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Everything posted by gamingsrc

  1. I will follow your suggestions sheson. But I would mention that Skyrim system could be a very sensible thing. I remember some years ago that I was getting some serious bugs of quest developing of Dawnguard Questline. After tedious investigation I found that a change of diversification of Vampire Fledging was causing it. Things that apparently had nothing to with each other. Add to this, how many users play the thieves guild jobs (TG and DB are two expertise factions I play exclusively since 2011) and aware of the source of the bug and report it. I wasted 10 days to investigate this.
  2. Didn't read all the thread but I can confirm the following bug: Dyndolod Dll NG 32 and 33 cause issues with the thieves guild jobs. If you get a "number job" from Delvin, the quest marker appear in the map and the ledger can be activated. But if you save your game and load the save, the quest marker disappear from the map and the ledger is not activable. Dyndolod Dll NG 32 and 33 particularly cause issues with Thieves Can Be Choosers mod. Building Dyndolod with PapyrusUtils cause no issues in the other side. That what I was doing for years, until recently when I converted to Dyndolod Dll NG. Tested thoroughly by reinstalling Skyrim from scratch and testing the mods one by one.
  3. In my opinion this mod should be moved to base fixes of the game in the same level as SSE Engine fixes. Its even more important than display tweaks.
  4. Discussion topic: CritterSpawn Congestion Fix by Excinerus Wiki Link I'm quite surprised none discussed this mod anywhere in Step Forums. I'm quite confident the mod add further stability in the game especially with some poorly modded CC creations like CC Fishing. These critter spawn lead to a lot of engine dumping stacks which lead to instability (system freeze, frequent CTDs).
  5. I don't use MO2 or Vortex as well and I'm using WB since the release of Skyrim. The only way to install this mod under WB is to follow these rules: 1. Install FNIS as intended 2. Install Nemesis as intended 3. Decompress manually Pandora.zip archive into skyrim data folder (7z recommended): <Skyrim>\Data overwriting anything in the folders "Nemesis_Engine". You will have Pandora EXE (and dlls) in the folder <Skyrim>\Data This is the natural way intended by the mod not using symlink/ virtual folders technique of Vortex/MO2. It worked great for me for weeks, until I noticed a lag WB detection of files and one day I was getting a system freeze every time I try to draw my bow using the "Eagle Eye" perk.I Never had anything like that for 10 years. From that day I reverted to use Nemesis only. Bottom line: 1. Dont load too much animations in your system 2. The author target only Vortex/MO2 users (its quite clear from his installation description)
  6. For point 1, the game was set so that the vampire thrall should be hostile to player faction in most situations. I refrained from changing their relationship following the same philosophy as you said, but it evolved to some situations in dungeons where you ask "why are all these vampire thralls there, their presence is pointless?". There should do an advanced mechanic to controle the thralls, the game don't have it. Bethesda set them to "very aggressive" (as bandits) so simplify things. As for the point 2, I strongly apologize (I'm getting caught by some amnesia lol), it's a vanilla behavior as pointed by these pages: https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Durak https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Celann etc.
  7. I strongly doubt there are a lot of people that tested thoroughly this mod. For now I have recognized two issues: 1) Vampire Thrall Faction should be set at almost the same relationship as normal vampires. A lot of vanilla quests are built for them to be agressive toward the player: Haemar's Shame dungeon for DA03 Forebears' Holdout for DLC1VQ03Hunter are two examples of dungeons showing that the vampire thrall should be agressive toward the player. 2) After the end of "DLC1HunterBaseIntro" (A New Order), most Dawnguard members becomes available as followers (Agmaer, Celann, Durak ... etc). This is because they are already in the PotentialFollowerFaction and this faction mod make them friendly with the player. The two condition that in vanilla allow a NPC to becomes a follower. There is a work around this, we can remove from PotentialFollowerFaction all dawnguard members that are in vanilla in it, then add a quest or a trigger zone so that they are added to PotentialFollowerFaction at the end of the main DG quest.
  8. I have added the following line Skyrim.esm;0010FDBF;CollisionMarker in my "DynDOLOD_SSE_childworldlod_Tamriel". Somehow that vanilla collision record (near west Windhelm walls) was restored in a temporary way by dyndolod. You are "blocked" by the collision marker the first time, but if you save the game at the same spot and load the game, the collision disappear. I tested my tweak and it worked. I have also another records from "JK Skyrim" that should be disabled by Dyndolod (always related to Windhelm Market and the west wall of windhelm).
  9. I'm playing with vanilla drop game settings since ages: 100% in that game settings mean 10% of chance to drop a weapon/shield. No bloat. Edit. I don't report anything to that project, simply because I'm against AIO (all in one) fix solutions for games.
  10. I want really to say something about the "flora respawn" fix in this mod: It only restore vanilla respawn flag on flora/tree on cell that have respawned. 1) If you ever enter a cell before it was respawned, the flora respawn delay is reset. 2) Flora/trees never respawn on dungeons/cells that nerver respawn. (e.g. ustengrav or snow veil sanctum or dawnstarsanctuary). This is exactly what solve the mod "Flora respawn fix". With that mod installed, flora/trees respawn on conditions (1) and (2) above. I would also add the following: 3) The idea that placeatme commands cause bloats in games is wrong and comes from TES 4 game which was another game engine. Skyrim saves are only altered by plugins and things that are controlled by scripts or persistent. The unofficial Skyrim Patch have done an error when they changed the game setting: iDeathDropWeaponChance they have no idea what do that game setting and certainly not what they think.
  11. It's "Animal Tweaks" mod that is behind the bandit conflict I got yesterday. Animal tweak mod tweak animal factions and do it in a good way. But seriously Bethesda should not joke with the Game as they did with TES V. Now they have Microsoft behind them I hope they do something more serious about Factions and gameplay in general.
  12. By the way, yesterday when I was tweaking I was thinking about VigilantOfStendarrFaction Should they consider the DragonFaction as their enemy? Or maybe Dragons is a new theme that don't belongs in the Books of the Vigilant of Stendarr. (they talk about chasing others abominations...)
  13. Honestly I was very enthusiastic about the mod. Maybe it was my load order of mods that played against. I'm going to redo the work and check my load of mods. (It takes time because the mod conflict with other overhauls).
  14. Have you ever tested this mod? or asked why the mod author closed the forum of discussion in nexus? Well on my end I spent 12 hours of time to discover what it do.
  15. Upgraded to EVT v2.2.1 Basic (made an error of choice previously by choosing the custom version). In my configuration I put the following: Obviously, I'm not going to use the sophisticated FOMOD installer imposed by the author which hide a lot of things. (Could the mod author explain to us why the game becomes "unstable" if we choose to overwrite some threes meshes?) I my WB config I separated the tree meshes in 3 parts: 00 FML - Trees - EVT Conflict\meshes\landscape\trees\ (24 meshes) This is the conflicting part of the mod with EVT 2.2.1 (not to overwrite) 00 FML - Trees - EVT Conflict Overwrite\ (2 meshes) (WIP) conflicting part with EVT that I choose to overwrite. 00 FML - Trees - EVT No Conflict The part of "Fixed Lighting Meshes" that do not conflict with EVT.
  16. The mod author do a lot of work in this mod but unfortunately I dont see myself using this mod in the near future. I try hard to convince my self but not, the esthetic of assets look out off place in the game like these flames who are in no way realistic:
  17. There is component in v1.7 update not found in v1.8: textures\dlc01\architecture\dawnguard\dfloor01.dds Not sure why this texture (11 MB) was left over from v1.7. It looks quite great compared with raiserfx work "Dawnguard Fortress Improved".
  18. The slow effects in the new version works as intended. This is a huge step forward.
  19. Well I didn't clean my Game master for three months and I didn't get any CTD. However I was surprised that a part of Apocrypha cell disappeared after cleaning some masters.
  20. Is it normal the log give these errors? Error: File not found textures\clutter\common\ruground02_n.dds I installed both RUGNAROK and RaiserFX Detailed Rugs and none has this normal texture. I think the system don't use it in the nif files but rather another normal texture. Also DynDOLOD suggest to clean Skyrim Masters. File Updates.esm come from Bethesda and is a low-level game system file and claiming to clean it with a tool like xEdit has no academic documentation.
  21. Upgraded yesterday to version 3.00 alpha 78. I got the first time the "OpenGL error...", then I figured that I used "TexGen.exe" not "TexGen64.exe". I rebooted the PC and used TexGen64.exe and everything worked fine. I was happy to find that the College of Winterhold LOD flickering was fixed, as well as the Windhelm Main door step issue fixed. Thank you for this great work.
  22. I need to test the speed update fix in my next game-play.
  23. I've seen this mod some days ago. I dont know at what time I will test it. Dialogue mods addon should be taken very carefully though that seems to be the expertise of this mod author.
  24. I upgraded yesterday to DynDOLOD 3.00 and the result combined with this mod was mind blowing. Especially the occlusion addon.
  25. I use RDO but my own tweaked version. RDO do a lot of things better than USSP. For example USSP do a dirty edit in DialogueFollower.psc to solve a Dialogue issue about Mjoll, while RDO solves it in a natural way using dialogue conditions. There is also a conflict about a change done DLC2 Dragonborn in one of the College of Winterhold students. The approach of RDO is better. One thing to take in account is to tweak Default Idle dialogues to let them less frequent. Example of that "Lydia asking you if you are married", a young eager voice complaining frequently about finding her hero (should the player?!) or asking you if you have something special for a women to wear. I have almost zeroed the probability to get these kind of comments in my game.
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