect, although I'm not using a full ENB (I have UseDefferedRendering set to false)
  25. I found it a while ago, and I had to calibrate my display all over again. The worst thing: it keeps resetting to its default "limited range" each time you update the display drivers.
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